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Community Discussion: Should Ex-Hackers be Considered for Mod?


Nov 4, 2013
Reaction score
As stupid as it may sound, I believe: ex-hackers, who want to apply for moderator, should go through a different application process like those who apply for a age exception

Just like the age exception process, ex-hackers should go through a similar process where they do not apply like regular members would. Instead of the age exception application, why not the ex-hacker application where people who believe they have changed for the better can apply. In this application, they would have to explain why they believe they deserve to be a moderator despite having a ban to their name. For example, an age exception application would ask "include your completed moderator application plus an additional explanation as to why you believe you deserve an exception." Why not for ex-hackers, include an additional explanation as to why you believe you deserve moderator despite a past ban?

The application process would go like this:

  • Produce an application that is sent to the administration team via a private conversation/email with the addition of an explanation on why you deserve moderator despite a ban.
  • If they pass the application process, they are then invited to an interview with a couple of the administration team.
  • If all goes well, and the interviewee is seen as mature and passionate about obtaining moderator, they are then allowed to apply through the regular moderator process like all other members.

If I may use Mooclan as an example, during my closing stages as a moderator, I spent a lot of time trying to slightly change the policies on this certain subject. I put forward the case that people who spend more than a year trying to prove themselves that they are trustworthy and mature after being banned they should at least be allowed to put in a application and be contemplated about. I think I can speak for most people when I say Mooclan is a highly respected forum user and is, I hope, hardly disliked.

To conclude, I believe ex-hackers should be considered for moderator on the terms that they have proven themselves worthy of the position. First of all, they need to prove themselves that they are worthy to the members of the community (which many have.) After they have done this, they then have to prove themselves to the community of staff, specifically the senior staff. I highly doubt an ex-hacker would get themselves positively well known on the forum community and gain trust from staff members to then gain moderator and use their power for bad and subsequently demoted. Sorry for using you as an example again Mooclan, however I had the privilege to write a PSA (Public Server Announcement) with him and he, more or less, did all the writing. I will leave you with this question and I would like an answer to it: why can't ex-hackers who spend their time trying their hardest to prove that they are trustworthy, mature and passionate about this community apply for moderator especially if their ban occurred at the start of 2013?
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District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
I say you can apply only if:

1. You have no bans.
2. You only have 1 ban that occurred over 6/8/12/? months ago.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Also, some people have been unfairly banned for hacking but have not the sufficient evidence to successfully dispute. I believe that players who have been banned for hacking once, and only once, should be able to apply for mod because they've either learned their lesson or were wrongfully banned.


Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
As with underage applicants having to go through the age exception process, there should be an application for people with bans in the past who want to try and go for moderator. The standards of this exclusive application would be very high like the age exception, as taking a moderator with previous bans on board is not easy.

There probably are people within this community that would make fabulous moderators given the chance but are denied the ability to become one because of a ban (I'm looking at you Mooclan) just as there are people under 14 who would be great. Underage applicants have the age exception, why not give ex-banned players their opportunity to apply?

My 2c.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for that c:
(I'm looking at you Mooclan)
Aw thanks <3

Before I start, I just want to mention this: I am NOT saying that I hacked. I was simply banned, and the reason given was "Sprint Hacks". The evidence was deemed several times as sufficient to have the ban upheld. I deny any usage of hacks or unfair mods.
With that out of the way, allow me to give my own personal story and view on this subject.

