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Fury's Story

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Aug 19, 2013
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So this I have been debating about for a while now. You're probably wondering who I am because I'm not the most popular in the community but anyway, I'm quitting. Now if that's all you wanted to hear, you can leave now. For those of you who are gonna stay and listen to my story cool :) So here goes nothin'
Quick thing, my friends I wasn't going to give their actual names, let me use their names so yah :)

MCSG. A game I thought I would never see the end of. The constant killing, hunting, running, and thrill for adventure has finally started to, bore me. I'm not even good anymore, maybe that's the real reason I don't have fun with MCSG anymore. It's not the people, it's just I don't have fun. I do have fun talking with my friends and clan members sure, just don't enjoy playing the game. So anyway, let's get started.

It happened in May. The start of it all. I was playing the Hunger Games (Completely different than Survival Games, you went and built and hid. Kinda like UHC) and someone suggested this thing called a "Hunger Games Mixup." I asked him some more about it and he said there was this game just like the Hunger Games. Apparently it was called the Minecraft Survival Games, or MCSG for short. So I went online and looked into this, I watched a few videos, and I thought, dang this would be so cool to play! I originally watched MinecraftFinest, I don't like them now at all, and I joined the server. I had legit no idea what to do. The first game is actually quite pathetic as I thought I had glitched the game and I couldn't moved so I restarted my Minecraft... I played a bunch, and won a few times. I never really even got close to good until one day, there was this double team. It was Crazy something and a man I was good friends with let's call him bobbybarker or Oliver. I knew that I probably couldn't even come close to killing them as I had nothing really good and they had full iron. We were on Breeze Island, the first community map at the time. I hid in the creeper face, and they started to assault me. I knocked one of, who was Oliver. Then Crazy Something attacked and I killed him. I was kinda fan-girling as I had just killed a double team to win the game. They joined the same game and apparently there were some friends of Oliver's. I don't wanna say this man's name either because I don't know if they will allow me to, so we'll call this man Aipom or Tanner. So Tanner, who had no points (This was the time when points were the best thing ever) asked to team with me, along with Oliver. They thought I was good (Crazy I know right? xD). I said no, since Tanner had no points and I had killed Oliver in the previous game. Tanner then said to type /records Dr_TayTay and look at his wins. I didn't realize this was a command, and when I did it I went crazy. He had 143 wins (Around there)! I instantly teamed with him as he was good. I checked my stats and I had 37 wins... ;-;

Oliver and Tanner then asked if I had Steam. I did have Steam so I added Oliver and Tanner. They then added me to this voice chat thing. I legit had no idea what the heck it was. Then I was in a voice chat with them and we played a bunch. They introduced me to their other friend, who we'll call PixelPancake or Max. I don't know why but Max always seemed to put up with me the most, and he's really cool to this day :) Anyhow we played a ton, and then Spring Break came along. I played all day every day with Oliver, Tanner and Max, actually hold on. Let's name this group the Chill Peeps. ANYWAY I seem to love to get off track. One day I got on and only Tanner was on. He said he found something amazing to improve your Minecraft. Now I trusted Tanner a bunch since I've known him for a few months. He sent me this link and a video on how to install it. When I started up my Minecraft I had this big menu up on my screen. There were things everywhere, but Tanner quickly taught me how to make it nice looking and cooperative.
Tanner then told me that this was illegal in MCSG. I kinda went uhhhhhhhhh what? He then explained that if we were careful we wouldn't get caught. Some of you are saying in your head right now "Wait, did he just install hacks?" Yes, yes I did. Tanner and I started hacking that day. Soon after Oliver, Tanner, and even Max's little brother, uhhh lemme see, ToastySoldier_ or CHUCK popped in too. (Please don't ban Chuck, he got banned once and does not hack anymore. If anyone should get banned it's me). I thought it was the best thing in the entire world, no joke. I won so much and got so many wins. But, then one day, I was playing and I got kicked. The message didn't make sense I thought my crappy internet kicked out. I try to log back in and, boom, I'm banned. I was so mad, I kinda threw a tantrum a bit. Then after that I laughed uncontrol... ANYWAY uh let's not embarrass myself too much shall we? I had some money so I bought a new Minecraft account. The account I was playing on is this one: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/Baseballdude524/

So I got Temp Banned on that account, although I thought it was permanent so I got a new account. I also hated the name since I didn't realize that THAT was gonna be my name. Anyway this new account was: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/TheFury1331/

So we can start talking about that account. I got banned within a week of playing on it. I dealt with it and then got Permabanned. So since I hated my previous account, and I was banned on my new one, I resolved to buying this one:http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/stats/player/ThatFuryFellow

I realized at this point that hacking was terrible and I would never do it again. So I didn't. This is the part that makes me pretty mad so prepare for FURY HAHAHAHAAHAHAH I'm not funny okay.

I had a really really really bad computer when I first got this account. After playing 30 minutes straight my Minecraft would speed up, legit no joke, speed up. So I would eat faster, swing a sword faster, run faster etc. This made it look like I was hacking. I was NOT hacking in fact, I have witnesses, well Oliver Tanner, Max, and Charlie. I'll change their names if they want me to. This got me Temp Banned on ThatFuryFellow, my fresh start. I was so mad. I knew that the staff wouldn't even consider my Ban Dispute since it wasn't even reasonable. Anyway after my ban passed Max's had gotten a custom built PC. I thought it was freaking AWESOME since he could rek me. So he helped me out a ton along with Oliver a bit. And a while later I got my brand new custom build PC :D But after that, I drifted apart from the Chill People. I started playing with Max's brother a bunch more. We became really close and well, it was awesome.

