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Triology [US]

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Jan 4, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Charmander5000
Wins [minimum 400, rare exceptions]: 1200
Donor: Platinum
Do you have Skype/TS? [PM Staff if needed about your Skype, you will not be accepted if you do not go on the Teamspeak]: Yes Both.
Why do you want to join Triology? To try to benefit the clan, and try my best In all the Clan battle.
Why should we accept you? I'm a Decent Player with team fights, and a decent Pvper in 1v1's.
Past clans: Phoenix - Officer, Valhalla - Officer.
One paragraph about yourself: Well Im a Strategic Player in team fights ,and I'm a Nice and Respectful player and fun to hangout. I fell like i can benefit the clan with my decent pvp skills that i have. I know quite a few people in this clan Like Zero_Frosty, Ryan_Ayden, The_Broken_Door, Bowman, Quackeryy, zCrimsonAura, and CaliSwagg13. I will be as respect to whoever is leading the ClanBattle/Scrim and follow there Instructions. Thank you for reading my app. :) :3 <3


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Charmander5000
Wins [minimum 400, rare exceptions]: 1200
Donor: Platinum
Do you have Skype/TS? [PM Staff if needed about your Skype, you will not be accepted if you do not go on the Teamspeak]: Yes Both.
Why do you want to join Triology? To try to benefit the clan, and try my best In all the Clan battle.
Why should we accept you? I'm a Decent Player with team fights, and a decent Pvper in 1v1's.
Past clans: Phoenix - Officer, Valhalla - Officer.
One paragraph about yourself: Well Im a Strategic Player in team fights ,and I'm a Nice and Respectful player and fun to hangout. I fell like i can benefit the clan with my decent pvp skills that i have. I know quite a few people in this clan Like Zero_Frosty, Ryan_Ayden, The_Broken_Door, Bowman, Quackeryy, zCrimsonAura, and CaliSwagg13. I will be as respect to whoever is leading the ClanBattle/Scrim and follow there Instructions. Thank you for reading my app. :) :3 <3
Be active on TeamSpeak.


Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Aidan4AU
Wins [minimum 400, rare exceptions]: 535
Donor: Diamond
Do you have Skype/TS? [PM Staff if needed about your Skype, you will not be accepted if you do not go on the Teamspeak]: I will PM the owner my Skype, because I have a identity theft issue on Skype. I do have teamspeak.
Why do you want to join Triology? Because I feel this is a good fit for me. I didn't like Synergy because of the people in it and the amount of respect I was given.
Why should we accept you? Because I can help this clan get to the top. I will do as much as I can to get this clan to the best it can be (better den 4got10 m8)
Past clans: ArtofPVP v1, Reflection (twice, also my favorite clan ever), artofpvp v2, synergy (twice)
One paragraph about yourself: Ok, here goes nothing.
I have a good personality, have a lot of friends in school, and am well known. I take 2 school bands, symphonic (most advanced) and jazz. I am a good student, made A's and B's in the first quarter. I am a huge Auburn Tigers football fan, I watch every one of their games. I think you guys will like me once I begin to interact with you.
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