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School Pet Peeves

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
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* When you say to people you were just talking to, but they completely forgot about you and ignore your statement.
* When you eat food and the people close toy you are being unearthly savages.
* When you get trampled in the halls.
*When you don't finish your homework and the teacher says "Meet me after class,"
*When you do something wrong for once and the teacher comes in at just the right moment to catch you.
*When you get tons of homework then your parents make you do tons more chores on top of your daily activities.

The list goes on and on, I don't really know what i pet peeve is, but based on my deduction skills, I listen some thing I don't like at school! Do any of you relate to this kinda stuff ^?


May 18, 2014
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* When teachers act really happy when they are not at all, and smiling / being cheeky.
* When teachers assign like 10 projects in the last week of school.
* When your main subjects are on the other side of the school.
* When you plan to leave your homework till the last minute with information online that you need to fill it out, and the teachers take down the information on a day earlier than they were supposed to.
* When a supervisor / teacher gets mad at you for something you didn't do.
* When a supervisor / teacher gets mad at you for doing something simple like sitting another way on a swing, and then when little kids do it, they don't care.
* When teachers get mad at you for staying on the playground after school and makes you call your parents - Its grade 7, not grade 2.

The list goes on and on. If I think of more I'll add them.


Feb 1, 2013
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When I have exams and it's hard. Although that's really only tomorrow with my English and Chemistry exams. Wednesday I have Art and Lunch so I get to go home at 10:00 am after I draw for and hour and a half :p


Sep 5, 2014
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  • Teachers complaining about their pay in front of the class
  • Substitute teachers that have no idea what they're doing
  • " The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do "
  • Homework/having to study for tests over the weekend ( There is a reason why we have weekends you know...)


Feb 1, 2013
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  • Teachers complaining about their pay in front of the class
  • Substitute teachers that have no idea what they're doing
  • " The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do "
  • Homework/having to study for tests over the weekend ( There is a reason why we have weekends you know...)
That reason is to do homework!


Nov 1, 2014
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when people crowd the doorway to get to a mainpart of the school, pisses me off.


Jun 21, 2013
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  • When you get given a detention for eating upstairs.​
I laughed so hard at this one. It's so true at my school. My friends call the hall monitors that patrol the south end of the school and the upstairs the "Nazis" and we sneak past them every day to get to the computer lab.
  • Not exactly a pet peeve, but teachers who go as far as bullying students.
This is really sad. We always push the image of one student bullying another, but I think teachers make students feel like crap just as much as other students.
* When you eat food and the people close toy you are being unearthly savages.
Haha that made me laugh so hard. There's always that kid that pulls out a freaking subway sandwich and gobbles it down like he is a T-Rex that hasn't eaten in a week.
*When you don't finish your homework and the teacher says "Meet me after class,"
Sucks and I agree. Some teachers don't understand that MOST STUDENTS CAN'T DRIVE THEMSELVES EVERYWHERE YET. Staying after school means either being stranded at the school for several hours or having to hitchhike with some shady kid from your chemistry class.
* When teachers assign like 10 projects in the last week of school.
First one is how you know if a teacher is really cool at heart. The best teacher at my school works us hard all year, yells at the administration and the incompetent fools who plan the assemblies, then after the AP test just has us play risk for the rest of the year. xD
* When a supervisor / teacher gets mad at you for something you didn't do.
I SWEAR the only requirement to be a substitute is to have a pulse.
  • " The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do "
Just look at that statement next to this one and cry: "The bell has rung, therefore you are tardy." DOUBLE STANDARD DUMMY TEACHER! *shakes fist...
Homework/having to study for tests over the weekend ( There is a reason why we have weekends you know...)
That's actually a great point. In my opinion, school should be like a job. After all, aren't we supposed to be getting ready for our future careers? I think that school should be a little longer, but have close to no homework afterwards. Maybe there could even be a required study period in every student's school day? I know France is currently trying a system like this, but I haven't heard how effective it is.

I think a system like this would greatly reduce stress on students and allow them to get involved more in their community and school.

Anyways, I think my biggest pet peeve is the blatant propaganda that gets shoved down our throats at school, such as the notion that all you have to do to be successful in life is go to college for a few years, when in reality, it takes a lot more than that. They also used to tell us that America is hands-down the best country in the world. I think it's a great country, but that statement seems very opinionated. I've also seen teachers shamelessly promote their own religion and political views. Don't get me started on the "anti-bullying", "anti-videos of a adult nature" and "anti-internet" assemblies that just make a fool of the school and make me want to slam my face into the wall...
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Jun 3, 2013
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I dislike when I walk into school and guys walk up to me and say I have no life and push my friends around:/

These are only a couple guys though, but bullies are my pet peeve

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