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Ellusite [EU Division]


Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: Cai

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Vuyzh

3. Skype name: vuyzhsux

4. Wins/Losses? 10/70? I got the shittest win loss on mcsg. I used to play hive.

5. Age: 13

6. Donor on MCSG? Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rodspamming then getting hits on my opponent that they cant get on me (Strafing :p) then getting a Dubstepcombo. Im also good with fns, I know where to place it.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): People with good ping that I cant reach.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): I used to be in a clan, I cant even remember the name :/ I remembered SmeepyXro was a good player. I just found out hes in this clan and I would like to join.

10. Favorite map? Spawn

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? I know about 2-3 routes on each map:/ I know each map really map.

12. Previous clans: Ghost

13. Country: Chrismas Island :/
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May 29, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: Cai

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Vuyzh

3. Skype name: vuyzhsux

4. Wins/Losses? 10/70? I got the shittest win loss on mcsg. I used to play hive.

5. Age: 13

6. Donor on MCSG? Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rodspamming then getting hits on my opponent that they cant get on me (Strafing :p) then getting a Dubstepcombo. Im also good with fns, I know where to place it.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): People with good ping that I cant reach.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): I used to be in a clan, I cant even remember the name :/ I remembered SmeepyXro was a good player. I just found out hes in this clan and I would like to join.

10. Favorite map? Spawn

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? I know about 2-3 routes on each map:/ I know each map really map.

12. Previous clans: Ghost

13. Country: Chrismas Island :/
You have been ACCEPTED for trial, Add imtherandy1 on skype.
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
1. First name: Cai

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Vuyzh

3. Skype name: vuyzhsux

4. Wins/Losses? 10/70? I got the shittest win loss on mcsg. I used to play hive.

5. Age: 13

6. Donor on MCSG? Nope

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Rodspamming then getting hits on my opponent that they cant get on me (Strafing :p) then getting a Dubstepcombo. Im also good with fns, I know where to place it.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance): People with good ping that I cant reach.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): I used to be in a clan, I cant even remember the name :/ I remembered SmeepyXro was a good player. I just found out hes in this clan and I would like to join.

10. Favorite map? Spawn

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? I know about 2-3 routes on each map:/ I know each map really map.

12. Previous clans: Ghost

13. Country: Chrismas Island :/
lol u accepted him? xD Desperate much :p


Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
1. First name: Kari c:

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Karivar

3. Skype name: KarivarTehBacon

4. Wins/Losses? 130/1500? (On my phone, so i cant look at it)

5. Age: 13 :)

6. Donor on MCSG? Yes, Diamond

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Well im not the most speficit dude, but i will try.

Sword: My sword is one of my favourite weapon beacuse i feel save with it and i can straif, crit and blockhit, if i could that. I think i would lose all my PvP battles against good people.

Bow: Well sometimes i can just be so bad with the bow but i anyway took it here beacuse i can shoot someone from 50 blocks and still hit ( happend like 10 times xD) and i hit nearly 6/10 times i shut with a bow.

Rod: My rod is my frinde and we have been happy togeder :') no but i use the rod to knock people back and to get nice combos.

FnS: This magical thing is my BIGGEST streanh and i just love it! When i got 2 iron, i rather do a FnS then a iron sword, and also when im teaming, i taking the FnS and my boddy takes the rod/bow. (what ever xD)

Fist fights/Fist targeter fight: Im getting targeted 2/10 gamed and when im getting tsrgeted by a fister i offtend kill them. With my fist too xD :D

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):

Waterfights: Everyone can get thr best combo on me, i cri everitim!

Ice Fights: Im not used to rum so fast so all my sword FnS rod bow tactis doesnt work.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): My old clan #Generals disbanned not for a long time ago and i got a relly nice frinde over there and his name is ImTheRandy and i saw him as one of the leader here and i though 'why not join this clan?'. Also i want to join this skilled clan and be a part of this.

10. Favorite map? Alaska village and Vallyside University!

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? Ofc c:

12. Previous clans: Dauntless 1 & 2.0 #Generals

13. Country: Sweden!

Thank you for reading my app and i would love if you took you time to denie/accept me.


Ily ImTheRandy


May 29, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: Kari c:

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Karivar

3. Skype name: KarivarTehBacon

4. Wins/Losses? 130/1500? (On my phone, so i cant look at it)

5. Age: 13 :)

6. Donor on MCSG? Yes, Diamond

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance): Well im not the most speficit dude, but i will try.

Sword: My sword is one of my favourite weapon beacuse i feel save with it and i can straif, crit and blockhit, if i could that. I think i would lose all my PvP battles against good people.

