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Emperors EU

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Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Its_Sean

Age: 19 almost 20, :p I am an old guy.

Name: Sean

Wins / Games played: 313/ 6020. I know my ratio is absolutely disgraceful for a number of reasons. MCSG was the first ever thing I played when i bought Minecraft so I was a complete noob and did not get my 1st win until 1000 games played. From then I slowly improved as a player. But it has not been until the past few months I have really improved and can comfortably hold a 1/4 as I did on my alt FlintySteely before I reset my stats. I had something like 100/400 on that account but I stopped playing on it so I reset its stats and only ever play on it to give other people wins/ mess around. Right now I play a lot better than my stats dictate and I can take on people with much higher wins/ ratios than me. Another reason for my poor stats is that I play on a laptop with terrible FPS and I have literally the worst internet you will ever experience. The 3g on my phone is faster... But I have adapted to this and learn to play around it and use it to my advantage.

Past clans: I have been in #TemGlasses which never lasted long but our 2 clan battles we had we won but we just became inactive and I was in #Allegiance which was a pretty decent clan while it lasted and we won a fair share of clan battles. Also I believe a few members in this clan were members of that. That disbanded due to our leader quitting MCSG.

Why should we accept you? I believe you should accept me for a number of reasons. First I am mature and responsible and I would be able to help out in numerous ways not just playing, I have experience as a staff member on multiple servers as well as here so I can be trusted. Also I am good friends with a lot of members in this clan and it seems like a place where I would get along with everyone and mostly have fun, also it is a good clan with a good history of being friendly and fair. Lastly I think my PvP skills are pretty good at the moment and I think I would be able to play to a stranded of most people in the clan. Also I can see this clan as a way to even further improve my in game skills.

Skype: A few of you probably have it, but if not: sean_matthews_1994 <-- ples no randys add c:

Thanks for considering my application and I hope to hear from you soon!
i h8 irish ppl srrry


Jan 11, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: bamsarfield / RodSkillsHD

Skype: bamsarfield

Name (IRL): Sam

Age: 13

Country: England

Donar: Platinum

Wins: 260 on bamsarfield 12 on RodSkillsHD

Games Played: 1090 on bamsarfield 23 on RodSkillsHD

PvP strengths: Rod and sword combo’s . Also cheeky Flint And Steels

PvP weaknesses: Bow shots.

Clan experiences: Hardly any But you have to start somewhere.
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