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Mods that have less than 50 posts....

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Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
So there are mods that have less than 50+ posts. Its quite disappointing to see mods that have less than 50+ and that are rarely on the forums. Yes they may be active In-Game but Mods need to be active everywhere and surprisingly you didn't deny people for not knowing the community or not being active. Really it is. I am not hating on any staff but you should have a limit to have more than 100+ posts on the forums and are locking threads and making sure its clean. The thing is that there are mods that don't even fill in report abuses and just hang around for the rank. Please be more careful. They may have had a wonderful application but should know stuff about the community. Don't say mods are active in the game you need to fill up report abuses. Please don't flame. Mods I just want anyone opinion on it. Please don't lock until it has flame.
^^^^^^^^. Yes I have seen that thread but I want them to be careful. Why cause this community has gone downhill and can hit rock bottom if they pick mods that play for the rank. SO many people were hired today that only have 15+ posts.
When reviewing moderator applications, the Senior Staff will look at multiple factors and that includes their activity on all platforms, both in-game, forums and teamspeak combined. It might appear that someone does not have many posts on the forums, but in fact they could be one of the most active people there are. I personally know a few people who do not post much on the forums, but they are still up-to-date with most of the recent changes and updates, as well as general information and answers to FAQ. People don't have to post on a daily basis to show that they are well informed, it's definitely a good way to make other aware of their activity as well by posting regularly (they have to be decent posts then..), but if you just want to stay informed on everything rather than giving your opinion on it as well, then that's totally fine.

On the topic of not having many posts, I'm familiar with the report abuse section and I am going to be honest, there are people who submit an certain amount of reports everyday, equal to the average amount of posts someone would spend their time on other sections of the forums daily. They might not be directly visible, but they are there. This goes in 2 directions. When we reply to a report, it won't count towards our total amount of posts as well, for the sole reason that we would have a ridiculous amount of posts after a few months which couldn't even be accessed by others. So is there a point in actually having them then?

As a member of staff you are indeed supposed to be active on all platforms, but every moderator will have one thing that they prefer above the other and in which they will be better. For example, there are mods who have much more experience with clan issues, while others prefer to handle abuse reports. Some will receive posts, other won't, but they are both still doing their job to the best of their ability and they both deserve an equal amount of respect for it. There are moderators who are just amazing dealing with teamspeak issues or helping players out in-game, but they might not come on the forums so often, does that mean that they shouldn't have gotten the position then? Personally, I know that the forums is one of the biggest sources of information, for both Community and Staff, but it's not the only source. New mods learn from other mods on teamspeak and in-game all the time.

Also, trust me, if someone were to go for moderator solely for the rank / power / "fame" and they succeeded to pass the interview, we would notice shortly after if they were doing it for the rank or to help out the community. And if they were be, they would be dealt with appropriately.

No need to give me a reason for the thread.
Sr. Staff and Admins used to enforce the rules more in my times and were scarier. If higher ups don't put pressure on the newbies, they won't do their job correctly.

Also, while we're at it...
WHY THE HELL DID THEY MADE /D EVEN WORSE? Like, yesterday I started playing for the first time in 6 months and I get to see a team of 3 Platinum donors disguised all having forcefield (may have not played for so long, but I still know when someone is hacking).

Personally, I hate the new HUB. Horribly complicated. The design is cool, but it's just too much. My favorite hub is and still is the first hub MCSG had.
Why would the Senior Staff suddenly have changed their protocol in regards to hiring and looking over moderators? They do enforce the rules on every single member of staff, no matter if they have been here for over a year or if they were accepted a week ago. If they find out that you are not suited for the position, action will be taken. Of course, as a new mod, it is possible that you make a mistake and you will learn from it, but you do have to understand that most if not everything can be new for them upon joining the staff team. You learn something new everyday so don't blame a "newbie" if you saw them giving a not so accurate response in the hub in their first month as a mod. Also, we don't expect that they know everything there is to know upon joining the team, they're not even supposed to know certain information until they are fully trained. They will be informed about general moderation duties during their training and they will also learn it in the field and from others.

In regards to the /disguise feature; I don't see how it has gotten worse. The disguise system has improved a lot and in a good way and even if you would see a disguised player hacking;

  1. We will always find out who it was.
  2. Isn't it a good thing then that you don't know who they actually are? That is why the feature was implemented in the first place.

Lol yes mcsg or MCG is at its worst.
With all my respect Nirmit, but if you honestly think that MCG is at it worst, then I'm questioning why you are still so active in the community. No one forces you to stay here if you don't like it.

You go zebruh
Mooclan the best canidate for mod. Forum god. Known for posting a lot and very helpful posts.
Mooclan is indeed one of the best posters on our forums and I have massive respect for him, but there is more to it than only having a high post count on the forums. Questions like "Have you submitted report abuses before" and "Do you own a recording software and a microphone" are part of the moderator application for a reason. So please don't base the qualities of a (candidate) moderator solely based on their forum activity.

