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They Say to Not Judge a Book by it's Cover, So I'm Diving in. (Introduction)


May 3, 2014
Reaction score
So, I've known this server for a while and I've played on it for a while to but, something hit me recently. I always had this "down-look" sort of thing on the server and, quite frankly, never knew why. So, I've questioned myself, how can I not like something without trying it? You don't truly get to know a Minecraft community, until you've immersed yourself into their forums, so here I am. Let me start with some background.

Hi, my name's Jaxen, Elastic, Tuba, TheElasticTuba, or pretty much along the lines of whatever you decide you wish to call me. In fact, a lot of my friends call me Jefferson, despite nothing I've ever done or had pertains to the name Jefferson.

I'm currently a 15 year old guy. Ah yes, I call this the golden age, because I am old enough to drive, but not old enough to drive alone, meaning my parents can't force me to go get anything for them. It's quite ideal.

I live in the US. More specifically, I live on the East coast... in the southern part. You're thinking that I live in a place to be, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, or NYC, and then I just hit you with "the southern part". It's that feeling of like a progress bar at stopped 99%, you're so close, but not there, and if you aren't there, than it's just like being a 0%.

Yet don't worry. Despite my location, there's more to this shell than a cowboy with a south draw and a piece of grass in his teeth. Or at least... I hope there is.

So here I am, making my debut, spilling out my info onto you.

I'm everywhere I can be, which is why it shocked me, that I took so long to dive into this community. I'm a staff member in one place, a long-gone veteran in another, a high-held noble. However not a crook, nor the despised, not a prisoner, or a bandit. Yet I've found in some places, more often than not, I'm somehow usually the background guy.

Maybe it's due to me just not wanting to open up, being a self-reasoned closed book? Or maybe I'm scared to. It's like that uncomfortable feeling you just get when you've forced yourself to reflect on your past, despite making you realize that you used to be a complete dunce, and that you'll probably still look this way to yourself in 3 years. So if to my mind I'm still a dunce, then I will have place it upon myself to become otherwise.

So here is my debut, my life, my story, the equivalent of a sentence or two. Here I'll start my journey, making allies, friends, stories, and even ends. It'll probably be a weird roller coaster that most people would have to be insane to ride, but what's more fun than that? Oh... You already think I'm insane...? Probably didn't plan this one out too well.

Well, so there's my semi life, intro, debut, thing that I have manage to conjure up. Guess I'll go ahead and attempt to enter this community. See you around!

(Jaxen, Jefferson, Elastic, Tuba, and many more...)
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Damien // Teepwn

Welcome to the MCGamer community! You seem like a great chap and I hope you enjoy your stay here. ;DDD


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Welcome to MCGamer!

This community is certainly very..well.."iffy" at first glance, but once you stick around for a while and meet some new people, there are actually many amazing people here and you question why you ever had doubts about the place before :3

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to shoot me a PM, or any staff member would be glad to help you! I hope you enjoy your stay c:


May 3, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks guys, you can assure to see me around. I'm quite a sucker for getting wrapped up into forums.
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Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks guys, you can assure to see me around. I'm quite a sucker for getting wrapped up into forums.

(On a side note, I'm quite liking the "Frozen gone hardcore" signatures. I'd never think to see a GTA policeman being shot by Anna...)
Haha well that's what happens if anyone says they hate Frozen or anything relating to it in my vicinity...


le quack

Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
So what is your location? You kind of dayzed of


May 3, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah which state .-------.
I don't really like giving the name of my state often, due to the fact my name is not too common, meaning it wouldn't be excessively hard to find me if I gave a way too much information. I've given it on occasion, when it is necessary, but I usually don't just give it out, sorry.


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
This is definitely the best 'hi MCSG it me' thread I've seen in a while!
Words of advice don't let stupid people* take the fun out of MCSG (or MCGamer if you want to call this community by its proper name xD). If you just find the right friends and ignore people who make you feel like crap, it'll make your stay at MCSG a lot better. Lots of people are cool, some are absolute twerps (trying to be PG here... ya). Be yourself!

MCSG is a very... dramatic community, stupid fights & dramas happen a lot. However, we're pretty tight knit for such a big community and we have a lot of community events such as Open Mic Night and the Community Games.

Genuinely hope you find a good group of friends and enjoy your time here, you seem like a cool guy :)

*by stupid people I mean people who tell you you're bad at the game, call you names, harass & abuse you, target you etc.
fun things that lots of people are a victim of^


District 13
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
I like you already :)

Welcome to MCGamer! If you ever need help just PM and I'm sure I can help you!

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