Ismerize,... would you mind telling me where you got that name from, it sounds similar to a name in a book and if you are choosing a clan name from there I will give you a hug.
Oh by the way
USClanLeaderboards Zeno Victrix had a leadership change, I'm not even sure if it's still around after I left. Anyway, you guys are safe removing Victrix from the leaderboards.
"You haven't seen the last of us!!!"
*Gets kicked off the cliff.*
*Screams on the way down*
"Now I have seen the last of you."
*Victrix cries*
*Leaderboards celebrates 'cuz everyone moves up.*
*USCL account moans.*
"UGH, I have to move allllll the clans up .... AGAIN!"
^ is the sort of thing I do in math class.....