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Ban Exception Test?

Good Idea?

  • Bad Idea.

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • Good Idea.

    Votes: 29 78.4%

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Mar 30, 2013
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Just about to quote you here, Alex. But, the "Mockingjay" case kinda screwed you over still, didn't it..? Maybe me and you can talk about this soon.

Continuing with my thoughts, I think this is a good idea. If they were hacking, no chance. But for minor cases like spam, caps, and *Worked on* small cursing, after a year of no reports/bans, you could re-apply. Maybe have an Admin or a Sr. Mod approve of you before-hand..?


Feb 18, 2014
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I do believe this could possibly open up a lot of good Moderator Applicants and possibly bring some nice Moderators to our staff team. Perhaps, there will be no exception for people that have been banned more than once, and if they have been banned once, and only once, they will have the chance of joining the staff team. Also, I'm sure this would depend on what you were banned for.


Dec 31, 2012
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I do believe this could possibly open up a lot of good Moderator Applicants and possibly bring some nice Moderators to our staff team. Perhaps, there will be no exception for people that have been banned more than once, and if they have been banned once, and only once, they will have the chance of joining the staff team. Also, I'm sure this would depend on what you were banned for.
Indeed, there are many people who would make amazing moderators out there, but they cant apply because they had a 1 hour ban for caps or something that really doesn't matter.


Dec 31, 2012
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I do believe this could possibly open up a lot of good Moderator Applicants and possibly bring some nice Moderators to our staff team. Perhaps, there will be no exception for people that have been banned more than once, and if they have been banned once, and only once, they will have the chance of joining the staff team. Also, I'm sure this would depend on what you were banned for.
Of course, if you were banned for hacking hardcore (eg. forcefield, aimbot, regen) then you shall not be allowed to apply.
But if it caps, spam, or in my case suspected use of "Brightness Hacks" in a video I made then they should be given a second chance.


Dec 24, 2013
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As I've said before, a ban exception process similar to age exceptions would in my mind work well. You can gauge if someone is ready for the position through a scrutinous process with written and verbal steps.
Agreed, nice idea


Jul 2, 2014
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I'm probably one of the only people against the whole idea of allowing players with past bans to apply, regardless of what the offence was or how severe said offence was.

Let's understand what is being proposed. A strong majority of the 'pro' side is agreeing upon the fact that a 'process' similar to the age exception process would be a good idea (or at least, loosely based off it.) They feel that if the ban is a certain amount of time old and has collected some dust, then this 'process' would become available to them. This is what I interpreted after reading the comments, so this is the basis I will go off of.

Now, what's good about this system? For one, I can certainly admit that there are many fantastic moderator candidates out there who have previous bans and are not allowed to apply at this time. I can also agree to the fact that people do change, and perhaps they now regret what they did.

But does that actually justify whatever it was they did x number of months or x number of years ago? Maybe some of you folks, of whom who have previous bans and wish to apply, are applying for staff because you want to demonstrate and show us all that you have matured from that point in time. Who knows - that was merely a speculation.

Let's make a slight analogical connection to the real world here. You go out bowling with some friends. You make the decision of driving yourself home,and in an attempt to impress your friends, go and do some very reckless driving. You go hit a car and injure the lone passenger. You would be charged, obviously, and perhaps booked into jail for a while.
But how does that relate to our predicament?

You get out of jail after serving a bit of time there. Do you think people would trust you driving them anywhere?

The same applies to this scenario.

Someone was breaking the rules in the past. It's not necessarily a trust thing. but you bear a scar from when you broke the rules. You can't just simply remove a scar - it's there forever.

What I am getting at is simple. Think of it like jailtime. You broke the rules, and as a result, disrespected the server, the rules, and anyone who might of been offended by what you did. You are now 'jailed', or a better word might be 'exiled' from applying for Moderator. Why is it like this?

New players join the network every day. They want Moderators who are capable of enforcing the rules and who know what they are doing. Perhaps those 'scarred' folks I was mentioning would be good at both of the above, but does a previous swearing offence look good on their resume? Does a previous sprint hack ban look good?

This isn't to say that people with previous bans would make terrible Moderators, and I hope I stressed that enough. I know of many candidates for the job that would be great, but simply can't apply. While I want them to be Mod, I don't think they should be Mod.

Those are two very different words.


Dec 31, 2012
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New players join the network every day. They want Moderators who are capable of enforcing the rules and who know what they are doing. Perhaps those 'scarred' folks I was mentioning would be good at both of the above, but does a previous swearing offence look good on their resume? Does a previous sprint hack ban look good? Swearing a caps lock may not LOOK good on their resumé, but it doesn't mean they should be excluded from even having a chance.
No, but people swear all the time, i'm sure you do it, and they know you do. But say you accidentally had caps lock on? or you (I know this is unlikely) accidentally had BSM on? Though these things cannot be proven in a ban dispute a test when it is necessary would be good to see if they are mature enough to do the job of a moderator

Let's make a slight analogical connection to the real world here. You go out bowling with some friends. You make the decision of driving yourself home,and in an attempt to impress your friends, go and do some very reckless driving. You go hit a car and injure the lone passenger. You would be charged, obviously, and perhaps booked into jail for a while.
But how does that relate to our predicament?

You wouldn't trust them again to drive you home

Thats a very sloppy metaphor. What it implies is that if someone were a bad moderator they wouldn't be trusted to do it again. What you meant it to imply is that if someone were hacking and breaking the rules you wouldn't trust them to be mod. I cant see what those two paragraphs are meant to mean.

But does that actually justify whatever it was they did x number of months or x number of years ago? Maybe some of you folks, of whom who have previous bans and wish to apply, are applying for staff because you want to demonstrate and show us all that you have matured from that point in time. Who knows - that was merely a speculation.
Yes...thats the whole point of the test, to see if you can justify your ban, and show you have matured...

Too me it seems you make some good points helping us (The ones in favour of this "test") and then you dont pick them apart very well.

I believe I have made my point as well as I can.



Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
I do believe this could possibly open up a lot of good Moderator Applicants and possibly bring some nice Moderators to our staff team. Perhaps, there will be no exception for people that have been banned more than once, and if they have been banned once, and only once, they will have the chance of joining the staff team. Also, I'm sure this would depend on what you were banned for.
Goo to know that even somebody WITH the rank of moderator agrees.


Aug 20, 2012
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A ban exception process would definitely be something to help out the community. However I understand the reasoning behind MCSG's reasoning now. As someone said before, there should be a sort of gauge on how severe the ban is and if said ban is past a certain point of severity the player should not be able to apply for mod?

Pickin' up what I'm puttin' down?


Dec 12, 2013
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I feel this may cause some controversy only because MCGamer seems to take hacking of any kind very seriously and I, along many others, favor this very much. It just seems that if you hacked on the server then it shows that you do not really care about the server as much as you should if you were to be moderator. This is just my opinion.
Very Seriously? They get unbanned after a week. That is why I hardly do report abuses because it's like, Thanks for reporting this player, You'll see them back in a week. Have a nice day. Everyone complains about hackers but I mean unbanning them after a week isn't helping with the reduction of them in my opinion.
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