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How to stop random internet lag spikes?

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Oct 11, 2014
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One thing that actually happened to me had nothing to do with my internet. I was experiencing the same issues. Turned out that my RAM allocation was too small, and Minecraft would stop for a moment every few seconds in order to have the game catch up. You can test if this is happening to you by:
1. Going into game, and waiting for the lag spikes.
2. While the lag spikes are occurring, press f3.
3. In the top right, you should see your percentage of memory use.
4. If when Minecraft stops, your percentage nears 100%, and then goes down when Minecraft resumes, this could be your problem.

In order to fix this, you just need to allocate more RAM to Minecraft. This turned out to be my issue, and my resolution.
Hope this helped :)
Very interesting, thank you! I will see if this is my issue right now :)


Aug 20, 2012
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Possible theory, I'll look into it!
I live in eastern US, I basically get the same ping in CA servers and US servers so I can't really play on a different region then those two. This problem started happening recently, and my family barely goes on the internet but when they do, it's to look up basic things, so I don't think that could be the problem.
Next time, instead of making two posts, either use the edit button or reply to both in one post. Thanks :)


Oct 11, 2014
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I don't think mines as bad as yours, but people always call me bad when I shoot up to like 300 ping during a fight :(
My internet just started getting this bad recently, I can barely even play the game anymore and it really sucks ;-;

Next time, instead of making two posts, either use the edit button or reply to both in one post. Thanks :)
I'm sorry, won't happen again!


Jun 30, 2013
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Something that people often forget to do when they initiate panic mode if you will is realizing that often a simple reboot of router + modem + PC and all other internet enabled devices in their home can often cause issues to 'magically disappear'.

For some odd reason, this 'technique' is something that usually fixes intermittent issues, which like yours, has suddenly been brought up out of the blue.

I would suggest you to try and restart/ reboot all internet connected and enabled hardware and devices and see if this fixes your internet lag spike issues.

If for whatever reason, rebooting everything doesn't fix, maybe try to see a list of connected devices on your WiFi, assuming you have a router, and see if something is leeching from your home's internet. Maybe your neighbor has hacked into your internet and is using your bandwidth to their own needs. For example, they might be downloading something whilst you play and your internet might not be able to meet the demands of an on-going download as well as the load of other devices actively using the internet.

If this isn't the issue, I would seek to update software on your computer, often faulty software might have issues and could be causing internet connection based issues. If this isn't the problem, I would see if maybe your parents have downgraded your internet because of reasons such as costs. As you said earlier, your family in general doesn't use the internet too often. Because of this, they might have downgraded your internet plan / provider to a cheaper alternative because in their eyes, the extra cost may not meet their needs for the internet.

Lastly, I would, if you have the ability call up your internet provider and ask if there is a problem with your internet, perhaps your internet / internet provider is having bottle neck issues and they are slowing down the internet to meet client demands.

To end this some-what long post, I hope your issue is resolved quickly! I can understand where you're coming from when you're having to endure lag spikes quite frequently. Heck, because of where I am geographically located in the world, I have a minimum of ~200 ping to pretty much every popular Minecraft server ever and it's rather annoying!


Jan 8, 2015
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Your internet can be effected by how many people are using it, try and get some time to where you can play by yourself and see if it helps at all. If that doesn't help I'd suggest restarting your computer, and disconnecting from your internet and re-connecting.


Oct 11, 2014
Reaction score
Something that people often forget to do when they initiate panic mode if you will is realizing that often a simple reboot of router + modem + PC and all other internet enabled devices in their home can often cause issues to 'magically disappear'.

For some odd reason, this 'technique' is something that usually fixes intermittent issues, which like yours, has suddenly been brought up out of the blue.

I would suggest you to try and restart/ reboot all internet connected and enabled hardware and devices and see if this fixes your internet lag spike issues.

If for whatever reason, rebooting everything doesn't fix, maybe try to see a list of connected devices on your WiFi, assuming you have a router, and see if something is leeching from your home's internet. Maybe your neighbor has hacked into your internet and is using your bandwidth to their own needs. For example, they might be downloading something whilst you play and your internet might not be able to meet the demands of an on-going download as well as the load of other devices actively using the internet.

If this isn't the issue, I would seek to update software on your computer, often faulty software might have issues and could be causing internet connection based issues. If this isn't the problem, I would see if maybe your parents have downgraded your internet because of reasons such as costs. As you said earlier, your family in general doesn't use the internet too often. Because of this, they might have downgraded your internet plan / provider to a cheaper alternative because in their eyes, the extra cost may not meet their needs for the internet.

Lastly, I would, if you have the ability call up your internet provider and ask if there is a problem with your internet, perhaps your internet / internet provider is having bottle neck issues and they are slowing down the internet to meet client demands.

To end this some-what long post, I hope your issue is resolved quickly! I can understand where you're coming from when you're having to endure lag spikes quite frequently. Heck, because of where I am geographically located in the world, I have a minimum of ~200 ping to pretty much every popular Minecraft server ever and it's rather annoying!
My parents have not downgraded our internet plan, and restarting the router will only stop the lag spikes for about 10 minutes. However, recently we got a wifi extender, but since it wasn't helping we returned it, and I have gotten the worst lag spikes ever since. Do you think this could have anything to do with it?

Your internet can be effected by how many people are using it, try and get some time to where you can play by yourself and see if it helps at all. If that doesn't help I'd suggest restarting your computer, and disconnecting from your internet and re-connecting.
Not many people use my internet. I've tried restarting my laptop, but the lag spikes return sooner or later.


Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
My parents have not downgraded our internet plan, and restarting the router will only stop the lag spikes for about 10 minutes. However, recently we got a wifi extender, but since it wasn't helping we returned it, and I have gotten the worst lag spikes ever since. Do you think this could have anything to do with it?

Not many people use my internet. I've tried restarting my laptop, but the lag spikes return sooner or later.
Is it fps or internet lag?
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