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Do you want bounty removed?

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Apr 29, 2012
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A win, is basically how much of a no-life you are, since userrank is based on victories, is the only people who gets high user rank the worst no-lifes and teamers, user-rank don't prove skills, it proves how much of life you have given up! for crying out loud, you don't even loose wins.
I say you need both skills and given up life to get alot of victories. I saw a team with people that had played longer than iFrox, but had only won 0-2 times each.


Aug 13, 2012
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I say you need both skills and given up life to get alot of victories. I saw a team with people that had played longer than iFrox, but had only won 0-2 times each.
IFrox has most played from eu, nobody has played longer


May 15, 2012
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I'm confused, the thread title has a controller??? Anyone else notice this. I think you first need to buy a keyboard, this may put you in an equal skill level as others. I don't think controllers would go down well with minecraft :p


District 13
May 26, 2012
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Remove bounty? No way. Its hell fun when this happens :
Hystericallify : Dude, don't insult him like that
RandomGuy : Shut up, you have 0 points, noob.
Hystericallify : >_> What about my wins?


May 10, 2012
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Personally this is why i believe the leaderboards should be reset every few months. Less people arguing about the current setup
:eek: That would be pretty cool, see who can get to the top before the month is up, then restart again! :D

Maybe there could be a prize for who wins for the month?


Jun 1, 2012
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Personally this is why i believe the leaderboards should be reset every few months. Less people arguing about the current setup
That is a really good idea, but to keep everyone happy you could try to have 2 leader boards, 1 that did get reset every month, and one that accumulated everything together for all time. I think it would keep more people happy that way.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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That is a really good idea, but to keep everyone happy you could try to have 2 leader boards, 1 that did get reset every month, and one that accumulated everything together for all time. I think it would keep more people happy that way.
Mhmm. I really want to see this happen. I think I'd be cool.
The main thing about it is that it gives more up to date, accurate results, without the people who worked hard for the all time leadersboards having their work wasted - they are still there, but for more accurate results on who is actually winning the most that month, you could check the monthly leaderboards - really gives those people who truly have "no-life" (Or rather, lots of free time.) a chance to shine without keeping at it for months and months until they catch up.

On topic: I do believe the /bounty command should be removed...some of the people on the /top don't deserve to be there. I don't even know who half of them are, plus, we all know 30,000 points isn't legitimate. >.>
One could argue that points are useless - and they are - but so are wins for staying on the top of the leaderboards. The reality is that points actually calculate skill better than wins do. The only reason wins are "more important" and actually matter to some of you is because the website leaderboards go by wins. You wouldn't be saying points were useless if /top in game and the leaderboards both used points, would you? Personally, I do care about points, because I feel they show more than wins ever will, even if they are "useless". The fact they exist at all means they should at least be accurate - right now, with bounties, they are inaccurate.


Jun 12, 2012
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On topic: I do believe the /bounty command should be removed...some of the people on the /top don't deserve to be there. I don't even know who half of them are, plus, we all know 30,000 points isn't legitimate. >.>
One could argue that points are useless - and they are - but so are wins for staying on the top of the leaderboards. The reality is that points actually calculate skill better than wins do. The only reason wins are "more important" and actually matter to some of you is because the website leaderboards go by wins. You wouldn't be saying points were useless if /top in game and the leaderboards both used points, would you? Personally, I do care about points, because I feel they show more than wins ever will, even if they are "useless". The fact they exist at all means they should at least be accurate - right now, with bounties, they are inaccurate.
Being the person who worked to put the person with 30,000 points in the #1 spot on /top (in order to have someone pass Zeejayy :p), I disagree with what is being said here. I don't often disagree with G33ke (as he's nearly always right), but I fell I have to here.

First of all, though I agree that victories are not the most accurate means of measuring skill (as they are based primarily on time played), measuring skill with points is in no way accurate. It sets the focus of the game upon killing people with high points, and winning becomes inconsequential. Say some guy had a plan in which he would go to a server with a high pointed player in it, punch that person to death, then disconnect. Getting up to 300 points per kill in that manner, they would shortly become the top ranked player, even if they had no victories. All you need to do is get points, not actually have any skill in the games.

In the current system, it is a combination of wins and points that matter. Wins, though it is much easier to accumulate them with more time on your hands, DO reflect the skill needed to actually win that number of games. And points, actually matter more in my opinion with the bounty system, as, though they might not be a truly accurate representation of your skill, they do take a large modicum of skill to maintain, and that is much more apparent with the higher numbers that only appear through bounties.

And plus, bounties are just so much FUN :D


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Being the person who worked to put the person with 30,000 points in the #1 spot on /top (in order to have someone pass Zeejayy :p), I disagree with what is being said here. I don't often disagree with G33ke (as he's nearly always right), but I fell I have to here.

First of all, though I agree that victories are not the most accurate means of measuring skill (as they are based primarily on time played), measuring skill with points is in no way accurate. It sets the focus of the game upon killing people with high points, and winning becomes inconsequential. Say some guy had a plan in which he would go to a server with a high pointed player in it, punch that person to death, then disconnect. Getting up to 300 points per kill in that manner, they would shortly become the top ranked player, even if they had no victories. All you need to do is get points, not actually have any skill in the games.

In the current system, it is a combination of wins and points that matter. Wins, though it is much easier to accumulate them with more time on your hands, DO reflect the skill needed to actually win that number of games. And points, actually matter more in my opinion with the bounty system, as, though they might not be a truly accurate representation of your skill, they do take a large modicum of skill to maintain, and that is much more apparent with the higher numbers that only appear through bounties.

And plus, bounties are just so much FUN :D
I have to agree that points still don't entirely show skill - for example, my points are a bit higher right now than normal, since I had a giant winning streak last night, I normally don't do nearly as good as I did yesterday...but wins don't show nearly as much as bounty does in my opinion.

I'm still going to stick with my opinion that /bounty should be removed, but I won't argue any farther on why I feel that way. I think I've said all I wanted to say. :p

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