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What do you consider a "quality" post?


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
Ill just say this, because I feel like it a very common misconception... Size doesnt matter! A bigger post does not equal a higher quality one.


A post that had thought put into it and makes sense/conveys the topic well


Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
In my opinion a post is a post. I don't care if there is grammar, three paragraphs supporting evidence etc... As long as you can express your thoughts or ideas, It's a good post in my opinion.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
There are many misconceptions revolving around what separates a "good" and "bad post".

  • A good post doesn't need to be very long. Many people assume that if you slam a massive wall of text into someone's face, it would be classified as something worthy of their time. Good posts that I usually end up unearthing on the forums are actually relatively short. Some of them are even single sentences in length. Whether it be witty, thoughtful, insightful, or anything anything pertinent to the topic at hand that deserves my attention, it classifies as a "good" post.
  • Grammar laws. Respect them. I know that utilizing slang jargon like "gg rekt 12 hearts stemrolled" "ur a bk" etc. are commonly used around here, but I would refrain from using them in regular posts discussing a topic. They give your post an unofficial and seemingly childish aura that will severely decrease your chances of somebody taking your post seriously. They're quite humorous once in a blue moon, but not when used consistently.
  • Think before you type! Posts that classify as "good" generally have some thought put into them. Don't jump to conclusions too quickly, and make sure to evaluate the thread and assure that nobody else has said what you would like to respond with. You don't have to think for millennia about how to make your post better, and replacing every overused and common word with something more fancy. What matters is not how much you embellish your post, but the content of it (of course, I do love to learn new words so you can use them if you'd like).
At first glance, this does appear to be a lot to absorb and to think about every time you want to reply to a thread, and many of you might glance right past this because I don't have any fancy credentials or noticeable popularity, but these are just some general guidelines I would recommend. Your quality of posts generally improves over time, as you confront different types of threads and try to respond to them in the best possible manner.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Funny, with proper grammar, quality, detail.
Did you need something? >_>

With the creation of "The Best Forumers V2" thread and this one, I'm hoping that it'll urge more people to create more thoughtful, detailed posts. As it stands, there are a number of forumers who post "quality" content, but you never know - Perhaps this'll give someone new ideas for how to change their writing. The comments on this thread hopefully provide ideas and tips, and the other thread gives a way to compare to the "best" forumers according to the community.


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
A quality post can come in all different shapes and sizes, what it really boils down to is what the post is relating to. It could be a quick, witty, humorous response on a fun of light-hearted thread. It can be a well thought out block of text explaining in detail something related to the topic or stating an opinion.

Not all quality posts have to be long, they can still be short and thoughtful. It all depends however the thing that all good posts needs are good grammar (if the thread is serous), good aesthetics (to make it appealing to look at while reading by using proper spacings, etc), and it must relate to the topic.

Just a couple good examples of quality posters in my opinion would be Mooclan and duckluv321 who constantly seem to plan out what they're saying and execute everything in a professional manner c:
That essay was short, I thought your teacher said the essay had to be 800+ words? :0 :p
May 5, 2013
Reaction score
I really like thought out posts, not that they have to be long or anything once they have a point. Also humorous post I do enjoy. Long posts can be nice to read once they are well written and not just pages of ****. Also grammar is a huge one for me, while yes I know some people may have difficulties but if a post is just complete rubbish I wont take my time to read it. Lastly I love a good title to a post, one that captures the eye, yet is not misleading.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ill just say this, because I feel like it a very common misconception... Size doesnt matter! A bigger post does not equal a higher quality one.
I agree. It seems that the length of posts is something people like to judge now, and while it's often a nice indicator, you don't have to make long posts to make good ones. You don't see me posting essays everywhere but I don't just post crap. You just have to make every word count.

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