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The Staff Team {THANK YOU}


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hello MCGamer!

Recently, whether it be TeamSpeak, forums, or in-game, people are bashing on the staff for being corrupt. All staff members receive harassment and I would bet if half of their bans or mutes were because of abuse. I have taken time to meet staff members and I have come to the realization that they are very nice people who are trying to play the game as we are, only they are volunteering their time to moderate the servers to make it a better place for players.
  1. People who say the staff team is corrupt: This is not true. Most of this hate is funneled to the Administrators who are asked questions they have no concern with, and then they get called lazy. This is like me going into Dave 's TeamSpeak and asking him about the personal life of Chad. I have witnessed this happen so many times and its actually annoying.
  2. People who bash on the staff after they were banned: This is all kinds of wrong. Nearly each and every single banned person will bash on the staff for being terrible. A good example is Mr. Bajan. As much as his videos are entertaining, you stop using banned mods after you have been warned. I have witnessed this alooooooooooooot of times, most people which have terrible English.
  3. People who bash on the staff for a banned YouTuber: This relates to my post above and is happening through MCGamer. If your YouTuber breaks the rules he/she will be treated the same as I or you will be dealt with. Being a YouTuber doesn't give you exceptions.
That is all I have to say today. I also want to highlight the fact that they volunteer their time to make this server a better place for players. They have put painstaking efforts into dealing with people who harass them for the reasons mentioned. This is an appreciation thread for all staff and I would hope if all staff members give themselves a pat on the back, and go buy yourself a Steam game. You deserve it.

I will not tag any staff members because I value all staff at the same level, and appreciate them equally. Someday, I hope to join that staff team.

This is not just for mods. This is for every member who has ever been a part of the staff team. THANK YOU!
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Yes, the staff team is great and most of them are helpful and awesome people, but there are some mods that are pretty bad-mannered and don't understand their role, and some cases of bans that were pretty bs. But yes, mostly the staff team is doing great job ^.^


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
I'm quite glad that there are now treads that stand of appreciation for what the staff team has done for us and the community.
Some people can be so blunt when it comes towards their attitude to the staff members, I could remember one time when me and a good amount of other people were taking a break with a couple of staff members who wee off-duty. Then this one individual to whom I forgot the name of just blatantly said "Come on staff, ban people! Go go go!".
I deemed this very disrespectful, especially knowing that some people will automatically assume that the great staff team we have today are some robots who will probably rule the world like the Terminator franchise, serving nothing but the MCGamer community. They hadn't realized that the staff team are humans too, they are more deserving as well, especially due to the fact that THEY are the ones who took time off their schedules to regulate the activity of the MCGamer network.

There should definitely be something to truly support and acknowledge the things staff members have done for us, so let's begin...
#LoveTheStaff! <33


Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
People who bash on the staff for a banned YouTuber: This relates to my post above and is happening through MCGamer. If your YouTuber breaks the rules he/she will be treated the same as I or you will be dealt with. Being a YouTuber doesn't give you exceptions.
Don't believe in so. MCGamer has a long history. Just saying.


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
I'm quite glad that there are now treads that stand of appreciation for what the staff team has done for us and the community.
Some people can be so blunt when it comes towards their attitude to the staff members, I could remember one time when me and a good amount of other people were taking a break with a couple of staff members who wee off-duty. Then this one individual to whom I forgot the name of just blatantly said "Come on staff, ban people! Go go go!".
I deemed this very disrespectful, especially knowing that some people will automatically assume that the great staff team we have today are some robots who will probably rule the world like the Terminator franchise, serving nothing but the MCGamer community. They hadn't realized that the staff team are humans too, they are more deserving as well, especially due to the fact that THEY are the ones who took time off their schedules to regulate the activity of the MCGamer network.

There should definitely be something to truly support and acknowledge the things staff members have done for us, so let's begin...
#LoveTheStaff! <33

#LoveTheStaff. I agree with your opinions and personally thank them for the time they put in these servers. Care to say a few words ChadTheDJ ??
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
I'd like to start off by thanking the staff team for what they do right.

Allthough I agree with some points you are trying to get across here (Staff putting their time into the server, some people complaining about a fair ban), it seems like most of this is you taking a bunch of the constructive critisism the staff is recieving and countering it with very cheap and picky arguments. I'm not saying you shouldn't be thankfull to the staff but critisism is always usefull.


