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Community Poll: Leaderboards Reset with Newest Update?

Assuming your old statistics would be saved separately, would you like the leaderboards to be reset?

  • Yes. I support Legacy Leaderboards, new statistics to track, and a global leaderboards reset.

    Votes: 883 53.7%
  • No. I don't want a global leaderboards reset nor new statistics to track. Keep everything as it is.

    Votes: 761 46.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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District 13
Sep 1, 2014
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I bet when the reset happens, people are gonna tryhard MCSG and ignore school.
That's my theory.


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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Randy lol k.
I've had this argument too many times, and your contradicting yourself waaay too much to be over the age of 10. I quoted him to make a point. How's about you look at a couple threads and THEN decide who's a randy. I don't think I've ever seen you before this thread...
Ok sure. I have the same amount of likes as you with 500 less posts and I have been in the community longer than you have more wins and more people know me. You call me the randy.


Ok sure. I have the same amount of likes as you with 500 less posts and I have been in the community longer than you have more wins and more people know me. You call me the randy.
I've seen you in total, twice.

At least his posts are funny.


Jun 28, 2013
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I really don't get why the Admins/Owner are even bringing up a stats reset...because if this stats reset does happen (Which would be so bad.) everyone's stats are just gonna get ruined by hackers... hmmm so i think the Admins/Owner should gather up and discuss about getting a better NCP? that should be the number one concern. Right? but they're trying to get rid of our stats :L also most of the Admins/Owners don't even know what it's like to get 7 teamed by hacking scrublords or to get into deathmatch just for a hacker to eZ pZ you :L so i think better NCP would be hmmmmm GREAT!


Jun 17, 2014
Reaction score
I'm like 9/300, even though I vote no cause it wouldn't be fair. Maybe I could see a legacy board, I prefer it staying the same though,
Oct 30, 2013
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Honestly in my opinion, i dont like the idea of a stats reset, for a number of reasons, but i want to address some of the other concerns and views being brought up as well.

1) Something i noticed during the Staff QnA is that they always said go vote on the poll. Now, The Poll is a debatable/controversial of getting your view across, mainly because it is so easily influenced by other people. Lets say a popular youtuber, tomahawk for example, (Not saying he has done this, merely an example) could tell his 150k odd or whatsoever, to vote no or vote yes, and his fans would follow it because they like making their idols happy. This of course makes the voting unreliable, and therefore shouldnt really be taken as a main voice of the people. no Doubt it probably will, as they isnt much else to use.

2) The Legacy Leaderboards. Now, a lot of Mods have been saying not to worry about the stats because they are saved there. Now, this is in no disrespect to any staff member, but times have changed where staff were pvp orientated, to work orientated. Looking at the staff now, there aren't many mods which stand out as pure PVP fanatics. This of course, makes their view on the staff reset a little bias, as perhaps their stats arent good, or they arent into pvp at all. Now, you have to look at it from people like Graveyard, bcfcAnt , Darkrai and other top 25/30 players. Its all good saying the stas will be saved. But i dont know about you, but i wouldnt like to play as much as i have done again to get my 2500/4000 wins back. Like its all good having them saved, but many of the staff wont understand the annoyance they feel because many do not have a lot of wins (exceptions of course apply, there are some insane mods at PVP). Although the Legacy leaderboards seems to be a solution, its just freezing a persons wins. Maybe I wanted to break 600 wins or some sort, or if you're Sean and you've played 6000 games to hit 300 wins (OP STATS), you dont wanna play that many again. I may be wrong, maybe people see it as competition, but you'll see a new list of the pr0 Pvpers which is good and bad.

3)Hackers. Standard topic, speaking as an ex-Mod, i understand the whole deal with hackers, so Im not gonna go too much into detail. The Minute stats are reset, there will be hackers trying to reach number one. Regardless of if the Hacker rules get stricter, the numbers will be keep flooding in until a new anti-cheat in released or so (Might be in production, someone confirm for me perhaps). I use EU for an example, due to the lack of EU mods, hackers haven't really increased, its the mods which have decreased, which sort of creates the illusion that lots more hackers are on, when really they probably aren't as huge as people think. personally, there will still be an increase, now everyone has a clean slate in their records.

I might edit this later with additional points

I feel like as much as many of us dont want this stats reset to occur, i feel as if its gonna be reset no matter what valid points are said, as by how defensive staff are getting about this, its only gonna be a matter of time.
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