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Community Discussion: Should Ex-Hackers be Considered for Mod?


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
I feel it should have some background checks before they actually get to pending/ interview.

Some people do make mistakes and sometimes they are very sorry. Ive made mistakes and ive lost many chances but in this case i feel that people that show true potential should have a shot.

TL;DR rly.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Lets get this straight, I do believe that people change, but change doesn't mean we should give them a staff position. Just because I say no, doesn't meant that I don't believe in repentance. I'm sorry, but why would we give hackers a chance to catch other hackers. If hackers want to give back to the community for their mistakes, build a map, don't hack again, and catch other hackers by opening report abuses.


Mar 30, 2013
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I think if a user would to break the rules and he would wish to apply for moderator he would need to play on the MCGamer network for atleast 1 year if not more and not break any rules that means no bans no kicks and they need to be mature as a person and they need to learn thair leason and then they could apply for moderator and they need to be a good helpful in one way for instance report other hackers or tell other moderators that there is a hacker in the game soo moderators would see that you would make a good moderator.


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
I think if a user would to break the rules and he would wish to apply for moderator he would need to play on the MCGamer network for atleast 1 year if not more and not break any rules that means no bans no kicks and they need to be mature as a person and they need to learn thair leason and then they could apply for moderator and they need to be a good helpful in one way for instance report other hackers or tell other moderators that there is a hacker in the game soo moderators would see that you would make a good moderator.
Perhaps a year is too harsh? I would say like 5-6 months.


Jan 11, 2014
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I feel like we have rules for a reason and if a user chooses to ignore them and break the rules then it is their fault. I think anyone who has chosen to ignore our rules then I feel like they should not be given a chance. But hey that is just my opinion ^-^


Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score
Right now for my view on this topic:

So personally I think that you have to consider all details of the ban, how they reacted to the ban, how long ago the ban was, and what they were banned for.

So first if all the process should be completely different. Personally I think it should go like this:
- there is an application which would include 'how have you matured enough to get mod since your ban' 'tell us why we shod trust you after your offence' and other questions as such. The application would include the normal questions and then should be sent to all the admins and a selection of sr mods.
- if the application does get accepted it would go to a pending stage, where the player would get discretely monitered ingame to view their actions, attitude any rules broken, or any disrespectful comments. No chances should be given, they make a mistake they get declined.
-after this stage it should go to an interview prior to the normal interview discussing the maturity change, why you deserve a chance at mod ect. Before the normal interview.

You also have to consider what they were banned for. If they were banned for spam say or caps, then they can apply, however it is a big NO for disrespect. As that is just rude and completely immature.

Then maybe they were banned unfairly which means they should have to include tht in their application and then their evidence will be reviewed deeply by senior staff.

Even with all these steps in place. How can we trust the player. They could just be good at writing, hence their application being accepted, an they could be friendly and persuasive, which would help in the interview. And then if they got mod they would be horrible at it. It really is a hard matter to decide. You would have to trust the person deeply! Which would also mean they mustn't have commited any offences in at least the last 6 months.

In a way, hackers could be better mods than normal players. They would be knowledgable with hacked clients, and maybe after being banned can see the seriousness of hacking. Not sure if that made sense. But If it did. Cool.

And then you get the argument. 'Do you really want a leafygreentea with commands and power' well what if leafygreentea fitted the personality, maturity, met all the requirements and would make an excellent mod. Then personally I wouldn't mind. Peoe can change you know.

Sorry if this was poorly written, was done on my phone will watching Hunger Games. (Hmm what a coincidence)



District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I think that they should be able to depending in how long ago they were banned. If they've been clean for lets say a year, I'd say they're ok to be considered.


Apr 26, 2014
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There should be some form of Grace Period after which not just hackers, but anyone who has been previously banned should be able to apply. For example, 6 months. If a user who has been banned had still is active and would like to apply, they should be able to. Your average rule-breaker would most likely stop playing MCSG as soon as they have been banned.


I love statistics. So I've inventoried all responses up to PandaDoesPvPxD's reply into charts. Here are some preliminary results of this discussion.

As you can see most people are in favor of ex-hackers to be able to apply for moderator. Though, most of them think they shouldn't be able to apply unconditionally. Many people who have responded also suggested additional requirements for applying.

Most of the people who are in favor of hiring ex-hackers suggest that the ex-hacker should go through a separate application process, like the one for an age exception, before the ex-hacker would be able to apply.

Another large group of people suggest a certain amount of time should have passed before the ex-hacker should be allowed to apply. The suggested amount of time varies from person to person.

Other users have suggested a combination of these measures or something else entirely. Like:

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