Think back to mid to late March of 2013. I'm the co-leader (Maybe leader by that time) of what was one of the top US clans. I run across one of my oldest MCSG friends, Krafty, on Teweran Survival Games Two. We both make it to DeathMatch, and we face off. I kill him with difficulty, and the game ends, and we go our separate ways. That Friday night, I'm playing on Teweran Survival Games One, and I am fighting on ice, facing against some people who are calling me out, claiming that I have hacks. I end the game. I don't remember whether or not I win, but when I try to log back into MCSG, I see something unusual: I'm banned for 7 days. The reason? Sprint Hacks.
I immediately jump to the conclusion that the people calling me out for hacks were the ones that got banned, so I make a Ban Appeal, pleading my case, insisting that I'm just good at Ice-Fights. A day or two passes, and I receive a reply. My ban has been upheld, and GibboAssassin says, "There's no ice in the evidence". I go, "wat' and when I see the evidence, I notice that it was from when I fought Krafty (Then known as CraftyKratonite) and is in fact on sand, ironically. I later found out that it was Krafty's friend, ARB1T3R who recorded the evidence, and Krafty claims that he did not think I was hacking, and would talk to Arby. (I have nothing against him, if a staff member wants they can censor his name, as it doesn't affect this story.)
Time passes, and eventually I come to terms that my chances of obtaining Moderator are non-existant. I still did, and still do, wish to obtain the rank, but I suppose I've come to accept that it's simply not going to happen. I have appealed the ban several times, and it has been upheld. I have applied for Moderator, as well, on a whim, and that has turned sour as well. I also privately messaged a few Senior Mods who were active on the Forums, in the hope that they could perhaps find a way for me to have a ban exception to no avail.

As the glamorous (lol) JennoKoala stated in his post above, we collaborated on a PSA about lag issues. I did a fairly decent portion of the work, and I was approached by Col_StaR who thanked me for my efforts and offered me an opportunity: I had a chance to have my ban overlooked. I eagerly replied, and explained how I had PMed the Senior Mods and whatnot, and waited for a reply, which did indeed come, but after quite a while, and with bad news. I had been unfortunately reported as involved with a group trying to have a certain high-ranking staff member demoted using absurd methods. The offer was retracted, and any hopes I had of achieving Moderator were exiled to the deepest regions of the Nether.

To this day, I continue to inhabit the MCSG Forums, posting and helping, informing and debating. But I don't do it in the hopes of achieving Moderator, now I simply do it because I like to, and I get bored if I don't.

Okay my fingers hurt... onto the second part of this post ;_;

Do I think ex-hackers should be considered for Mod?
To condense my thoughts into a single word - Yes.
However, do I believe ex-hackers should be given an equal chance for Mod? Sorry all you recently banned hackers, but no.

This is an example of what I believe is a good example of a qualified ex-hacker:
  • Lots of experience in-game, with not only MCSG but Minecraft in general.
  • Knowledge of different types of hacks -what they look like, how they change the game, how to spot them.
  • Decently well-respected around the community. Maybe not everyone's favorite bovine, but someone who can be trusted to have reliable information.
  • A strong work-ethic. Willing to help, even if it means letting go of personal spa-time and beauty sleep.
  • A lot of time since they last hacked (or in my case, were accused of hacks) since MCG isn't exactly going to hire someone who got banned a few weeks ago.
It makes sense that they would be a pretty good candidate, right? Heck, I've heard MCSG Mods state that they hack on other servers before becoming Staff on MCSG. It's not a huge difference, except for the fact that the server they hack on isn't the one they're a staff member on.

aaaaaaaaand my mom just came home so I have to stop typing now.
This is just my $00.02 (Or maybe $30, small difference :p)
But hey, if I can change even a single person's view on this subject, then my job here is done.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for that c:

Aw thanks <3

Before I start, I just want to mention this: I am NOT saying that I hacked. I was simply banned, and the reason given was "Sprint Hacks". The evidence was deemed several times as sufficient to have the ban upheld. I deny any usage of hacks or unfair mods.
With that out of the way, allow me to give my own personal story and view on this subject.

Think back to mid to late March of 2013. I'm the co-leader (Maybe leader by that time) of what was one of the top US clans. I run across one of my oldest MCSG friends, Krafty, on Teweran Survival Games Two. We both make it to DeathMatch, and we face off. I kill him with difficulty, and the game ends, and we go our separate ways. That Friday night, I'm playing on Teweran Survival Games One, and I am fighting on ice, facing against some people who are calling me out, claiming that I have hacks. I end the game. I don't remember whether or not I win, but when I try to log back into MCSG, I see something unusual: I'm banned for 7 days. The reason? Sprint Hacks.
I immediately jump to the conclusion that the people calling me out for hacks were the ones that got banned, so I make a Ban Appeal, pleading my case, insisting that I'm just good at Ice-Fights. A day or two passes, and I receive a reply. My ban has been upheld, and GibboAssassin says, "There's no ice in the evidence". I go, "wat' and when I see the evidence, I notice that it was from when I fought Krafty (Then known as CraftyKratonite) and is in fact on sand, ironically. I later found out that it was Krafty's friend, ARB1T3R who recorded the evidence, and Krafty claims that he did not think I was hacking, and would talk to Arby. (I have nothing against him, if a staff member wants they can censor his name, as it doesn't affect this story.)
Time passes, and eventually I come to terms that my chances of obtaining Moderator are non-existant. I still did, and still do, wish to obtain the rank, but I suppose I've come to accept that it's simply not going to happen. I have appealed the ban several times, and it has been upheld. I have applied for Moderator, as well, on a whim, and that has turned sour as well. I also privately messaged a few Senior Mods who were active on the Forums, in the hope that they could perhaps find a way for me to have a ban exception to no avail.