Bow: Well sometimes i can just be so bad with the bow but i anyway took it here beacuse i can shoot someone from 50 blocks and still hit ( happend like 10 times xD) and i hit nearly 6/10 times i shut with a bow.

Rod: My rod is my frinde and we have been happy togeder :') no but i use the rod to knock people back and to get nice combos.

FnS: This magical thing is my BIGGEST streanh and i just love it! When i got 2 iron, i rather do a FnS then a iron sword, and also when im teaming, i taking the FnS and my boddy takes the rod/bow. (what ever xD)

Fist fights/Fist targeter fight: Im getting targeted 2/10 gamed and when im getting tsrgeted by a fister i offtend kill them. With my fist too xD :D

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):

Waterfights: Everyone can get thr best combo on me, i cri everitim!

Ice Fights: Im not used to rum so fast so all my sword FnS rod bow tactis doesnt work.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance): My old clan #Generals disbanned not for a long time ago and i got a relly nice frinde over there and his name is ImTheRandy and i saw him as one of the leader here and i though 'why not join this clan?'. Also i want to join this skilled clan and be a part of this.

10. Favorite map? Alaska village and Vallyside University!

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps? Ofc c:

12. Previous clans: Dauntless 1 & 2.0 #Generals

13. Country: Sweden!

Thank you for reading my app and i would love if you took you time to denie/accept me.


Ily ImTheRandy
You have been ACCEPTED for member, contact imtherandy on skype


Aug 21, 2014
Reaction score
1. First name: Thomas

2. IGN (In-Game Name): Ba19 // Vuhzi

3. Skype name: BestLeftBack102

4. Wins/Losses? Ba19: 178/1680 [BAD COZ I STARTED AS A NUB] // Vuhzi: 3/14

5. Age: 12

6. Donor on MCSG? DIAMOND on Ba19

7. PvP Strengths (detail will increase acceptance chance):
SWORD - I can get nice sword combos by using my nice ping to strafe and finish the opponent off. I also am very good at landing critical combos.
ROD - I use my rod to effectively create opportunities in which to pounce on the opponent, getting me a unbelievable combo which in credibility wins the fight.
FnS - I am good at hotkeying to my FnS, so I can place it in unbelievably high pressure within a fight of instensity. I can 180 FnS, but occasionly, when the time comes, at a very rare circumstance, accidently, I will walk into the fire, which was created by the awesome secondary known as the FnS.
BOW - I can use my bow, sometimes crafted in a crafting table, to aid me in a team fight against a team. I am good at long shooting, I learnt it in real life when I no-scoped on CoD, and 360 MLG GG20 HEARTED WREKD HIM.
CALLOUTS - I am a experienced skype caller within clans, and I know lots of religious and non religious landmarks on MCSG maps. I listen carefully to the situation, and get my ears ready for whenever this circumstance appears. I am a good listener and a good talker, and I know how to join a skype call.

8. PvP Weaknesses (detail will increase acceptance chance):
HACKERS - When a hacker approaches me, I study his body posture for clues on which hacked client he is using. For example when he holds an apple, he has auto eat food hack thing. When a hacker comes, lets just say, my body amplifies to the sprint particles from my opponent's boots.
PING ABUSERS - When going into a fight, as my enemy approaches silently - even though I can see them - I never under-estimate my opponent. There is always a chance that my opponent lives inside the host's WiFi box. So when I fight, I make sure I am connected to my WiFi connection, to terminate my enemy.

9. Why apply for this clan (detail will increase acceptance chance):
One day, I was joining an MCSG lobby with my fellow companion/friend FlawlessWolf727 [banned now]. We were playing and happened to notice a 4 team. We joined because they looked MLG. Their gamertags were: Eruzia, Vuyzh's old account [name is classified information], someone else, and another noob. Then me and my friend joined another lobby. Vuyzh's old account was in the game and I pooped myself. JK LOL. We added him and skype and talked and we began our friendship. This was stopped by him when he left minecraft for too long. I cried myself to sleep everynight. jk lol xD2p. Then he came back and our friendship was stronger than ever. We are now strong friends, and I would like to be part of his clan that he is in.

10. Favorite map?
Valleyside University

11. Knowledge of most callouts, routes and locations of popular maps?
I am a knowledgeable player and I know lots of landmarks, locations, and routes for maps. Rarely, I will not know a route, but you can help me with that.

12. Previous clans:
#MysticFuze, #Exhale, #ExhaleReborn, #Imagination, #TheGenerals

13. Country:

PS: This app might come across as a joke. This is serious, but I was in a call with Vuyzh, and we seeing how funny I could make my app. :) Please consider my application <3
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