• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

I'm sorry.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, so a bit of back story to why I am writing this. Today I got banned of MCSG for 3 days for saying something inappropriate as a joke. I'm not going to say it here. Anyway that is somewhat irrelevant. Why I mentioned that is because lately I have been unlike my self in chat lately, the reasons for this are unknown. I guess a change of personality which I need to change once again. Examples of this are stuff such as swearing, saying inappropriate things and trying to bypass loop holes in the rules by using references such as Niger River.

At first when I got the ban I was very mad, but now after a few hours it has lead my to think that I probably deserve it. It will help me to stop which is what I need. As said previous I don't know why I was doing it. prior to getting mod I did not have one offence and now after I resigned I have several of them.

I am sorry if I have offended anyone in the way I have been acting, I will stop I promise you that.

Ughh now the big one...
Soooo I have been thinking about this for sometime now... I was really unsure as to say it or not because there is really no benefits to it besides being able to apologize and get it off my chest. Anyway I thinks it time to tell you.

It all started after about 1500 games played and I only had 10 wins. I was getting very frustrated, I came from a competitive gaming background in COD where I was one of the best players in EU and to come to a Minecraft server and be terrible at it was not my cup of tea. I was playing with a friend who was a lot better at the game than me... or so I thought until one day during a Skype call he admitted to me that he used hacks.

You can probably see where this is going...

Later on that day, me being the curious person I was decided to ask how do I get these hacks. After about an hour I was shown how to use "Nodus". It took a few games to get used to pressing R to activate kill aura but I finally got it. This continued for about a month me and my friend would just join servers and hack. Slowly he eventually faded away and we stooped talking, but I kept hacking. Around September of 2013 I was in game and I killed a guy while using my hacks and during the lobby I remember vividly he wrote it chat "Sean I know your stats are bad. But you can get better without hacks, it will take a while but you can"

This opened my eyes, it made me feel bad that I was ruining people experience here. During that game I saw the guy who said that in chat. I said to him " Team I have turned off my hacks for you :)" He agreed, we played the rest of the game and it was just the two of us in DM. He wrote in chat "Sean, I am proud of you" and he /killed. I felt so happy. Later that day was the day I decided to apply as a moderator to stop the hackers :)

Sooo yeah, I guess you can call me an ex-hacker. Sorry to anyone whom I may of killed.
Anyway I am going to take this 3 day ban to change my mindset on MCGamer :)

Cyaa later guys - Sean.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Nice meme!

I know, I'm different in chat, forums and in TS :D
In the forums, I try to be as mature as possibly, in ingame chat, I'm sometimes mature, but when I'm playing with someone I go full immature and joking :D
I'm not sure if you were in samson's 1000th win attempton Valleyside, but there were a ton of mods on, and I was just joking about the rules and telling the mods that they were wrong, of course they didn't take it as a joke, they were on duty, nothing's a joke as we need to kill the haxkcers!! !? ! !

But just telling everyone, you can't really know how I'm like unless you have actually spoken to mw on TS or Skype or TS or possibly even Skype :- )-)))


Oct 19, 2014
Reaction score
Wow. This is a bit of a smack in the face to the community, but I forgive you.

If anything it shows the community that even people who have hacked and are "cast off" can still be extremely helpful to the community. They can even be so mature as to get Sr. Mod. I respect you sooo much for having the courage to say that.

I hate to say this because I admire and respect you soo much. But as an ex-staff you should understand this most,
You should probably be punished. As heroic and amazing and gutsy admitting to hacks is for you, the rules are the rules, and you of anyone should understand that people need to serve justice for the things they have done.

Mind you, the things you have done may redeem you of the few mistakes you have made, and I hope you don't get punished.

Have a follow. Have my love.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Well then.

Just kidding, I respect you for having enough courage to come out and accept the fact that you have done wrong, rather than talking bad about Senior Staff like some people do. :)


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Man, this puts us in an awkward situation.
On the one hand, our policy is quite clear about admitting to hacks. Rules are rules, and you know that too.
But on the other, I really don't want to ban you because of how you've confessed to it all. Doesn't seem fair to punish a man for coming clean.

Fair is fair, and rules are rules, though. Your ban will likely go into effect after your first one expires. If it's any comfort, at least it's not permanent.
It's the hard calls like this that make the Admin position the most difficult.


Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Oh wow, and I'm sitting here afraid to ask for an extra ketchup at McDonald's. Respect man, I probably wouldn't ever have the guts to come out and just openly say that.


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Just to clarify I knew when making this post that I could suffer the consequences of a 7 day ban, as I know very well rules are rules and I still admitted to hacking. I was willing to take that punishment to clear a guilty mind. Also I forgot to mention I wanted this post to maybe inspire a current hacker to stop hacking, that even though you have done wrong its not to late to give up.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
You more than made up for hacking by being a great mod for a long time. You were quick to reply on TS whenever I poked you etc.

So it's cool, you made a mistake but you've redeemed yourself and more.


Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
"Sean I know your stats are bad. But you can get better without hacks, it will take a while but you can"
Someone actually said that after you killed them with hacks? o_0 Damn the community has changed


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Someone actually said that after you killed them with hacks? o_0 Damn the community has changed
You still see it sometimes, a lot of times when I die to a hacker I don't just give the guff I actually try to change there mind and let them know that they can still stop.
Wait, he said you can get better with hacks? o_O
Noooo lol, he said I can get better without them :p

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