Naive, newcomers will take things lightly because they have no experience —it's kinda self explanatory.
Veterans apply as a moderator because they have the experience with abiding to the regulations, knowing the rules and want to set a good example.

Maybe it's the way I look at it. Judge me if you will.

Glad you agree with me. I do suppose things are a bit different from the eyes of a moderator.
Most of the times those newly accepted moderators take their job the most serious out of all. I'm going to be honest again and tell you that I had 0 experience moderating a Minecraft server when I applied for moderator here at MCGamer. Does that instantly mean that I will be bad at doing my job? Again, when you are accepted, there is a lot to learn, both during training and from your own experience. If you were a moderator on a different server before, then that can definitely be an advantage, but even those people will go through the same training process and after they have completed it, they will be equally respected as the ones who didn't have previous experience. And not every community follows the same rules and regulations.

Yo mate, you have no idea how hard it is to be a mod I think they all deserve it
Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to hear something positive for once and every moderator has definitely deserved their position here. Otherwise they wouldn't be a mod.
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score

When reviewing moderator applications, the Senior Staff will look at multiple factors and that includes their activity on all platforms, both in-game, forums and teamspeak combined. It might appear that someone does not have many posts on the forums, but in fact they could be one of the most active people there are. I personally know a few people who do not post much on the forums, but they are still up-to-date with most of the recent changes and updates, as well as general information and answers to FAQ. People don't have to post on a daily basis to show that they are well informed, it's definitely a good way to make other aware of their activity as well by posting regularly (they have to be decent posts then..), but if you just want to stay informed on everything rather than giving your opinion on it as well, then that's totally fine.

On the topic of not having many posts, I'm familiar with the report abuse section and I am going to be honest, there are people who submit an certain amount of reports everyday, equal to the average amount of posts someone would spend their time on other sections of the forums daily. They might not be directly visible, but they are there. This goes in 2 directions. When we reply to a report, it won't count towards our total amount of posts as well, for the sole reason that we would have a ridiculous amount of posts after a few months which couldn't even be accessed by others. So is there a point in actually having them then?

As a member of staff you are indeed supposed to be active on all platforms, but every moderator will have one thing that they prefer above the other and in which they will be better. For example, there are mods who have much more experience with clan issues, while others prefer to handle abuse reports. Some will receive posts, other won't, but they are both still doing their job to the best of their ability and they both deserve an equal amount of respect for it. There are moderators who are just amazing dealing with teamspeak issues or helping players out in-game, but they might not come on the forums so often, does that mean that they shouldn't have gotten the position then? Personally, I know that the forums is one of the biggest sources of information, for both Community and Staff, but it's not the only source. New mods learn from other mods on teamspeak and in-game all the time.

Also, trust me, if someone were to go for moderator solely for the rank / power / "fame" and they succeeded to pass the interview, we would notice shortly after if they were doing it for the rank or to help out the community. And if they were be, they would be dealt with appropriately.

Why would the Senior Staff suddenly have changed their protocol in regards to hiring and looking over moderators? They do enforce the rules on every single member of staff, no matter if they have been here for over a year or if they were accepted a week ago. If they find out that you are not suited for the position, action will be taken. Of course, as a new mod, it is possible that you make a mistake and you will learn from it, but you do have to understand that most if not everything can be new for them upon joining the staff team. You learn something new everyday so don't blame a "newbie" if you saw them giving a not so accurate response in the hub in their first month as a mod. Also, we don't expect that they know everything there is to know upon joining the team, they're not even supposed to know certain information until they are fully trained. They will be informed about general moderation duties during their training and they will also learn it in the field and from others.

In regards to the /disguise feature; I don't see how it has gotten worse. The disguise system has improved a lot and in a good way and even if you would see a disguised player hacking;

  1. We will always find out who it was.
  2. Isn't it a good thing then that you don't know who they actually are? That is why the feature was implemented in the first place.

With all my respect Nirmit, but if you honestly think that MCG is at it worst, then I'm questioning why you are still so active in the community. No one forces you to stay here if you don't like it.

Mooclan is indeed one of the best posters on our forums and I have massive respect for him, but there is more to it than only having a high post count on the forums. Questions like "Have you submitted report abuses before" and "Do you own a recording software and a microphone" are part of the moderator application for a reason. So please don't base the qualities of a (candidate) moderator solely based on their forum activity.

Most of the times those newly accepted moderators take their job the most serious out of all. I'm going to be honest again and tell you that I had 0 experience moderating a Minecraft server when I applied for moderator here at MCGamer. Does that instantly mean that I will be bad at doing my job? Again, when you are accepted, there is a lot to learn, both during training and from your own experience. If you were a moderator on a different server before, then that can definitely be an advantage, but even those people will go through the same training process and after they have completed it, they will be equally respected as the ones who didn't have previous experience. And not every community follows the same rules and regulations.

