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The Beginning [US Team]

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Feb 28, 2014
Reaction score
HarborSeal don't disband dude, I know many many people left the clan. But that doesn't mean anything, if you keep on moving forward and recruit more more people. It would show that you are a strong,caring & Awesome leader. Just keep pushing in these rough times dude, if you like I could help you guys get more people. Even though I am not in the clan, I just want to help this wonderful clan that was meant to be strong, a family, and a Really good Clan With two great leaders. In my opinion I do want this clan to be able to survive a bit longer. I hate to see when clans are like this and they start dying. Clans are meant to not disband, clans are meant to show how you are going to step it up and keeping moving forward, honestly it's not that hard to recruit more people. The hardest part is to keep moving forward and forget the past. The past is the past, the present is the present. If you need any help with anything other than disbanding this wonderful clan. Please don't disband!


Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
HarborSeal don't disband dude, I know many many people left the clan. But that doesn't mean anything, if you keep on moving forward and recruit more more people. It would show that you are a strong,caring & Awesome leader. Just keep pushing in these rough times dude, if you like I could help you guys get more people. Even though I am not in the clan, I just want to help this wonderful clan that was meant to be strong, a family, and a Really good Clan With two great leaders. In my opinion I do want this clan to be able to survive a bit longer. I hate to see when clans are like this and they start dying. Clans are meant to not disband, clans are meant to show how you are going to step it up and keeping moving forward, honestly it's not that hard to recruit more people. The hardest part is to keep moving forward and forget the past. The past is the past, the present is the present. If you need any help with anything other than disbanding this wonderful clan. Please don't disband!
We aren't that stupid, we have plans. Would be nice if you would mind your own buiesness.


Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
HarborSeal don't disband dude, I know many many people left the clan. But that doesn't mean anything, if you keep on moving forward and recruit more more people. It would show that you are a strong,caring & Awesome leader. Just keep pushing in these rough times dude, if you like I could help you guys get more people. Even though I am not in the clan, I just want to help this wonderful clan that was meant to be strong, a family, and a Really good Clan With two great leaders. In my opinion I do want this clan to be able to survive a bit longer. I hate to see when clans are like this and they start dying. Clans are meant to not disband, clans are meant to show how you are going to step it up and keeping moving forward, honestly it's not that hard to recruit more people. The hardest part is to keep moving forward and forget the past. The past is the past, the present is the present. If you need any help with anything other than disbanding this wonderful clan. Please don't disband!
I admire you for writing this. But trust me, something good is coming from this.
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