• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

Opinions on the community...


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Please do not double post.
What is it not allowed, I was replying to his forum. By the way you already posted on this forum and then quoted mine I believe that is considered double posting?


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
What is it not allowed, I was replying to his forum. By the way you already posted on this forum and then quoted mine I believe that is considered double posting?
It is a rule. You aren't supposed to post twice IN A ROW,it is ok to post twice if someone posts before you post again.


Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
This community is literally the worse lmao, Xbox community is better.


Hackers: You can't do anything against them, just record them. They're really annoying and should be IP banned. Yes I know what happened when you IP banned someone, etc. Everyone can help ban hackers! Yes they come back with alts and etc. What if I can't record? Poke a mod on teamspeak, if one is busy it's most likely there dealing with something so poke another. Feel free to use the /report button, it does work.

Forums: People love to haras each other, and clans and clans. The forums aren't like back in the good old days when TheCornStealer, Lulu, Luke Lucas, Arena, etc. There are many troll accounts on the forums as well, a few examples would be: All Xqer Accounts, Any sort of remake of somebody, etc.

Moderators: Personally, I have nothing against any mods, and nobody should as well. Mods are Mods, they work hard and ban as many hackers they can. Think about how many report abuses they get. Would you rather have no mods or mods? Record hackers there easy to do, oh my god i don't have rec device, a often response. Download Bandicam or something, it's free and worth it.

Troll Accounts: I really don't have an issue with this. Really only Xqer accounts bother me.

Harassment: It's very often in this community. There's really nothing you can do about it, except ignore it. If you try to fight back, it will make it worse. I believe there's nothing yo can do if somebody says gg2ezrekt or something, unless they spam it constantly.

Developers and Higher: Where is all the updates you promised? Oh they have bugs and sht, oh we want to have no bugs, etc. You can't even release one update? I understand it takes a while but even one, out of all of the updates? I'm not trying to hate on you guys.

Overall community: 0/10 it's broken and won't be the same, just play csgo, or league much better.

Thanks for reading, sorry 4 language.

10/10 -IGN
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Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
This community is literally the worse lmao, Xbox community is better.

Hackers: You can't do anything against them, just record them. They're really annoying and should be IP banned. Yes I know what happened when you IP banned someone, etc. Everyone can help ban hackers! Yes they come back with alts and etc. What if I can't record? Poke a mod on teamspeak, if one is busy it's most likely there dealing with something so poke another. Feel free to use the /report button, it does work.

Forums: People love to haras each other, and clans and clans. The forums aren't like back in the good old days when TheCornStealer, Lulu, Luke Lucas, Arena, etc. There are many troll accounts on the forums as well, a few examples would be: All Xqer Accounts, Any sort of remake of somebody, etc.

Moderators: Personally, I have nothing against any mods, and nobody should as well. Mods are Mods, they work hard and ban as many hackers they can. Think about how many report abuses they get. Would you rather have no mods or mods? Record hackers there easy to do, oh my god i don't have rec device, a often response. Download Bandicam or something, it's free and worth it.

Troll Accounts: I really don't have an issue with this. Really only Xqer accounts bother me.

Harassment: It's very often in this community. There's really nothing you can do about it, except ignore it. If you try to fight back, it will make it worse. I believe there's nothing yo can do if somebody says gg2ezrekt or something, unless they spam it constantly.

Developers and Higher: Where is all the updates you promised? Oh they have bugs and sht, oh we want to have no bugs, etc. You can't even release one update? I understand it takes a while but even one, out of all of the updates? I'm not trying to hate on you guys.

Overall community: 0/10 it's broken and won't be the same, just play csgo, or league much better.

Thanks for reading, sorry 4 language.

10/10 -IGN
that's why i play CSGO most of time and hockey.
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District 13
Dec 26, 2014
Reaction score
Try-hards - Well, most of the people in the community hate ''Try-Harder's'', which is really stupid tbh. They are just trying to win the game, just like you! The difference is that they give their best to win, since you're probably playing for fun, you think they are ruining your entertainment. But they are actually not, as I said they are just trying to win the game.