I'm gonna skip a big time period here because nothing big happened, along with I've been typing for 2 hours straight and I need to do homework so.... CYA IN A JIFFY!

So, I joined a clan called Shadow. I don't wanna say a whole ton about it, since there are bigger things to talk about. But really close people in that clan were Smash Sim_Man . They were the ones I got really close to, and know we don't even talk really :/ Any who, that clan disbanded and then I joined Hex with RiseNinja, who no offense, I don't like anymore. I played with Toasty a ton and that was it. Then I applied for this clan... The Haunted. Man, this is gonna be a LONG paragraph.

I got accepted into Haunted, and the first message I got from the owner was this:

I loved this clan instantly. I met so many cool people including Fusionnuggets Sarju777 JulzBerry zoplik90 mikey D Moose Jaan SpandexMonkeyPKC and so many others I haven't mentioned, sorry about that also. I became so close to this clan that Fusion gave me Owner. We participated in Top Clan S1 and bonded immensely. But that time passed. I'm not going to be rude, I really don't want flame, but an entire other clan joined. They just made it terrible honestly, I didn't even know half of them :/ So I plotted with Sarju, Zoplik, Toasty (Who I convinced to join) Julia to make a new clan. I'm just gonna say that THAT never worked out. To sum everything up within this, Fusion disbanded The Haunted, made a new Haunted, disbanded that as I left, and made Vigilant, disbanded which I left. He's currently in Vayex? So yeah...

After this I joined Frost, and met some amazing people. The coolest person in there by far was Flairing_Shadowz He was so funny and just awesome. But then I kinda stopped having fun with MCSG so I left. Yes I know, I lied about leaving for school but I didn't know if I wanted to quit yet. This is kinda rambling and nothing important, but I thought I had to mention that.

Within the recent time period some other cool things and not so cool things happened. A pretty cool thing is that my good friend Moose got Moderator after trying 5ever :D Jk bae <3 Anyway congrats to him. The bad thing is I kinda turned in a jerk. I got in multiple fights with Toasty and Julia, who were literally the only ones I talked to. I got into a big fight with Sarju and I felt like crap. I felt like I was a jerk and that I should just go away. I was originally going to just leave and not tell anyone, which I was actually planning but nah, this is needed. I'm glad I got this off my chest. So thank you for reading if you actually did, I doubt many did but thank you :)

Fury Facts
  • Sarju and I have made up
  • I moved to League of Legends if you want add me: ThatFuryFellow
  • Toasty just said "Someone called someone Gorilla Calves"
  • Haunted was probably the best time of my online life
  • I get really really really really REALLY mad when someone calls me Furry instead of Fury. I just ignore them now
  • I had a server called the MelonCrafters xD
  • Tanner, Oliver, Max, and Charlie all live really close to me O.O
  • When I said a little bit ago my parents sold my PC that was coverup I was going to disappear right then and there. I'm Delfoto by the way for all the Haunted members to know.
  • I expect to get IP Banned on MCSG
  • I met a great friend, he was actually a subscriber his name is JudahYW . Still a great friend to this day :)
  • Thank you to everyone who kept this a secret
Bye MCSG I'll miss you.
Last edited:


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Great story, sad to see yet another player leaving, well good bye Fury :)
- Take care of yourself, the dragon is dangerous on League of Legends xD


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Wait... So, the "Chill People" are they actually Max, Aipom, Oliver, and Toasty or are those all just cover-up names? I'm confused D:

Anyway, I'm sad to hear you go, you were always so nice! ^.^ It's crazy to hear how so many people are permanently banned alts and you'd never know because of how active and helpful they are the the community however I can say that ban-evading is not something I support.. (don't ever do it, kids!).

I'm sorry to hear that you were almost immediately introduced to hacking, but I'm glad you ended up getting over it.


Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
Fury, I'm going to be honest... in haunted I was scared to talk to you, sarju, zoplik, julz, and toasty. I thought you guys were too cool for me. Fury I always looked up to you and I followed you to every clan you joined and also bought cube world cuz you had it. I want to talk to you a ton and hopefully if you're not banned you can hop and mcsg every once in a while to play with us. ILY


Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Wait... So, the "Chill People" are they actually Max, Aipom, Oliver, and Toasty or are those all just cover-up names? I'm confused D:

Anyway, I'm sad to hear you go, you were always so nice! ^.^ It's crazy to hear how so many people are permanently banned alts and you'd never know because of how active and helpful they are the the community however I can say that ban-evading is not something I support.. (don't ever do it, kids!).

I'm sorry to hear that you were almost immediately introduced to hacking, but I'm glad you ended up getting over it.
Nope, they allowed me to use their names :) I also wanna say thank you so much for being a really cool person :)


Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
<3 buddy, I'm sad to see you go but I will always be your friend no matter what and follow you in whatever jazz you get into, which might mean a little League :D
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