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Zen [US/CA]


Apr 29, 2013
Reaction score
Dear Zypes,

I know you don't know me, but I would really like to join the clan. I started playing Minecraft in 2009, and MCSG in 2012. My name is Max, I am a 14 year old boy from Canada, and I enjoy sports and making graphics. I would really love to join Zen, because I am looking for a strong clan to join. I am decently mature, but still enjoy having fun. These are some charactristics about myself:
- I am very outgoing
I can make friends with almost anyone, as long as they don't constantly refute me. Sometimes just to make a friend with someone you idolize, you need to reach out. I am very personable, and I feel I am rather likeable aswell
- I am reasonable
If anyone has any issues, I am very good at sorting them out. I am almost like I lawyer in Clan Battles, and I can resolve any issue the other clan is having in a calm yet firm manner.
- I can focus
In many situations with other distractions, if I try, I can focus on any certain activity, and excel at it. For example, let's say I am playing Basketball and someone in the stands is chirping me. It is very easy for me to block them out and focus on the game, no matter how loud or offensive it is.
- I am loyal
If I have found a place I am comfortable, I enjoy, and I am not longing for more, I will stay there. And if I am longing for more in set situation, I will try to figure out how to aquire what I need to continue to enjoy myself in set situation.
- I am confident
I accept my flaws and know where I stand in the scheme of things, therefore I have no reason to not me confident!
- I am intelligent
I am a wellspoken and intellegent person, I have been in the top 1% of my region in marks since grade 5. And I as you can tell by my application, I am decent at writing.
- I am learned in strategy
I know multiple strategies and routes on different maps, if you ever decided to do a clan battle.

I hope that this application will convince you enough to allow me to join your clan! I really like this free form version. It's so nice and different from normal MCSG community. I have found that most of the people on MCSG are rather mean. They call everyone a BK Randy unless they're in Exodus, Trivium, Rebels or Forgotten or something.
Thank you for reading this essay of an application. Thanks!


looks like someone say Zypes' youtube and then wrote an essay about this clan that made no real connection to MCSG whatsoever, excluding a few parts.. Good Job. *slow clap*


Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen is a very unique clan that captivated my attention to the extent that I decided to apply. I describe myself as a very shy person, sadly enough, which basically means I'm not going to be as talkative as most clan members on Team Speak. However, it usually shrugs off after a couple of days of getting used to the new clan/people who's in it. Hopefully once my shyness goes away I'll be talking more constantly than before. To sum it all up, if I end up getting infuriated or upset, most likely my mic will be muted, to keep it to myself. My mic quality isn't amazing, but it's bearable. Once in awhile you'll hear a slight fuzzy sound in the background of me talking, but that's about it. Besides Team Speak, you can contact me via Skype. I currently have around 250 wins (Around 500 if you count my alt) and I can tell you straight up, I am not the next Huahwi or anyone close to that. However, I'll constantly try to my fullest potential to be a great a addition to the clan. As my pvp skills aren't amazing, my teamwork is. I work with others very well, as long as they don't aggravate me, which is extremely difficult to do. Nine times out of ten I will participate in mostly all of the Clan Wars, as my personal life isn't as jammed pack as most.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.


Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen, and how you have everything laid out and planned intrigues me, to the point that I'm applying now.
I would like to give you some of my personal pros, that will hopefully not make anyone mad, or upset about. For one, I'm a very unemotional person, sadly enough, and that basically means I wont be cracking jokes here and there, not raging or getting upset, I will just simply listen to what people have to say, and respond. No harsh words will be spoken to anyone, unless I'm talking about myself. I will, however, still be talking daily when I get Team Speak. Since I don't have a microphone for my computer yet I've decided to get Team Speak on my phone, which I will be getting In the next day or two. But outside of Team Speak I mostly use Skype. I will say straight up that I'm not a, "God Like" pvper, nor am I great. I currently have 54 wins on MCSG. I've spoken to you once outside of the game, but that shouldn't influence anything since I don't know you that well yet. I pvp to my highest skill level and try to get the job done, I will be able to participate in most Clan events you have planned, since outside of the computer, I mostly have nothing to do.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen is a very unique clan that captivated my attention to the extent that I decided to apply. I describe myself as a very shy person, sadly enough, which basically means I'm not going to be as talkative as most clan members on Team Speak. However, it usually shrugs off after a couple of days of getting used to the new clan/people who's in it. Hopefully once my shyness goes away I'll be talking more constantly than before. To sum it all up, if I end up getting infuriated or upset, most likely my mic will be muted, to keep it to myself. My mic quality isn't amazing, but it's bearable. Once in awhile you'll hear a slight fuzzy sound in the background of me talking, but that's about it. Besides Team Speak, you can contact me via Skype. I currently have around 250 wins (Around 500 if you count my alt) and I can tell you straight up, I am not the next Huahwi or anyone close to that. However, I'll constantly try to my fullest potential to be a great a addition to the clan. As my pvp skills aren't amazing, my teamwork is. I work with others very well, as long as they don't aggravate me, which is extremely difficult to do. Nine times out of ten I will participate in mostly all of the Clan Wars, as my personal life isn't as jammed pack as most.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.
lie i made you apply -1 l0l i keeddd
Last edited:


Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen is a very unique clan that captivated my attention to the extent that I decided to apply. I describe myself as a very shy person, sadly enough, which basically means I'm not going to be as talkative as most clan members on Team Speak. However, it usually shrugs off after a couple of days of getting used to the new clan/people who's in it. Hopefully once my shyness goes away I'll be talking more constantly than before. To sum it all up, if I end up getting infuriated or upset, most likely my mic will be muted, to keep it to myself. My mic quality isn't amazing, but it's bearable. Once in awhile you'll hear a slight fuzzy sound in the background of me talking, but that's about it. Besides Team Speak, you can contact me via Skype. I currently have around 250 wins (Around 500 if you count my alt) and I can tell you straight up, I am not the next Huahwi or anyone close to that. However, I'll constantly try to my fullest potential to be a great a addition to the clan. As my pvp skills aren't amazing, my teamwork is. I work with others very well, as long as they don't aggravate me, which is extremely difficult to do. Nine times out of ten I will participate in mostly all of the Clan Wars, as my personal life isn't as jammed pack as most.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.
Hello Zypes,
Your clan, Zen, and how you have everything laid out and planned intrigues me, to the point that I'm applying now.
I would like to give you some of my personal pros, that will hopefully not make anyone mad, or upset about. For one, I'm a very unemotional person, sadly enough, and that basically means I wont be cracking jokes here and there, not raging or getting upset, I will just simply listen to what people have to say, and respond. No harsh words will be spoken to anyone, unless I'm talking about myself. I will, however, still be talking daily when I get Team Speak. Since I don't have a microphone for my computer yet I've decided to get Team Speak on my phone, which I will be getting In the next day or two. But outside of Team Speak I mostly use Skype. I will say straight up that I'm not a, "God Like" pvper, nor am I great. I currently have 54 wins on MCSG. I've spoken to you once outside of the game, but that shouldn't influence anything since I don't know you that well yet. I pvp to my highest skill level and try to get the job done, I will be able to participate in most Clan events you have planned, since outside of the computer, I mostly have nothing to do.
I hope you enjoyed my application to your clan.
I'll talk to you both on ROXBOT teamspeak.

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