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Ok so I ran a quick analysis and would like to state the possible reasons for this thread.
A. He is applying for mod and wants to kiss ass for a more likely accept - False
B. He is ignorant. - False
C. He is a banned alt and is trying to get staff to trust him with threads like this. - False
Now here is why any of what he said is wrong or inaccurate!


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Aight mate, I'll give you my perspective on everything you're said on this thread which I disagree with:

It's never been something that was recent, it always existed, but okay. Moving on.

Yeah most staff members are nice even thought I've had experience with some that weren't exactly um... the kind of people that you can call "nice"...

Okay this is exactly where I wanted to get. The staff team isn't perfect, I think we can all agree on that, but mostly all the hate goes not towards the Administrators (Other than the exception of Dave), but towards the Senior Staff. Quite a lot of people I know (Including me), believe that the way some of the senior staff members handle issues is not how it is meant to work, and that there is a bias in there. And before you tell me that all I am saying is wrong and that I can't prove it because I have no evidence, then don't even bother, everytime I heard about someone having a problem with a senior staff, and then he is asked to show evidence but he can't, that specific senior mod gets away when this should have probably investigated much better. Oh and there are staff members who believe that there is a lot of bias going on with the senior staff (Including an ex-senior mod which I think you know who I am talking about).

People think that the whole way that the senior staff works is just one large favoritism game. By that I mean that some senior staff members bent the rules against the people they dislike (so even if they did something that shouldn't even a ban, they get it), and towards the people that they like (so even if they broke a rule they escape the punishment or their punishment is much lower). Or it can go when promoting someone, for example if someone did barely anything as a staff member, but was liked by the senior staff/administrators), he would most likely get the rank more than if someone was a hard working mod but he wasn't very liked by the high ranked staff members. Now once again I cannot prove you anything because I have no solid evidence (screenshots, video tapes and etc...), but if staff members and a lot of non-staff members say there is a problem with the way things are handles up there, then something is obviously wrong.

Okay, so obviously there are people who were banned fairly and went ham at the staff, but there are people who were also banned unfairly, couldn't do anything about it and thus they would either bash on them or criticize them for not being able to handle bans.
Also, what the hell are you trying to do insulting people for having bad English. Some people do not have English as their first language, and so they could be speaking/writing it wrong, but as long as you can understand them or at least correct them in a nice manner, you shouldn't insult them, because you're bashing them as well in a way, and that doesn't make you any better.

Actually, people who are YouTubers would get warnings/exceptions compare to a person who isn't a YouTuber because they have a lot of influence on the server. You know that BajanCanadian example you gave? He got a LOT of warnings to stop using the Better Sprint Mod (BSM), because he was a very large YouTuber which means he brought a lot of traffic to the server, and traffic = donations = money. If a person were to use BSM and he was just a regular member, he would get banned, no exceptions.

Fair enough.

Wait, wait WAIT...
So you're saying the staff put a crap ton of effort into dealing with the people who are harassing them? What about the other things (Players harassing other players, hackers etc...)
Also, there are staff members who harass players, and I have seen screenshots of that and I can find it, but if I were to put it, It'll get removed. So please don't make it sound like the staff members are cute little angles who don't do anything wrong at all because that's not true. And also can I say that not all of the staff members (more pointing towards the mods) are hard working people, and some one them get the position just for the rank and the perks you get with it.
And nah, I don't believe all staff members deserve to get a pat in the back, but that's my opinion, and you can have yours.

I think there are some mods who should be appreciated for their work, because as I stated above, not all of them are hard working ones.

Okay now it all made sense why you made this thread and put the staff members are the good guys and the rest as the bad guys, and congrats, I suppose it's one way to making them like you more: "Praise the hell out of them".

Nothing to say there.

So this entire thread was just an attempt to (as I stated above), make the staff team look as if they are never in the wrong, or as if they are the "good guys", and the community itself as if they're immature and abusive, or you can say, the "bad guys". And well, you can have your opinion, but I am just saying, that maybe you're just too new to this, and aren't aware of some stuff that happened/happening, but that's alright, since I can't state it here, or else I could get banned or get this entire post removed.

Rant off...

I agree with some of your reasons. You are entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.


Jul 11, 2013
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Although I've actually seen corrupt staff members, out of the 100-200 staff members there are, they are usually only about 1-3 corrupt ones at a time, and they are usually new inexperienced mods who have been banned before and such but some how managed to get mod anyways.

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