Hi, I'd like you to answer my question and not ignore it, not your other clan members but you. You bring up how we're blacklisted. Do you want to know the story? I mean, idiots make pointless assumptions. (Like yourself). Now, PhoenixAU was originally at one point the AU forgotten, forgotten was blacklisted and when that happened we split ways. Apparently we were still blacklisted, literally for no reason apart from joining with a US clan. It took the staff a year to find a reason for us to be blacklisted, which was one of our members being banned for 3 days. That is why we're blacklisted, staff don't blacklist clans for results or anything as they don't have power over that.
Now, I want you to read your last sentence again.
When I see Valor post the 5-1 loss against Phoenix I'll take you seriously and treat you like you have some authority to make an opinion I care about. Until then, keep crying.