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InsanityU appreciation thread.


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Now, a few of you have probably watched the video that insanityu made. It's a very depressing story about his Grandma. Captain | Lqzer raised this to the community, and I want to thank him for that. Here I'm making a thread where you can easily see how nice the community actually is. I'll say the story in my brief summary now.


There was a boy, who was 6 years old. It was his Grandma's birthday, and she was taking him out, so he could get her a birthday present. They went to Walmart, and then.... they were putting stuff on the counter. The last thing was his Grandma's present, which was a top that matched her personality. She saw the present that the young 6 year old boy had put down, and said to him 3 words. I love you. They were her last words. A man ran in, looked around, saw her, and shot her in the head. The boy was massively depressed and crying, while he saw his best friend drop to the ground dead. He takes MMA classes now, and keeps pushing himself over the limit. He went from bottom to top of his classes, and now is amazing at MMA, all for his beloved Grandma.

For anyone wanting the actual video, here it is:

[ - READ ON - ]

Now I will say what MCGamer's community has to say about this tragic incident.

[ - Captain | Lqzer - ]

I'm at a loss of words...
When things tear you apart, keep on fighting.

[ - Mint_Sibs - ]

I legitimately cried. I don't care if you make fun of me for it. I know what he feels my grandma died last year when we went to go visit Bangladesh. I'm at a loss for words, legitimately holding back myself from sobbing.

[ - resistantcorn12 - ]

insanityu , thank you for making this. This is one video that I know I'll never forget. I can't even understand how you could bear such a thing happening to you, stay strong, man.

[ - Exaq - ]

So sad...

[ - BaccaBoy1999 - ]

I don't know exactly how you feel, and I don't think anyone who hasn't has a loved one passed would either, but we feel for you. Don't ever think you are alone.

[ - BulletJC - ]

Oh my god... :'( At a loss for words. insanityu Keep on keepin' on. Put up a fight. RIP. Made me tear up, NGL.

[ - Nephilim - ]

I am seriously speechless right now... :( insanityu man, never give up and fight for what you love.

[ - MinedAndCrafted5 - ]

This video almost made me cry. This is so sad. I can never imagine ever losing my grandma. Especially to something like that.

[ - Aedrift - ]

;-; No words.

[ - Brigade - ]

So sad was about to cry.
I feel for him.

[ - MrKorrenian - ]

My god. I actually cried. Its just so ... I can't even put it into words.

[ - mr_pendle - ]

This is amazing <3

[ - MCGamerzism - ]

Surprisingly, I didn't cry, but I'm gonna think about his for the rest of the night and think WOW I'm so lucky. It just tells you ANYTHING can happen, I frightening thing for me is these people who do these shooting kinda things, I dont understand and never will what motivates these guys for killing someone. Horrifies me. To think that i wanna live in America, with people like this...it scares me...I could be a victim of that...lord help this kid #PeakTimes

[ - NuJaan - ]

Oh my god. :( This video almost made me cry. I'm at a loss for words.

[ - ThappleTree - ]

Oh my god... The feels :c

[ - Zable - ]

insanityu I have watched the whole video, I am crying right now. This shows up how every single player has a human part, has feelings, and we shouldnt be rude to each other. I lost my grandma from cancer like 3 ago and my mom made me move to my cousins house and I called asking about how my grandma was and she said that she was sleeping at the moment. I went back to grab some stuff to my house and then went inside her bedroom, after 2 minutes there I realized something. I called my mom and it was true, my grandma wasnt gonna wake up. I literally cry everytime I think about it. All I do is for her. Keep it up man and if you need anything just Pm me or add me on skype and we can talk. My skype is: ignacioprietomartinez. Stay strong.

[ - Shaunypie87 - ]

I think we should make a fund for insanityu to help make up for his loss. I don't have access to PayPal, but maybe, maybe someone can have the heart to donate to him, and someone can receive that money, and send that to him for his awful loss. I cried, and this made me think of my Great - Granddad who passed away recently. He fought in World War II, and teenagers made fun of him for scars. He was angry, and because of his poor eyesight started chasing them and got run-over. I just.... I just want you to know that I feel for him. Keep fighting for what you love. She would be proud of you, just keep doing what you do, it's amazing how you are still going strong.

But seriously, someone should make a PayPal where people can make donations to insanityu because I think this man deserves some respect.

[ - YelloDawg39 - ]

It WILL get better.

