Minecraft IGN: Mooclan
Reason for applying: The Deception Games is a delightfully fun event that I had the honor of participating in last round, as a proxy. The concept gives a unique and interesting twist to the Survival Games, and I also would love the chance of being able to participate with fellow forumers and community members.
Why will you win?:
(⌐■_■) Because I won't disconnect this time.
I now understand the system more clearly than I did last time, and I can use it to my advantage... or rather,
their disadvantage.
Why should others ally with you?: I'm a friendly person, but raised in a competitive environment. I play both to win
and have fun, and I'm not the type of fellow who generally gets upset if I'm backstabbed.
(Oh, and I know Jefeperro personally.
In the event that you cannot attend will you find a player to stand as your proxy?: Yep. I have a few people in mind who are usually available.
Do you agree to all of our terms and Rules?: Yessir/ma'am/fox/thing, I do indeed agree to the terms, rules, conditions, and weather... wait what?
(Just kidding. Yes, I do agree.)