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Bye-Bye Red Name o/∞


Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, I’m Amy.

You might know me by a multitude of different names - AmyGlitters, Glitters, Ameh and more that I can’t remember. I’ve been a mod since March 11th 2014. I’ve met so many amazing people, and a lot of… not so amazing people. I’ve been around since April of 2013 so over a year now. There are many reasons why I’m now resigning and some of which, I won’t go into too much detail about but here are some of the reasons…

  1. Quite simply, I’m tired of being one of the mods who tries, and I’m not being big headed here, even if you may disagree, but I have tried so hard to help this community - not only ban the hackers, but help people and keep the community cleansed of users who think it’s alright to grace us with their, not so polite, presence.
  2. I no longer agree with things that are happening around me. I find myself getting frustrated when certain things, that shouldn’t, start to happen… And quite frankly, again, I’m tired of it and I’m tired of being one of the few who do understand the community’s point of view.
  3. The community has really gotten to a point where, I find, some people are getting a little too mentally invested into the game. Eg. When people say GG - who knows? They may actually be saying it was a good game for them. Even when people start shouting, and getting to the point of abusive, to mods and other users if/when they die. Or even mods when ‘they don’t do their jobs’, when literally, being on the servers and moderating whatever server they may be in, is their job.
  4. It’s getting more and more difficult to fit in - I love all my friends dearly, but it’s difficult when new people come along and they don’t understand how I, personally, am. I’m the kinda person that if you’re nice to me, you respect me and you respect yourself, we will get along. If you’re going to be rude and disrespect me or any of my friends, we will not get along and I feel like it’s the same for many others in this community. I speak to new people every day and it seems they’re not only losing respect for those around them, but losing respect for themselves.
  5. One of the reasons I am here, playing Minecraft and other games alike, is to be myself. I’m not what many people see me to be and that’s where it gets difficult again. A lot of people in my life see me as being ‘the smart one’, ‘the one who will pass all her exams with A/A*s’, ‘someone who doesn’t have to try’ - and to anyone irl, that’s all I’ll ever be, reason being, I can’t truly be me with people like them. I’ve made so many amazing friends and that’s the only reason I’m still here really. I’m not perfect, I make mistakes and I screw up. Other people need to see that too...
  6. Here’s one that really gets to me, especially in the staff team - I don’t feel appreciated. I never did. And I know other members could say: “Oh, but you are appreciated!” I never feel like they really mean it. What would it be to the community if I were to step down? Really think about it… Would you miss me? Probably not, I’m just another mod passing by and leaving for the same reason as many others before me - we don’t feel appreciated.
  7. I feel like so many of the Sr Staff nowadays are so unapproachable - they always tell us that we can talk to them anytime about anything but that’s not true - I feel comfortable going to talk to what? 3 Sr Staff members of 20 odd? That shouldn’t be the case, mods shouldn’t feel as if they can’t talk to someone of a higher rank because they’re not good enough, or they’re small and insignificant compared to them.
  8. The funny thing about all of this, is that I’m not the only one who feels this way… I’m sure some of you can relate, and I know some people in the staff team can. You all understand one of the points I’ve mentioned in one way or another, whether you see it in my way or not - you’ll understand one of my reasons.
*Sidenote… Obviously, new seniors were chosen tonight, and you might be thinking that I resigned because I didn’t get it; blah blah blah. This isn’t true - I never wanted Sr Mod, if I were to have been pulled up, I most likely would have declined regardless.

It’s time to say thank you to those whom I care for and love as my friends, and those whom I look up to…

Sam you’re my rock, the one I stuck around here for for so long. You make me feel safe and that’s one of the many things I love about you. I don’t need to explain myself to you because you know it’s difficult for me to explain things. You know how I feel about you and I don’t think that anyone needs me to explain that - they can probably see it too. You're more than just a rank<3

TheOneHarry Frazzli185 and mrmouldymango I want to thank you guys for being there for me no matter what I throw at you. You guys help me so much and I know that we will all meet one day and I love knowing that I can talk to you and confide in you. I love you guys.

DarkNiightz You're great. You make me laugh and we can talk for hours(about them strange things we do... xD) You're honestly a great person and I'm thankful that you're my friend. Thank you<3

KRaidium I love our chats and you make me laugh - you’re also one of the people I can come rant to when I’m upset. In the past few weeks, we have began to talk more than usual and you’re working your way up my friendship list ;) jk you’re the bae<3

_AquaTechMC_ You're great - I loved our talks before I became a mod and our chats were great ^.^ You're an amazing person and you deserve so much more credit than you're given. <3

NomNomOctopus and SMurphyXD You make me laugh and I love that I’ve known you both for a longer time than many others. Jay, knowing you from when I was what? 4? You’ve made my life a hell of a lot better and Lucas, a year we have been friends. That’s kinda amazing and still talking now is kinda mindblowing. And I know that I can be an absolute pain, and I know I can get annoying and you two know that probably better than both of you, but I love you.

Mr_Gears You're a nub, but you're a great nub. You make me laugh and you always told me how bad I was, but I always knew you were joking. One of my better friends in the community and you let me rant on, and most of the time, you agree xD

laureypop1 SharkyCraft_ Zacharoutio Krypton Sean 123456789matrty I want to thank you guys for being my friends, for being some of the reason that I stayed so long. For being a mod with me and even when some of you resigned, you were still there and my friends and I love each and every single one of you.

Dave you’ve made my time here more bearable ;) We didn’t start talking through MCGamer but you’ve let me gain a friend who I know I can go to for help. And I thank you for that.

And a thanks to Jacob for being strange, strange person.

And so so many more people, if I’ve not mentioned you, it doesn’t mean I don’t think of you. If I have missed you, I'll add you on. :3 I love all my friends and I love each and everyone of this community but it’s gotten a little too much. Thank you for having me.

I may or may not be leaving completely, and I’m sure you’ll see me around on other servers, if not MCGamer, but I feel as if this is my time to step down from my position. Bye guys!<3

Love Always,

(Just imagine I'm this bunny :3)
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May 20, 2013
Reaction score
:) Preach it, join the ex-mod crew. (I'm not good with words but) With a fast growing community it can be difficult to lose sight of what matters within that community and you are one of the people who still keeps sight of what matters, thanks.
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