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Players complaing about Staff and MCSG 1.8 (2.0)


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
1.8 is making the community even more grumpy thinking that it's this huge update and ruined everything...


Mar 31, 2014
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Okay, it seems that I might have written this thread heavily based on my personal opinions. What I was trying to put out there was that I get really angry sometimes with the attitudes from some players regarding the bugs as they have obviously have not read the forums to understand what has been going on. All I wanted to say was that before giving a complaint or whining about something, get some background information from the Staff's circumstances. I made this thread in a release of rage so some things I said was a bit too over the top but that's just me. ;)


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
It's two-sided really. We are all different, not all mods will be as we (as players) expect them to be. Mods can be rude and selfish, but so can the players. No one is better than the others. Sometimes the mods at stupid, other times it's the players. Because we are all different, we will react differently to things. Story from when I was a mod: I was sitting on the Ts and hunting dem hackers in game, suddenly I need to pee, so i leave the computer for 2 mins (when you have to, you have to), while I'm gone, a person starts poking mods about trouble in one of the ts channels. I came back and saw that another mod was already there, so I just poke the person back saying that I was gone for a minute and I was sorry that I didn't get there. 5-10 minutes passes, the mod is still in the channel, but then the person who in the first place asked for help, pokes me again asking if I can come down there, for the mod who joined didn't help, he didn't really say anything, he couldn't get control of the situation. I go down there and after I got there, the mod pokes me "You got this, I have to do something". I get control of the situation and solve the problem. The point of the story is, that mods are different, the person who asked me to come down and take over was mad the the mod who didn't do anything, I know for a fact that the mod who was there in the first place is super nice and spend a lot of time hunting hackers, but he is not very good at solving fight on ts. There will always be something we are better at. Yes mods can disappoint you, because some aren't good at solving ts-fight, but it doesn't make them a bad mod. Mods can make mistakes, but so can the players. Second story: I was on the ts. A player contact me and tells me that he have been unfairly banned and wants to talk about it, that's fair enough. I drag him up to mu channel and we look at the evidence (he was clearly water walking), but he said it was optifine and that it was okay to have that. I told him it wasn't optifine and that if he really believes he wasn't hacking he could make a ban-dispute, then he started swearing at me, telling me to do my job and unban him or he'll report me to an admin. The point is, that I'm just following rules, but because I can't do what he wants me to do, he thinks I was a bad mod and I got disappointed. We all make mistakes, this whole war that is going on between mods and players is absurd, both sides smells, non of them is better than the other, to make this community work, we kinda need players and mods, if we remove one sides, things will smell, be nice to each other. bum.


District 13
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score
....but it seems that many players are forgetting the fact that MCSG is NOT run by bots or servants or slaves. They are living, breathing people who have other priorities in life such as work, school, or possibly a career in something they can make money for besides playing a game.
Thankyou. I love you!


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Mod's Perspective:
Maybe there's a hacker in this game, so I'll try to find one.
In-Game Player's Perspective:
LeafyBlueTea is hacking, and the mod isn't doing anything!

Mod's Reaction:
Thanks for telling me about them.
In-Game Player's Perspective:


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
It's two-sided really. We are all different, not all mods will be as we (as players) expect them to be. Mods can be rude and selfish, but so can the players. No one is better than the others. Sometimes the mods at stupid, other times it's the players. Because we are all different, we will react differently to things. Story from when I was a mod: I was sitting on the Ts and hunting dem hackers in game, suddenly I need to pee, so i leave the computer for 2 mins (when you have to, you have to), while I'm gone, a person starts poking mods about trouble in one of the ts channels. I came back and saw that another mod was already there, so I just poke the person back saying that I was gone for a minute and I was sorry that I didn't get there. 5-10 minutes passes, the mod is still in the channel, but then the person who in the first place asked for help, pokes me again asking if I can come down there, for the mod who joined didn't help, he didn't really say anything, he couldn't get control of the situation. I go down there and after I got there, the mod pokes me "You got this, I have to do something". I get control of the situation and solve the problem. The point of the story is, that mods are different, the person who asked me to come down and take over was mad the the mod who didn't do anything, I know for a fact that the mod who was there in the first place is super nice and spend a lot of time hunting hackers, but he is not very good at solving fight on ts. There will always be something we are better at. Yes mods can disappoint you, because some aren't good at solving ts-fight, but it doesn't make them a bad mod. Mods can make mistakes, but so can the players. Second story: I was on the ts. A player contact me and tells me that he have been unfairly banned and wants to talk about it, that's fair enough. I drag him up to mu channel and we look at the evidence (he was clearly water walking), but he said it was optifine and that it was okay to have that. I told him it wasn't optifine and that if he really believes he wasn't hacking he could make a ban-dispute, then he started swearing at me, telling me to do my job and unban him or he'll report me to an admin. The point is, that I'm just following rules, but because I can't do what he wants me to do, he thinks I was a bad mod and I got disappointed. We all make mistakes, this whole war that is going on between mods and players is absurd, both sides smells, non of them is better than the other, to make this community work, we kinda need players and mods, if we remove one sides, things will smell, be nice to each other. bum.
I understand how you feel. The point of the thread was aimed at the Mods who were doing their job and I assumed that the mods that weren't would be demoted because of that reason. I'm not well informed on the situation between mods and players as I'm not part of the staff community. I just wrote was I thought was happening. Thank you for the feedback anyways ;)


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I complain about 1.8 daily because it has ruined pvp, I don't care about your opinion whether it's good or not. I personally hate it and so do many others.
Alright, so why are you doing here if you don't care about my opinions? 1.8 is Minecraft NOT MCSG.

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