This will be my last post on this forum but I do think it is quite rude and not nice to the other mods that put in the same or even more effort in making the servers better then OhFancy. Yes, Fancy is a good moderator but to be a excellent moderator you need to see both sides of the story
Revenre's Story - He made a 'Goodbye Thread' and I comment "LOL". They got Fancy to come and tell me to leave.
ThatOneSnipe's Story - I got into a game with Revenre and killed him. In spectator he abused me multiple times, Bypassing the chat-filter it resulted in sunkust_16 telling me to "Kill myself". I went on the forums and saw this post I had a look and skimmed through it. I saw a good mate of my Jacob comment on it and I commented "LOL". Because Revenre said in his Goodbye thread he is leaving because of this bad community but what he did previously made me laugh. OhFancy commented and then Revere replied saying "Thanks Fancy! One of the only good mods around along with Flux and Pandah
'' I think that is extremely rude to the other moderator.
My Point: It is kind of ironic when Revenre said "This community is so bad" when he is a big contributor to this problem.