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Ellusite [EU Division]


Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
1. First name: Thomas

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Ba19 // Vuhzi

3. Skype name: BestLeftBack102

4. Wins/Losses? Ba19: 178/1680 [BAD COZ I STARTED AS A NUB] // Vuhzi: 3/14

5. Age: 12

6. Donor on MCSG? DIAMOND on Ba19

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance):
SWORD - I can get nice sword combos by using my nice ping to strafe and finish the opponent off. I also am very good at landing critical combos.
ROD - I use my rod to effectively create opportunities in which to pounce on the opponent, getting me a unbelievable combo which in credibility wins the fight.
FnS - I am good at hotkeying to my FnS, so I can place it in unbelievably high pressure within a fight of instensity. I can 180 FnS, but occasionly, when the time comes, at a very rare circumstance, accidently, I will walk into the fire, which was created by the awesome secondary known as the FnS.
BOW - I can use my bow, sometimes crafted in a crafting table, to aid me in a team fight against a team. I am good at long shooting, I learnt it in real life when I no-scoped on CoD, and 360 MLG GG20 HEARTED WREKD HIM.
CALLOUTS - I am a experienced skype caller within clans, and I know lots of religious and non religious landmarks on MCSG maps. I listen carefully to the situation, and get my ears ready for whenever this circumstance appears. I am a good listener and a good talker, and I know how to join a skype call.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):
HACKERS - When a hacker approaches me, I study his body posture for clues on which hacked client he is using. For example when he holds an apple, he has auto eat food hack thing. When a hacker comes, lets just say, my body amplifies to the sprint particles from my opponent's boots.
PING ABUSERS - When going into a fight, as my enemy approaches silently - even though I can see them - I never under-estimate my opponent. There is always a chance that my opponent lives inside the host's WiFi box. So when I fight, I make sure I am connected to my WiFi connection, to terminate my enemy.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance):
One day, I was joining an MCSG lobby with my fellow companion/friend FlawlessWolf727 [banned now]. We were playing and happened to notice a 4 team. We joined because they looked MLG. Their gamertags were: Eruzia, Vuyzh's old account [name is classified information], someone else, and another noob. Then me and my friend joined another lobby. Vuyzh's old account was in the game and I pooped myself. JK LOL. We added him and skype and talked and we began our friendship. This was stopped by him when he left minecraft for too long. I cried myself to sleep everynight. jk lol xD2p. Then he came back and our friendship was stronger than ever. We are now strong friends, and I would like to be part of his clan that he is in.

10. Favorite map?
Valleyside University

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps?
I am a knowledgeable player and I know lots of landmarks, locations, and routes for maps. Rarely, I will not know a route, but you can help me with that.

12. Previous clans:
#MysticFuze, #Exhale, #ExhaleReborn, #Imagination, #TheGenerals

13. Country:

PS: This app might come across as a joke. This is serious, but I was in a call with Vuyzh, and we seeing how funny I could make my app. :) Please consider my application <3
Recommend very good player <3


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
1. First name: William

2. IGN (In-Game Name): TheCrazyCowww

3. Skype name: mr.zeiz

4. Wins/Losses? Like 500/2100

5. Age: 13

6. Donor on MCSG? Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rod and fns

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): ice fights and water fights

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): its a good clan and some of my friends is in the clan so it would be fun

10. Favorite map? Valley, Alaskan, sg4

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? I do have that

12. Previous clans: Rebels(trial), Penetration, Generals

13. Country: Sweden


Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: William

2. IGN (In-Game Name): TheCrazyCowww

3. Skype name: mr.zeiz

4. Wins/Losses? Like 500/2100

5. Age: 13

6. Donor on MCSG? Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rod and fns

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): ice fights and water fights

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): its a good clan and some of my friends is in the clan so it would be fun

10. Favorite map? Valley, Alaskan, sg4

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? I do have that

12. Previous clans: Rebels(trial), Penetration, Generals

13. Country: Sweden
You have been ACCEPTED as Elite, add imtherandy1 on skype for more info


Sep 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hello guys, do you want a clanwar VS Tempest? :) If so please add: jmm_link1 and MLGClown at skype!


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
If it wasn't an autoPostPone. you were getting Dq'd
We could do it aswell.


Mar 29, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: William

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Queezzz

3. Skype name: Queeezz

4. Wins/Losses? 282 Wins / 1425 Lose

5. Age: 14

6. Donor on MCSG? no will get tomorrow

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): sword rod

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): water fights

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): Nice clan! hope i can have fun and play much

10. Favorite map? btw i dont have a favrite map yet but i think,1 valleyside

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? yeah

12. Previous clans: Atrocity Some own clans to

13. Country: sweden!
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