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Opinions on the community...

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
A couple of days ago I was talking about how amazing and awesome this community is, but Recently my spirits were lowered when I faced a three way team in solar frost, killed one of them, with far greater stuff then me and they still called me a noob and they ended up boosting by letting one kid win for no reason. But after all, you can't say the whole community is bad from one mishap. I really like this community although at times it can be frustating.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I get told "you can always report" as a response to pointing out hackers and harassers a lot. I don't care to see it since I already know I can always report. It wasn't necessary to comment that.

I haven't seen a thread of this kind before so I definitely don't mean to break rules but we should both be able to agree that the community is important. I'm pretty sure most players like a friendly community to socialize with when playing on a server. MCSG lacks that friendly community in my opinion. Of course there are nice people in the community but a large part of it is just... garbage. Server communities, in some cases, can either turn players away or make them want to play on that server more. I just want the best for MCSG. You might think this thread is spam or not necessary but it is plenty necessary. If this subject is brought to attention then who knows... maybe people can change and just maybe the server will be more enjoyable to play on.
To be blunt, I will put it this way:

What you think is a nuisance, for others it is not. We are all selfish and want to change everything to how we see it perfect, how we think it should be.
Abide to this words:
If you don't like it: Change it; If you can't change it: Live with it; and if you can't live with it: get rid of it.
As simple as that. Everyone is selfish and everyone tries to make the community the best they see fit. I like the community as-is, simply because I can't see myself changing anyone by eloquence. It is a fact. People change with pain, not with simple words.
That being said, this will most likely not change the way you see things; then again, this is my opinion, the way I see things, and the way I take care of things.


Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
To be blunt, I will put it this way:

What you think is a nuisance, for others it is not. We are all selfish and want to change everything to how we see it perfect, how we think it should be.
Abide to this words:
If you don't like it: Change it; If you can't change it: Live with it; and if you can't live with it: get rid of it.
As simple as that. Everyone is selfish and everyone tries to make the community the best they see fit. I like the community as-is, simply because I can't see myself changing anyone by eloquence. It is a fact. People change with pain, not with simple words.
That being said, this will most likely not change the way you see things; then again, this is my opinion, the way I see things, and the way I take care of things.
Well... Thanks for your input and opinions. I kind of agree and kind of disagree. I don't think people will change by being told to change I just think there should be more done about the problems within the community. It could be as simple as adding a filter for words like "ez" and "rekt". My main problem with a lot of the players of MCSG is how rude and disrespectful they are. Hackers and teamers annoy me as well but I understand that they are harder to manage. Mostly hackers because teaming is allowed. (I think there should be a maximum amount of people that can be in a team)


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I'm okay with teams because they provide a challenge.
I'm okay with trash-talkers because they are wasting their own time.
I'm not okay with "ezpz" when you die by a 12 team.

I'm not okay with spending half an hour reporting one hacker in a one hour session, then getting killed by another one that I can't get footage of. I can't even follow him into the next game to record him! Why do I even have to do this in the first place? And I play on US! Freaking US!


Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score
I would say hackers and ddos threats are the worst I really don't deal with the trollers I would just "shake it off".


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Well... Thanks for your input and opinions. I kind of agree and kind of disagree. I don't think people will change by being told to change I just think there should be more done about the problems within the community. It could be as simple as adding a filter for words like "ez" and "rekt". My main problem with a lot of the players of MCSG is how rude and disrespectful they are. Hackers and teamers annoy me as well but I understand that they are harder to manage. Mostly hackers because teaming is allowed. (I think there should be a maximum amount of people that can be in a team)
Just going to say this here: MCSG is very light as far as foul language and disrespect goes. Go ahead and play some CS;GO.
A filter for "wrecked" and "Good Game" or "Easy", etc has already been discussed, and MCGamer doesn't really see it necessary (at least from what I can tell, since they haven't implemented it after many threads about this subject). Personally, it is just gaming slang. It doesn't hurts anyone, really. It doesn't makes someone less of a person for using gaming slang, on a game; or even on real life. lol.


Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score


The teams have gotten larger over my time here in the MCSG community but people are slowly getting better and more experienced on how to take them out. Now that stream teams are more popular some people including me take advantage of that and kill off the entire stream and win the game eZ. Some people team (team of 2) and fairly kill everybody in the game and at the end 1 of the players /kill now some people get that mixed up with boosting and you get into a big argument with them. Boosting is when you get multiple alts in 1 game and all of your alts /kill and you win the game instantly. MCGamer V2 has prevented that with the rotating lobbies system.

There are a lot of tryhards in AU it's really annoying when you get killed by them 3 games in a row. Most tryhards get REALLY good ping so I eventually get over it but it's when those tryhards randy team or team with good players to kill you (imagine your solo) now that is when I get pissed off. Some tryhards get alts and they tryhard those so they get perfect ratios e.g 170/170 (Septology).

The AU community is so bad it is filled with people finding any chance to start flame with anyone. Mods are in 1 in 30 of the games that I play. 60% of the time there are no mods in the hub(s). AU is just filled with teamers, randy teamers, donors, donors who randy team, ping abusers, flame creators but surprisingly enough not that many hackers but there is the occasional toggler. Ya know what pisses me off the most? Players with over 1.5K wins in 3 teams and once they kill you they say eZ gg10 rekt
e.g. knowledgeguy, mingping, 0gordan123 or croe97, dagoose, bugman12


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
This community is literally the worse lmao, Xbox community is better.


