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The Beginning [US Team]

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Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
I thought harbor said I was
Dear Troublemaker225,

I regret to inform you that you have been declined, I am sorry I love you it's just that you have previously revoked your trial and I don't know if you're stable.

Love, HarborSeal


Apr 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Aidan4AU
Age: Turning 13 in 3 days, I am quite mature for my age.
Skype Username: YoshiTime717
Recent Clans: Vanquish, ArtOfPvP, Scyth, Vapor, Radiant, Reflection
Why do you want to join this clan, and what attribute do you have that will help this clan?: This clan has been one of my favorites and I think this is the coolest one. I look up to a lot of members in this clan (Harbor and SPU especially) and it would be like a dream come true if I were to be in this clan with them. I know a lot of names in this clan and I know there are a lot of cool people in this clan. The attribute I have to be a good player is that I know where to hit from, so much so I am called a hacker 45% of the time I play/win games. This ability that I possess helped me kill JustAHotDog with 3 hearts when he had better stuff, 8 hearted Sixzoseven, 5.5 hearted Bcuzimbored1243, and many more. I am exceptional with the flint and steel, and my friends recognize me for that. One time a friend called me "The best flint and steel user besides Huahwi" On skype. I also am very good with the fishing rod, and since I am getting a new keyboard (And hopefully better internet :p), I will become much better with the fishing rod. I can get insane combos with my strategy of rodding someone, critting the crap out of them while strafing. I feel I am a very nice person, I have tons of friends at school, and I think I can make friends in this clan. I hope to god I am accepted and can make it in this clan.
*Make sure the post above is highly detailed for a better chance of acceptance into this clan*
Dude we don't need to know the people you've killed in your past xD
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