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Community discussion: Making Rekt, Ez, Shrekt, L2P etc. a punishable offence.

Should it be banable? ( Please let us know in the comments why it should be, or not )

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Nov 27, 2012
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No never. The staff team have more important things to do such as deal with hackers. This will just be a distraction and less hackers will be banned and really I think it wouldn't end well. The people banned for saying "rekt" would be furious as would I. I've seen a lot worst said and no punishment given nor a head turn. I don't think this really falls into any of the rules. Like I said up above it'd be a distraction, people would be furious and There would be a lot more Ban Disputes.
Also people are just yelling bs stuff to get it ban-able. I seen people say Cyber Bullying but in reality it's not, it's a conflict. Cyber Bullying is when someone constantly attacks you online. Someone saying "get rekt" is not Cyber Bullying.
Saying eZ, rekt once is not enough evidence to ban someone and it would be really hard to get enough evidence to actually ban someone for this.
Another thing, is making it against the rules actually going to stop people from saying it? No! People are still going to say it, even though it's against the rules.
It will also flood the report abuse section.
Finally, if this really upsets you, reset your priorities!
I rest my case.
lol first off, it doesn't take too much to block these things for the devs. It's as simple as it is to block curse words in mcsg.

Cyber bullying could definately be considered in this situation.. anything that hurts someones feelings is considered bullying. You are making fun of them saying that they aren't good at the game. Some kids take it that way, some take it a bit too far I admit, but yeah.

I do agree that saying just ez or rekt once isn't really enough for a ban, it needs to be excessive. For example, when people say things like "reven86 sucks at pvp, get good, get a life" things of that nature. That needs to be dealt with. I have gotten used to it to the point where I don't care anymore, but at some points it really bothered me.

Also your quote of:
Finally, if this really upsets you, reset your priorities!
If you can say you need to check your priorities about what upsets you when people make fun of you or purposely try to bother you, then well I say, that people who take time out of their day to personally insult players and hurt feelings, should actually be the ones to "reset their priorities!" Simply because you shouldn't waste your time trying to get other people upset. The reason people say things like rekt and gg10 is to get a reaction out of the person they say it to. That in my mind, is the pathetic part.


Aug 7, 2013
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lol first off, it doesn't take too much to block these things for the devs. It's as simple as it is to block curse words in mcsg.

Cyber bullying could definately be considered in this situation.. anything that hurts someones feelings is considered bullying. You are making fun of them saying that they aren't good at the game. Some kids take it that way, some take it a bit too far I admit, but yeah.

I do agree that saying just ez or rekt once isn't really enough for a ban, it needs to be excessive. For example, when people say things like "reven86 sucks at pvp, get good, get a life" things of that nature. That needs to be dealt with. I have gotten used to it to the point where I don't care anymore, but at some points it really bothered me.

Also your quote of:

If you can say you need to check your priorities about what upsets you when people make fun of you or purposely try to bother you, then well I say, that people who take time out of their day to personally insult players and hurt feelings, should actually be the ones to "reset their priorities!" Simply because you shouldn't waste your time trying to get other people upset. The reason people say things like rekt and gg10 is to get a reaction out of the person they say it to. That in my mind, is the pathetic part.
No. It isn't bullying. Bullying is when THE SAME PERSON keeps on making fun of you and won't stop. If it happens once it is considered a conflict.
Also I think people are being exaggerating when they say how much eZ hurts them. It isn't the end of the world, get over it people are dicks. Yeah people need to reset their priorities of people saying eZ, in a video game makes them upset and depressed, there is a lot worst out there and if they think that they got it bad then they need a reality check.


Aug 7, 2013
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Exactly why this should be bannable... :/
How can losing in a video game make someone depressed!? They got killed then someone said rekt. How in hell does dieing in a video game make some depressed. If it makes you that upset go outside or call a friend.


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
No. It isn't bullying. Bullying is when THE SAME PERSON keeps on making fun of you and won't stop. If it happens once it is considered a conflict.
Also I think people are being exaggerating when they say how much eZ hurts them. It isn't the end of the world, get over it people are dicks. Yeah people need to reset their priorities of people saying eZ, in a video game makes them upset and depressed, there is a lot worst out there and if they think that they got it bad then they need a reality check.
lol so if someone picks on someone one time in school.. its not bullying? shoving someone into a locker 1 time isn't bullying? xD

I still stick by what I say, you need to check your priority more if you are some nub who has to sits there and tries to get reactions out of people by insulting them and trying to make them look bad, than a person who actually gets offended by it. If players could just show some sportsmanship like they did when this game first came out, then maybe this wouldn't be an issue now adays.


Aug 7, 2013
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lol so if someone picks on someone one time in school.. its not bullying? shoving someone into a locker 1 time isn't bullying? xD

I still stick by what I say, you need to check your priority more if you are some nub who has to sits there and tries to get reactions out of people by insulting them and trying to make them look bad, than a person who actually gets offended by it. If players could just show some sportsmanship like they did when this game first came out, then maybe this wouldn't be an issue now adays.
Yeh it's a conflict, I thought the same thing until a Police offer came to our school and explained the differences of bullying and a conflict.
I do not say eZ or rekt ect. I still don't understand how dieing in a video game with the added rekt can get someone really upset.


Aug 30, 2013
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I think that saying just GG at the end of a game is ok but not in the middle since GG means good game and I personally think the game would only be completely good at the end.The exception is if you died in the middle and thought it was a good game.If not then ol slendy men goin to hav some work this night


Feb 6, 2013
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I don't think it should. The mods even say it lol. And if you want a screenshot of 2 Sr. Moderators saying this I do have one.


Jul 5, 2013
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Although this is a good idea, it technically is not abuse. Yes it might make people frustrated, but if they can't contain their frustration over a game and lash out at people because someone said "Gg10" then they should just simply not play if it stresses them that much. People should learn to contain their frustration because in all reality it's a game and it's full of frustrating things to master and I believe mastering your temper is the best way around this because whether to lash out or not is your own choice. By making it a rule not to say these words, you'll only cause more frustration and hate because people will think it's unfair.


Mar 25, 2014
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Molotov, you are by far the best mod on MCGamer IMO, but I think that this isn't what the STAFF team should impliment. The eZ, rekt, l2p, skrub, steamrolled never bothered me in any way and it's not really an offensive word or anything. If people don't like it they can always turn chat off. I'm afraid that implimenting this would cause a lot of flame.


Sep 15, 2013
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GG, I can eZ'ily understand the point of this thread, but honestly now that i have l2p (listened to point) it seems pretty pointless. But add it if u want idc

xD k bye
Dec 27, 2013
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How can losing in a video game make someone depressed!? They got killed then someone said rekt. How in hell does dieing in a video game make some depressed. If it makes you that upset go outside or call a friend.
Have you seen most peoples "My Truth and story" threads, Yeah I beg to differ. It may only be you that doesn't get depressed over a video game, but thats not the case with some people. THIS IS considered cyber bullying, its also disrespect, so how shouldn't this be bannable. So Instead of acting smart, and saying stupid stuff, just roll along with it. This thread should not have flame.

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