Hackers: You can't do anything against them, just record them. They're really annoying and should be IP banned. Yes I know what happened when you IP banned someone, etc. Everyone can help ban hackers! Yes they come back with alts and etc. What if I can't record? Poke a mod on teamspeak, if one is busy it's most likely there dealing with something so poke another. Feel free to use the /report button, it does work.

Forums: People love to haras each other, and clans and clans. The forums aren't like back in the good old days when TheCornStealer, Lulu, Luke Lucas, Arena, etc. There are many troll accounts on the forums as well, a few examples would be: All Xqer Accounts, Any sort of remake of somebody, etc.

Moderators: Personally, I have nothing against any mods, and nobody should as well. Mods are Mods, they work hard and ban as many hackers they can. Think about how many report abuses they get. Would you rather have no mods or mods? Record hackers there easy to do, oh my god i don't have rec device, a often response. Download Bandicam or something, it's free and worth it.

Troll Accounts: I really don't have an issue with this. Really only Xqer accounts bother me.

Harassment: It's very often in this community. There's really nothing you can do about it, except ignore it. If you try to fight back, it will make it worse. I believe there's nothing yo can do if somebody says gg2ezrekt or something, unless they spam it constantly.

Developers and Higher: Where is all the updates you promised? Oh they have bugs and sht, oh we want to have no bugs, etc. You can't even release one update? I understand it takes a while but even one, out of all of the updates? I'm not trying to hate on you guys.

Overall community: 0/10 it's broken and won't be the same, just play csgo, or league much better.

Thanks for reading, sorry 4 language.

10/10 -IGN
feelin' hella special that someone remembers me for good forum posting tbh

My two cents on this-
People need to calm down when it comes to the game itself. This is a block game that doesn't help your life in any way.
Who cares if the guy with the steve skin is bad? You were bad once. The steve skin guy is simply playing a game for enjoyment.
Who cares if the new forum member double posted? DOUBLE POSTING DOESN'T HURT ANY ONE IN ANY WAY. Sure, it's slightly annoying for some people, but seriously- don't go abuse them for double posting. Simply tell them not to do it in a nice, civilised and calm way.
Who cares if they teamed on you? Oh no. Two people teamed in the block game to increase their chance of winning. Oh no. Two people decided to play the game together. Please just learn how to beat them, deal with it or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Hackers? They will never cease to exist. They're just sad people who feel they have to ruin people's game experience to win a minigame within a block game. Which is incredibly sad, seeing as winning Minecraft minigames doesn't better you or your life. Get a staff member to ban them or record and report them yourself. Simple.

Literally the entire chat when in a game of MCSG is people complaining about teams, hackers, lag or how bad their computer is, and it's usually to make excuses for why their stats are bad. Maybe accept the fact you aren't so great at this or shut up and try to solve the problems. It's really frustrating seeing everyone being all angry over everything in this game. Go outside or something if you're really getting worked up. Or go play CoD. Although playing CoD will probably make you angrier.


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Harassment is my main concern. When I first applied for staff, one of my main goals was to reduce the amount of harassment within the community. I wanted to do this in hope of shining some light upon the community by making it a more positive place. I also wanted to make it known that in cases where people were being harassed, that they could come and talk to me privately so that I can help remove them from those types of situations as quickly and safely as possible. I just find the community, in general, to be a dark, mean place. I cannot wait to return so that I can further improve the community for this reason specifically.

Edit: In addition to what Lululioness said:

Exactly. As someone who truly does enjoy the company of the community, I still get annoyed by some of the community members. These people are always running around the hub, ranting that the Moderators, or the Staff Team in general, do not do their jobs regarding hackers. Let me just say this, they are all hypocritical people. They have the audacity to go around and judge the staff team because they are not doing their job, but they not taking initiative to help them out by either informing them of the hackers, either with /report, telling them in game, poking them on TeamSpeak, or recording them, but instead, they would rather yell at and blame the staff? I do not see how that is fair. It is up to them as community members to help the staff too and make it an enjoyable place for everyone to entertain themselves. Without a group effort to make a change, it is less likely that there will be a visible difference within the community. This goes with any situation within the community and people really need to understand this.
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2015
Reaction score
I just keep to myself. From previous experience, it's probably the best thing to do :)


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
feelin' hella special that someone remembers me for good forum posting tbh

My two cents on this-
People need to calm down when it comes to the game itself. This is a block game that doesn't help your life in any way.
Who cares if the guy with the steve skin is bad? You were bad once. The steve skin guy is simply playing a game for enjoyment.
Who cares if the new forum member double posted? DOUBLE POSTING DOESN'T HURT ANY ONE IN ANY WAY. Sure, it's slightly annoying for some people, but seriously- don't go abuse them for double posting. Simply tell them not to do it in a nice, civilised and calm way.
Who cares if they teamed on you? Oh no. Two people teamed in the block game to increase their chance of winning. Oh no. Two people decided to play the game together. Please just learn how to beat them, deal with it or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Hackers? They will never cease to exist. They're just sad people who feel they have to ruin people's game experience to win a minigame within a block game. Which is incredibly sad, seeing as winning Minecraft minigames doesn't better you or your life. Get a staff member to ban them or record and report them yourself. Simple.

Literally the entire chat when in a game of MCSG is people complaining about teams, hackers, lag or how bad their computer is, and it's usually to make excuses for why their stats are bad. Maybe accept the fact you aren't so great at this or shut up and try to solve the problems. It's really frustrating seeing everyone being all angry over everything in this game. Go outside or something if you're really getting worked up. Or go play CoD. Although playing CoD will probably make you angrier.

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