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XyZebrAbC - Meet the Staff

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
First name: Schuyler (pronounced Skyler)

XyZebrAbC and Ceroria are the two accounts I use most.

Sky, Zebra, CeroriMOD (soggypickle), and countless others.


US mostly, occasionally I'll pop into CA when there are people online!


One Cool Fact:
I have lived in three different states (in the US).

One Embarrassing Fact:
I've never owned a pet :c

One Fact that makes you proud:
I was the lead trumpet player in all of my middle school's bands :3

One Fact no one would ever guess about you:

Most Common question you get asked: How do you pronounce your name?

Favorite Animal:
Narwhals, narwhals swimming in the ocean..!

Favorite Plant:
Those really small Chinese trees that you can grow in miniature flower pots. They're so cute! ^-^

Favorite Color:
A nice majestic purple.

Favorite Food:
Anything from In-N-Out! (best fast food ever :eek:)

Biggest Pet Peeve:
People who think being a jerk is funny ;-;

Astrological Sign:
Leo, I think... I don't know too much about astrology :p

Personal Catchphrase:
This changes pretty much weekly, every time I say it so much that it wears out haha.

Heard about MCG by:
Myself, surfing through Google one day after buying Minecraft.

Ever Bring someone to MCG:
Most of my IRL friends and I kind of found it by ourselves, but can technically claim we somewhat brought each other to the game, or at least kept each other's interest. Two people I actually did bring were Tactical_Taco1 and BucketzPVP!

First friend in the community:
My first online friend was either plimpy41, Bunns, or AviVulza.

MCG role-model:
None specifically, but I'd say I've been heavily influenced by all of the MCSG YouTubers I've watched over the year(s).

Things that you’ve done/are proud of: I have achieved over 500 wins on combined accounts, I've become a member of staff (woo!), and I've made it successfully into the coolest clan ever (Trivium)

Who would win in a fight, you or Chad?:
It depends on if Google Glass comes with a laser beam function. If so, I'm most definitely going to lose.

Call me maybe?
Sure! Why not :3

Do you team in game:
I usually only team with clanmates, IRL friends, and people I'm talking to on TS or skype c:

Have you been backstabbed:
Not for quite some time...

Ever Broken a bone:
I broke something near my elbow when I was 5, but nothing else at that level of seriousness.

Would you rather be a fish or a bird?:

Personal Skills:
I'm pretty intelligent, can type somewhat fast, I can play the trumpet well C:, play basketball, and am very good at getting sucked in to buying cool gadgets! (I'm also a nerd when it comes to computer keyboards, graphics cards, and CPUs)

Computer specs:

From the top of my head
Intel i7 3770
Nvidia GTX 660 (3GB)
10GB of RAM
Other stuff that makes my computer run nicely...

Computer operating system: Windows 7 Hiome Premium

Program I use to record:
Mostly Fraps, occasionally OBS.

Favorite movie:
Now You See Me, any of the Harry Potters, both Hunger Games movies, and Earth to Echo.

Favorite music genre/band/song/artist/composer:
I mostly listen to EDM. Favorite places to listen to music are from Monstercat and Proximity (both pretty awesome channels c; )

Favorite game (other than Minecraft):
Probably any Mario related game. They're so much fun :3

Favorite character from fiction:
Harry James Potter.

What does a fox say?
They make a sort of yipping/barking noise..

Terrified of:

Personal website:
https://www.youtube.com/user/Ceroria (Hint: Subscribe for cookies)

Favorite website (Other than these forums):
YouTube or Soundcloud.

Dream job:
To work as an innovator at Google. I'm very into Computer Design and Computer Hardware Engineering.

What job you currently are doing, or plan to do:
"I'm very into Computer Design and Computer Hardware Engineering." But as of now I work as a counsellor in training at a summer camp near me!

Favorite thing about the community:
It's really hard to pick a specific thing..


When I am online:
During weekdays in the summer I'm on around mid-late afternoon and on weekends I'm on really whenever.

Previous moderating experience:
I currently am an owner of a PvP/Build server that is in the development stages. When it is done, everything should be working smoothly and it is looking up to be an awesome server!

Been a member of staff since:
July 19, 2014. (Happy three months as a mod, Captain | Lqzer! :) )

Servers most active on (MCSG, Creative, Survival, etc):

Personal goal(s) as a staff member:

- Become a Senior Staffer
- Be as active and helpful as I can
- Complete training...

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