Teamers - I urge you to report all the hackers you see, the moderators do there best to keep the servers clean, but it is up to the player, who spends the most time in games, to record and then report abusers of hacked clients. Then, the moderators will take it from there, and deal a ban upon a player that deserves it. The moderators don't always have to be doing the recording.
I just want to say one more thing quickly. When there is a hacker on the servers, that does not mean that the moderators are doing a bad job. Mods cannot see players with hacked clients before they join a lobby, and just choose not to ban them, because they are "corrupt" as many people say. In fact, a player not recording a hacker is more annoying to the other players and means that the hacker can ruin more games. If the first player to see a hacker recorded him or poked a moderator right away, banning would be super efficient.
Just remember, someone has to be the first one to see a hacker and should do their part in the community to record and report them. Everyone takes a turn in getting killed by a hacker, and should deal with them appropriately.
I urge the community to take this advice.

Hackers are just ridiculous. Using fake skill to gets fake wins to make themselves feel better about themselves. Hackers will always be around no matter what. It's just the way it's going to be :/

Community - As many of you have know that MCSG is going to a terrible direction such as players are being "cocky" and taking this game way too far. Honestly, this message is towards the Players that need to stop saying these kind of stuff that can really make people get pissed off. It would be wonderful if people could stop doing these kind of comments towards other MCSG players that are trying to have fun over a game over the internet. Please keep you're comments towards your self, before saying it out in public. All I was trying to do is take out this 2-3 man team and all they do is say this kind "hurtful" comments towards me. I don't care if it is over a game, it really does bother me a lot. Although, I don't know if people realize people have certain problems or certain things that a small chance of people get not even often. You never know that millions of people play this game and half or 1/4 of those people might even have special needs. Since they could have a terrible childhood, and they want to play this game just cheer them up even they have sad/bad days everyday. Please take this a consideration and stop the hurtful or "cocky" comments towards you're self. It really can make some people pissed off even though it's a "GAME!"


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
just wondering but are you attempting to start a flame war? Cause I prefer to not be in these. Also to answer that part I have been on 5 forums, have been one this one for over a year,and have over 1000 posts. So I ask you stop the behavior bbs22201 or...suffer the consequences >=) (or in other words mod intervention).


Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
Things like this is hat makes me do this. Trust me, you won't expect it.

The hackers on MCG US are getting worse every day and they need a new plugin to get rid of some hackers like Badlion *cough cough when is US clean sweep... never*
Badlion and MCGamer all have it's pro's and con's. Things will always indifferent with servers you play on.

To your point with the clean sweep, I've seen worse. Going on the EU servers (during the clean sweep) there are hackers on almost all games you play.

Lastly the "eZ" thing is really annoying unless its a 4 team and you kill them then thats a nice thing to say... xD.
Highly disrespectful. I can't tell you how much of a hypocrite you look like saying this.

I'd rather not spend 3 hours of my time reporting people who are only going to get muted for a hour maybe day at the most and recording every hacker I see
Wait? Let's look at your typing speed: http://prntscr.com/5twyxp

You can also poke a staff member on TeamSpeak about it if it's really that hard to report people.

and recording every hacker I see when my whole point was to play MCSG not to play Staff.

You can choose to help out the community by doing that.


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Did you even read what I said? xD And if so many people complain about it shouldn't something be done about it?
I did read what you said, and that's why I said my response. If you want responses to your threads of people's opinions then let them say it and don't question what they say. Just something to learn for the future


Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
This community is literally the worse lmao, Xbox community is better.


Hackers: You can't do anything against them, just record them. They're really annoying and should be IP banned. Yes I know what happened when you IP banned someone, etc. Everyone can help ban hackers! Yes they come back with alts and etc. What if I can't record? Poke a mod on teamspeak, if one is busy it's most likely there dealing with something so poke another. Feel free to use the /report button, it does work.

Forums: People love to haras each other, and clans and clans. The forums aren't like back in the good old days when TheCornStealer, Lulu, Luke Lucas, Arena, etc. There are many troll accounts on the forums as well, a few examples would be: All Xqer Accounts, Any sort of remake of somebody, etc.

Moderators: Personally, I have nothing against any mods, and nobody should as well. Mods are Mods, they work hard and ban as many hackers they can. Think about how many report abuses they get. Would you rather have no mods or mods? Record hackers there easy to do, oh my god i don't have rec device, a often response. Download Bandicam or something, it's free and worth it.

Troll Accounts: I really don't have an issue with this. Really only Xqer accounts bother me.

