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Ban Exception Test?

Good Idea?

  • Bad Idea.

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • Good Idea.

    Votes: 29 78.4%

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Dec 31, 2012
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I don't know how I feel about this, I really don't. I'm trying to think in the perspective of a banned player, but at the same time, still avoiding being biased, because let's face it- if you want to apply for moderator, and you've been banned, of course you want to find a way around that ban.

Now, to apply this to real life- let's go with applying for a real life job. If it's a big job, they take everything into consideration. Let's say you did something in the past- something small- maybe it was an accident- but they found out about it, and now you don't have the job.

Same situation here.

Accident, mistake, "no big deal"- you did it, it happened, and now here it is, affecting you.

The reason past bans affect moderators, is because you broke a rule that a moderators job is to enforce. Increasing gamma is against the rules, and whether you saw the rules or not, it's one of those things where it was available to you, and whether you read it or not is completely up to you.

Too be honest, I can't think of anything that could genuinely be an accident and would result in a ban. Minor things like caps should be warned, and kicked for first, unless severe, and caps are the only accidental thing I can think of. There's a swear filter for a reason, advertising another server doesn't make any sense, not abusing other players is a no-brainer, and changing any settings, or installing mods has, and always will be bannable.

There is honestly no legitimate thing I can think of that would be an accident.

Now, I do realize, people change, and people mature, but it happened. You did it.

Accountability is really what comes into play in this situation. You are completely accountable for everything you've ever done, here, or just life in general. Everyone matures over time, but it doesn't make past actions any less evident, or you any less accountable for them.

People who go to jail for things like drunk driving will always have that on their record, and when they apply for a job, it'll be there, even five years after the actual event took place. They could be an advocate against drunk driving now, and have completely turned their lives around, but they still did it, and it will still be there.

While drunk driving is a much more serious thing, that analogy fits this situation well in the sense that no matter how much you've changed, and no matter how much you've matured, what you did will always stick with you.


Well, that's about it for my opinions on this. I hope I don't sound like I don't want you to get mod- I wish the absolute best for you, and anyone else dealing with this situation, this is just what I think about the situation in general.
If there's anything you can do- talking to staff, doing whatever you can to get this ban to be overlooked in an application, I wish you the absolute best of luck, and I hope you can find a way :)
It seems you are not taking into account the CURRENT moderators making mistakes. First of all, it is undoubtable that atleast one of the current moderators have hacked in the past - statistics would probably show it. Second of all - like you said - we all make mistakes. So do moderators, they ban people who wasn't hacking. Im banned now; there's nothing I can do about it, its on my record. I have no reason to lie about wether I was hacking or not. But I said this once and I'll say it again. , "I was not doing whatever it is to increase gamma" hell, I still dont know what gamma means. Im a smart kid; Im in the top 5 % for mathematics in England for my age. When I recorded my video (If I did have brightness hacks) I would have turned it off. Logic.

Im getting off track. My point is that when people make a ban dispute they dont always get unbanned, even though they were not hacking. (Again statistics would probably show it). So a ban exception test would be a appropriate if it were a small ban for something (Or if there is any doubt that the person could have not been hacking, for example LeafyGreenTea - No ban exception. Someone who may have just had really good aim but their head wasn't snapping all over the place - possible ban exception)

In your analogy (I believe it was a job ) if you were say "drunk driving" then that would be on your record. If you then went to a job the interviewer would probably bring this up and ask you to explain it. If you did a good explanation of it then you would be put on trial (or something along those lines) . Why not be the same on MCGamer? And take an idea from the real world?

PS: Drunk driving isn't that good of an analogy because the first bit is legal and the second bit is not + you're under the influence.
PPS: I dont want to sound crude, I just really think this would be a good idea for MCGamer, (Although the staff may be to stubborn to do it).



Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know how I feel about this, I really don't. I'm trying to think in the perspective of a banned player, but at the same time, still avoiding being biased, because let's face it- if you want to apply for moderator, and you've been banned, of course you want to find a way around that ban.

Now, to apply this to real life- let's go with applying for a real life job. If it's a big job, they take everything into consideration. Let's say you did something in the past- something small- maybe it was an accident- but they found out about it, and now you don't have the job.

Same situation here.

Accident, mistake, "no big deal"- you did it, it happened, and now here it is, affecting you.

The reason past bans affect moderators, is because you broke a rule that a moderators job is to enforce. Increasing gamma is against the rules, and whether you saw the rules or not, it's one of those things where it was available to you, and whether you read it or not is completely up to you.

Too be honest, I can't think of anything that could genuinely be an accident and would result in a ban. Minor things like caps should be warned, and kicked for first, unless severe, and caps are the only accidental thing I can think of. There's a swear filter for a reason, advertising another server doesn't make any sense, not abusing other players is a no-brainer, and changing any settings, or installing mods has, and always will be bannable.