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to hear something positive for once and every moderator has definitely deserved their position here. Otherwise they wouldn't be a mod.
MCG at its worse for me. Doesnt mean it's bad lol. MCG is the only reason I still MC. But there is no way that I am going to say it's at its best.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score

When reviewing moderator applications, the Senior Staff will look at multiple factors and that includes their activity on all platforms, both in-game, forums and teamspeak combined. It might appear that someone does not have many posts on the forums, but in fact they could be one of the most active people there are. I personally know a few people who do not post much on the forums, but they are still up-to-date with most of the recent changes and updates, as well as general information and answers to FAQ. People don't have to post on a daily basis to show that they are well informed, it's definitely a good way to make other aware of their activity as well by posting regularly (they have to be decent posts then..), but if you just want to stay informed on everything rather than giving your opinion on it as well, then that's totally fine.

On the topic of not having many posts, I'm familiar with the report abuse section and I am going to be honest, there are people who submit an certain amount of reports everyday, equal to the average amount of posts someone would spend their time on other sections of the forums daily. They might not be directly visible, but they are there. This goes in 2 directions. When we reply to a report, it won't count towards our total amount of posts as well, for the sole reason that we would have a ridiculous amount of posts after a few months which couldn't even be accessed by others. So is there a point in actually having them then?

As a member of staff you are indeed supposed to be active on all platforms, but every moderator will have one thing that they prefer above the other and in which they will be better. For example, there are mods who have much more experience with clan issues, while others prefer to handle abuse reports. Some will receive posts, other won't, but they are both still doing their job to the best of their ability and they both deserve an equal amount of respect for it. There are moderators who are just amazing dealing with teamspeak issues or helping players out in-game, but they might not come on the forums so often, does that mean that they shouldn't have gotten the position then? Personally, I know that the forums is one of the biggest sources of information, for both Community and Staff, but it's not the only source. New mods learn from other mods on teamspeak and in-game all the time.

Also, trust me, if someone were to go for moderator solely for the rank / power / "fame" and they succeeded to pass the interview, we would notice shortly after if they were doing it for the rank or to help out the community. And if they were be, they would be dealt with appropriately.

Why would the Senior Staff suddenly have changed their protocol in regards to hiring and looking over moderators? They do enforce the rules on every single member of staff, no matter if they have been here for over a year or if they were accepted a week ago. If they find out that you are not suited for the position, action will be taken. Of course, as a new mod, it is possible that you make a mistake and you will learn from it, but you do have to understand that most if not everything can be new for them upon joining the staff team. You learn something new everyday so don't blame a "newbie" if you saw them giving a not so accurate response in the hub in their first month as a mod. Also, we don't expect that they know everything there is to know upon joining the team, they're not even supposed to know certain information until they are fully trained. They will be informed about general moderation duties during their training and they will also learn it in the field and from others.

In regards to the /disguise feature; I don't see how it has gotten worse. The disguise system has improved a lot and in a good way and even if you would see a disguised player hacking;

  1. We will always find out who it was.
  2. Isn't it a good thing then that you don't know who they actually are? That is why the feature was implemented in the first place.

With all my respect Nirmit, but if you honestly think that MCG is at it worst, then I'm questioning why you are still so active in the community. No one forces you to stay here if you don't like it.

Mooclan is indeed one of the best posters on our forums and I have massive respect for him, but there is more to it than only having a high post count on the forums. Questions like "Have you submitted report abuses before" and "Do you own a recording software and a microphone" are part of the moderator application for a reason. So please don't base the qualities of a (candidate) moderator solely based on their forum activity.

Most of the times those newly accepted moderators take their job the most serious out of all. I'm going to be honest again and tell you that I had 0 experience moderating a Minecraft server when I applied for moderator here at MCGamer. Does that instantly mean that I will be bad at doing my job? Again, when you are accepted, there is a lot to learn, both during training and from your own experience. If you were a moderator on a different server before, then that can definitely be an advantage, but even those people will go through the same training process and after they have completed it, they will be equally respected as the ones who didn't have previous experience. And not every community follows the same rules and regulations.

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad to hear something positive for once and every moderator has definitely deserved their position here. Otherwise they wouldn't be a mod.
That was beautiful.

Not every mod is super active on the forums, but i know a lot of mods who don't go in game or on teamspeak very much, which balances that out. I have been a part of this community for quite a while and i must say, right now the forums seem to need the least amount of attention out of all the different platforms.

Please ignore the terrible grammar, this was written on my phone.


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Lol yes mcsg or MCG is at its worst.
My entire time I've played mcsg I see this post. I don't see how saying that a mod with >50 posts is a bad mod, I'm sure they're experts at something else and couldn't give two dams about the forums and hey I don't blame them at least they're doing something. In the end staff are humans not magical robots that have billions of years of spare time to do their job and be active enough on the forums to listen to everyone's whinging about then actually not doing their jobs. Some mods might be doing their jobs better than other but in the end at least that mod is banning hackers which everyone seems to want right?

Tldr: Your overreacting, play the game, mods are doing work just doing worse stuff while they do their jobs.

But seroiusly out of all the bad things with the staff you chose this?
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