Harassment: It's very often in this community. There's really nothing you can do about it, except ignore it. If you try to fight back, it will make it worse. I believe there's nothing yo can do if somebody says gg2ezrekt or something, unless they spam it constantly.

Developers and Higher: Where is all the updates you promised? Oh they have bugs and sht, oh we want to have no bugs, etc. You can't even release one update? I understand it takes a while but even one, out of all of the updates? I'm not trying to hate on you guys.

Overall community: 0/10 it's broken and won't be the same, just play csgo, or league much better.

Thanks for reading, sorry 4 language.

10/10 -IGN
that snip tho


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Any community is expected to change. Just by the simple fact that people move on, the community will continue to abide to changes.
Complaining won't change this fact, neither change the peoples' choices of staying or leaving. Older members of this community start leaving and new ones come and take charge of it. And once this process happens, old players like us are baffled because of all the changes that are happening.

I think everyone's attachment to a community should be unconditional. Because once you're attached and start seeing changes, you really won't like it.

Teaming: As anyone has stated above me, it's just a natural thing of the game. If you don't like it, don't play the game. As simple as that. Also, MCGamer has many other games that you can play too. And if you want to continue playing, then come up with a way of killing teams.

Hackers: The exact same as when I started. Complaining won't make a difference either. On my time, people would complain about this too.

To be honest, I can easily say this thread breaks the two following rules:

3. Do not replicate or repost a thread: It is very irritating having to respond with the same response to multiple threads about the same thing.

  • Please use the search function to see if a topic have already been posted before you post a thread. Previous threads might have already answered/responded to the thread you plan on posting.
  • If a previous thread has been locked or deleted for a reason, do not bring it back up. If you are curious about why a thread was locked or deleted, ask a moderator.
5. Do not post pointless threads/posts: Threads/posts that serve no purpose other than spamming and starting arguments are not allowed.
  • An example is posts that simply say "First!", "Second!", etc. These posts will be deleted on sight, as they are pointless and do not add anything to the discussion.
There are so many threads of this already, and making one more won't make a difference.
I can easily say its pointless because there are so many threads of this topic, that it just becomes spam at some point.

"But I was just saying my opinion" You say? Your opinion is ordinary and nothing that I haven't already seen on the other countless threads of people blabbering about things they hate.
If you hate something: change it; If you can't change it: live with it. And if you can't live with it: move on.
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Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
I did read what you said, and that's why I said my response. If you want responses to your threads of people's opinions then let them say it and don't question what they say. Just something to learn for the future
I get told "you can always report" as a response to pointing out hackers and harassers a lot. I don't care to see it since I already know I can always report. It wasn't necessary to comment that.
Any community is expected to change. Just by the simple fact that people move on, the community will continue to abide to changes.
Complaining won't change this fact, neither change the peoples' choices of staying or leaving. Older members of this community start leaving and new ones come and take charge of it. And once this process happens, old players like us are baffled because of all the changes that are happening.

I think everyone's attachment to a community should be unconditional. Because once you're attached and start seeing changes, you really won't like it.

Teaming: As anyone has stated above me, it's just a natural thing of the game. If you don't like it, don't play the game. As simple as that. Also, MCGamer has many other games that you can play too. And if you want to continue playing, then come up with a way of killing teams.

Hackers: The exact same as when I started. Complaining won't make a difference either. On my time, people would complain about this too.

To be honest, I can easily say this thread breaks the two following rules:

There are so many threads of this already, and making one more won't make a difference.
I can easily say its pointless because there are so many threads of this topic, that it just becomes spam at some point.

"But I was just saying my opinion" You say? Your opinion is ordinary and nothing that I haven't already seen on the other countless threads of people blabbering about things they hate.
If you hate something: change it; If you can't change it: live with it. And if you can't live with it: move on.
I haven't seen a thread of this kind before so I definitely don't mean to break rules but we should both be able to agree that the community is important. I'm pretty sure most players like a friendly community to socialize with when playing on a server. MCSG lacks that friendly community in my opinion. Of course there are nice people in the community but a large part of it is just... garbage. Server communities, in some cases, can either turn players away or make them want to play on that server more. I just want the best for MCSG. You might think this thread is spam or not necessary but it is plenty necessary. If this subject is brought to attention then who knows... maybe people can change and just maybe the server will be more enjoyable to play on.

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