There is honestly no legitimate thing I can think of that would be an accident.

Now, I do realize, people change, and people mature, but it happened. You did it.

Accountability is really what comes into play in this situation. You are completely accountable for everything you've ever done, here, or just life in general. Everyone matures over time, but it doesn't make past actions any less evident, or you any less accountable for them.

People who go to jail for things like drunk driving will always have that on their record, and when they apply for a job, it'll be there, even five years after the actual event took place. They could be an advocate against drunk driving now, and have completely turned their lives around, but they still did it, and it will still be there.

While drunk driving is a much more serious thing, that analogy fits this situation well in the sense that no matter how much you've changed, and no matter how much you've matured, what you did will always stick with you.


Well, that's about it for my opinions on this. I hope I don't sound like I don't want you to get mod- I wish the absolute best for you, and anyone else dealing with this situation, this is just what I think about the situation in general.
If there's anything you can do- talking to staff, doing whatever you can to get this ban to be overlooked in an application, I wish you the absolute best of luck, and I hope you can find a way :)
Doesn't a ban not count against Moderator applications if it was under 24 hrs? That's what I heard.


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
It seems you are not taking into account the CURRENT moderators making mistakes. First of all, it is undoubtable that atleast one of the current moderators have hacked in the past - statistics would probably show it. Second of all - like you said - we all make mistakes. So do moderators, they ban people who wasn't hacking. Im banned now; there's nothing I can do about it, its on my record. I have no reason to lie about wether I was hacking or not. But I said this once and I'll say it again. , "I was not doing whatever it is to increase gamma" hell, I still dont know what gamma means. Im a smart kid; Im in the top 5 % for mathematics in England for my age. When I recorded my video (If I did have brightness hacks) I would have turned it off. Logic.
Yes, current moderators make, and have made mistakes, and I'm sure there are moderators currently who have previously hacked- it's bound to happen, and it's not easily avoided.

People get away with things every day, in real life, and online. It's impossible to avoid it, it really is.

Just because other moderators are bound to have made mistakes, and bound to make more mistakes doesn't lessen the validity of anyone else's mistakes, however.

If you were not hacking, and you posted a ban dispute, and it was upheld- it was upheld because a member of Sr. Staff thought the evidence found you guilty of your offense. They could be wrong- just like anyone else, they make mistakes too, just like a moderator who may have made a faulty ban.

Im getting off track. My point is that when people make a ban dispute they dont always get unbanned, even though they were not hacking. (Again statistics would probably show it). So a ban exception test would be a appropriate if it were a small ban for something (Or if there is any doubt that the
I don't think that's a bad idea, and I actually think if you get in contact with the right people, you could possible arrange meetings, and things of the sort. Feel free to contact me, and I'll try to get you in contact with some people who may be able to help :)

In your analogy (I believe it was a job ) if you were say "drunk driving" then that would be on your record. If you then went to a job the interviewer would probably bring this up and ask you to explain it. If you did a good explanation of it then you would be put on trial (or something along those lines) . Why not be the same on MCGamer? And take an idea from the real world
I'm almost certain that for some jobs, when they do background checks upon receiving the job application, some jobs would deny you straight away, without an interview. There are often hundreds of applicants for one position, and if someone has a certain fault, there are plenty of others who do not, which is extremely relatable in the situation of MCSG.

Of course some applicants with clean records may not be as good as people with bad records- same thing when it comes to real life, but it's the first impression. If they know you no better than by your ban records, that's what they will judge you by.

PS: Drunk driving isn't that good of an analogy because the first bit is legal and the second bit is not + you're under the influence.
PPS: I dont want to sound crude, I just really think this would be a good idea for MCGamer, (Although the staff may be to stubborn to do it)
I'm not sure what you mean by the first bit of drunk driving being legal, but if you mean drinking itself, of driving, think of it this way. Everyone's allowed to drink- everyone has the free choice of whether to hack or not, but if you're under the influence (using hacks), and you make the choice to get into that car (MCSG), it's all on you. Every choice you made leading up to that, and every choice afterward, and henceforth, leading up to when you get arrested (banned). Being under the influence can be compared to hacking, as I said.

I do agree- if people take whatever necessary steps, speak with staff, and do whatever needed to have the ban overlooked, I'd love to see them as moderators, but there's a lot of work that would need to go into it. It'd be like an age exception I assume, and like I previously mentioned, I'd be more than happy to try to get you in contact with the right people, or anyone else that's looking to do something similar to what you are.

What I said, is directed more so to the general idea of bans being invalid after they 'expire'. I don't think it should be open automatically to everyone, but rather a process, like an age exception, that people have to go through to prove themselves :)


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Yay! Its happenned. Thread no longer relevant, and it should be locked, I just think I should announce that one of my idea's actually happened...
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