As the glamorous (lol) JennoKoala stated in his post above, we collaborated on a PSA about lag issues. I did a fairly decent portion of the work, and I was approached by Col_StaR who thanked me for my efforts and offered me an opportunity: I had a chance to have my ban overlooked. I eagerly replied, and explained how I had PMed the Senior Mods and whatnot, and waited for a reply, which did indeed come, but after quite a while, and with bad news. I had been unfortunately reported as involved with a group trying to have a certain high-ranking staff member demoted using absurd methods. The offer was retracted, and any hopes I had of achieving Moderator were exiled to the deepest regions of the Nether.

To this day, I continue to inhabit the MCSG Forums, posting and helping, informing and debating. But I don't do it in the hopes of achieving Moderator, now I simply do it because I like to, and I get bored if I don't.

Okay my fingers hurt... onto the second part of this post ;_;

Do I think ex-hackers should be considered for Mod?
To condense my thoughts into a single word - Yes.
However, do I believe ex-hackers should be given an equal chance for Mod? Sorry all you recently banned hackers, but no.

This is an example of what I believe is a good example of a qualified ex-hacker:
  • Lots of experience in-game, with not only MCSG but Minecraft in general.
  • Knowledge of different types of hacks -what they look like, how they change the game, how to spot them.
  • Decently well-respected around the community. Maybe not everyone's favorite bovine, but someone who can be trusted to have reliable information.
  • A strong work-ethic. Willing to help, even if it means letting go of personal spa-time and beauty sleep.
  • A lot of time since they last hacked (or in my case, were accused of hacks) since MCG isn't exactly going to hire someone who got banned a few weeks ago.
It makes sense that they would be a pretty good candidate, right? Heck, I've heard MCSG Mods state that they hack on other servers before becoming Staff on MCSG. It's not a huge difference, except for the fact that the server they hack on isn't the one they're a staff member on.

aaaaaaaaand my mom just came home so I have to stop typing now.
This is just my $00.02 (Or maybe $30, small difference :p)
But hey, if I can change even a single person's view on this subject, then my job here is done.
Almost exactly what I was going to say - now I'm free from typing all that! :p

There are many players that have been banned for hacking that weren't actually hacking at all. After all, that is what ban disputes are for. ;)

People that have been unfairly banned are barred from ever applying for moderator, REGARDLESS of how good of a candidate they would be. I think that's just silly considering the amount of people I know that probably should have never been banned in the first place and are now facing the harsh consequences down the road.

I do believe that there should be a special application for anyone that was previously banned and only has had one offense. There should be a time period in which they would have to stay ban free before applying - I'd say 10 months since their ban.

To summarize, I feel that everyone deserves a shot if they've stayed clean after their first offense and learned their lesson! :)


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
I say yes, but it would have to be 12+ months ago and they must have no bans since than. I believe the people who have previously hacked are well-known, mature and act mature all the time and be more mature than almost all mods since they had an exception.


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I think that what should be taken into consideration is how long ago the person who wants to apply was banned for hacking... It would be stupid to take an application from a player who got banned 3 weeks ago.

And also, giving ex-hackers the chance to actually be able to apply for mod is nice enough. I say this because I think that whenever there are too many applicants for the moderator possition, those who have never been banned should get priority over those who have.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
As Sean said, too late for me to write. I am going to write a response to this tomorrow.

I say no, previous hackers should not be able to become moderators.

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