[ - IxLegendz - ]

today I screwed up, with my grandma. she loves tennis, she loves it and she wants me to become a great tennis player. and I messed up, today I had to wake up super early to go play, and I didnt want to, i was tired and sore and so selfishness took me over, and I messed around and screwed up on purpose, she does a lot for me, she took me home and I got a big lecture and I realized, what if my grandma got shot today.. and my last interaction was what I did to her.... she was really upset. she cried, she spends so much time helping me to become a better tennis player, and just because I'm more of a football basketball guy, I got selfish and ruined her day, her week, her month for crying out loud, this video made me appriciate my loved ones, and how I cannot do things to them that could be the last thing they see, always treat someone like it's the last time you'll ever see them, it's a mistake I could've made many many times...

thank you insanityu you made my day, and I love what you're doing. keep it up man, I look up to you.

[ - NikiIsTheTrueFeelzzHD - ]

I really don't know what to think right now.. after i watched the vid. i was thinking... even doe my grandma is really rude to me i never could accept her dying in front of me.. But, that's how life works. Hope you get better soon, because we all love you and thanks for sharing us the sad story. You are a really great man, you kinda make me realize some things, thanks a lot. And be brave as you are right now, because that will help you a lot. Losing someone like that is not fair it's not Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom fair, i i i don't even know like this is not fair, i know i said that like thousand times but i will say it thousand times more. Try to think positive, try to be good at school so you can make your grandma proud, she's still watching you, she still SEES YOU! She's still in your heart, believe me.

[ - xExterminate - ]

This video really made me cry, and it made me realize how lucky I am to have 2 grandmas and that I need to cherish every moment I get to spend with them.
Thank you, @insanityu!

[ - Karivar - ]

Wow i was crying so much even wjen i heard him voice :/ I couldnt watch the whole video bcuz im to afraid and just crying :( Tommorow im going to go and travel to finland and se my grandmother so i see im the most luckiest boy in the whole world.

[ - Brandon6895 - ]

It's pretty inspirational how he took Martial Arts to be able to protect the rest of his family because of what happened to his Grandma, he wanted to be the best in his class and he accomplished that. I can't imagine being right by someone I love and then he/she gets shot... It's incredible how strong he is to go through that. Lots of respect for insanityu, stay strong! :)

[ - bbLLERMC - ]

I was actually crying when I watched this it made me so sad just the thought of that happening to me makes me want to cry but for it to actually be real for him that's just crazy.

[ - killerhero2000 - ]

Insanity… I know how long it has been since I've seen you… but I want you to know I'm incredibly sorry for you.
Last year, I lost my grandpa. I didn't know what he was actually doing for me and my sister. Ends up, every year he gives me $5000 for my university, And I never knew that until now. He has been helping me on ways I don't comprehend, or ways I haven't yet thought about. I didn't appreciate him while he was here, once I understood Golf was really important to him, He couldn't even say my name. The past 2 years before he passed away I never appreciated him, I would cry to my dad "I don't want to go, I don't do anything there" but now I see, how much I wasted time. Now, I go to my Grandmas all the time to make her feel happy and know that we support here. Tomorrow Ill be going to her house to watch the World Cup and make her feel proud. I know what you're going through, I never payed attention to my surroundings, and once I did my grandpa, couldn't even remember my name. I, Im literally crying right now, I've never told anybody this but its time to let it out and face facts just like you did. Thank You Insanity For Showing Me An Important Part of my life, Stay Strong. And most of all…. Thank you. With all my heart. U just guided me to a better place, to actually be happy of what I have.
Thank you.

[ - Number_1315 - ]

Good Luck man and sorry to hear but i feeel so emotional and bout to cry...

Now, all of these words are strong, and I deeply respect everyone who took this seriously and has respect for Insanity. I just want to say I was having an emotional breakdown while writing this, and I think that everyone on here should get some respect.

This shows how kind the MCGamer community really is. Thanks for your time, and thanks to everyone who made a comment about this horrible incident. But most importantly, I think insanityu really needs some respect. Coming from the top to the bottom, and staying strong. We respect you, Insanity.

Last edited:


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
I think you linked the wrong video. It's a touching story though ;P


Sep 26, 2013
Reaction score
I almost started crying. ;( Stay strong Insanity.


Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
Soo sad, makes me want to cry, every time I think of it.
Aug 7, 2013
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its such a sad story omg I criiiied Sooooo goddam hard:(


Nov 12, 2013
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This comments on this thread makes me cry ;(


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
This video really made me cry, and it made me realize how lucky I am to have 2 grandmas and that I need to cherish every moment I get to spend with them.
Thank you, insanityu!


Dec 30, 2013
Reaction score
Wow i was crying so much even wjen i heard him voice :/ I couldnt watch the whole video bcuz im to afraid and just crying :(

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