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Voting System


Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ever since it came out the polls and threads have all shown that there is about a 50-50 like to dislike of the new voting system and it very much irritates many players and clans. Although I can like it at some points I dislike the system in general, people didn't hate the old system and it worked. Possibly if the map with the most votes at the end of the lobby its votes were doubled in the percentage of it winning so it makes both groups happy but in my opinion it should just be removed since almost nobody disliked the old system but so many dislike the new one. I do understand that people like it but it is best for the server to go back to the old one.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I don't know the official reason MCG hasn't changed back to the old system, but I suspect that part of it has to do with overplayed and underplayed maps. That was always something people were complaining about with the old system.


Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know the official reason MCG hasn't changed back to the old system, but I suspect that part of it has to do with overplayed and underplayed maps. That was always something people were complaining about with the old system.
Yeah, I think that's the reason the whole system came out, but still the proffesional thing to do at the moment is to revert back in my personal opinion. :/


Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Loads of people like it because they can play maps they don't usually get to play.. so they say.. I have liked it at times however the majority of the time it just literally annoys the crap out of me. I can dislike maps if I want to before someone says 'go try the maps' or whatever. I had it once where I joined 5 lobbies in a row and the non-majority won and yeah well I just rage quit


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
When I played I liked it. The best part was that Valleyside or SG 4 wouldn't win :D


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know the official reason MCG hasn't changed back to the old system, but I suspect that part of it has to do with overplayed and underplayed maps. That was always something people were complaining about with the old system.
People will just leave if the map they've voted for doesn't get chosen, so it barely makes a difference and people just get pissed off at the voting system.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
What is bugging me is that people continue to say that this wasn't a problem in the first place, when in fact, overplayed maps have always been a problem. There used to be threads made every week that whined about how people only played Breeze and SG 4. People would go on those threads and rant that we needed maps with less tier twos, or that tier twos needed to have less armor. The developers felt similarly, and felt that we needed a new way of selecting maps.

I presented a solution, and people showed overwhelming support at first, and now that it has been added, people say they hate it. From my perspective, this community is just ungrateful. We always think the grass is greener on the other side. I say just quit whining about every little thing that is wrong with this game and just learn to be grateful for the miracle that it is. If you hate raffle voting so much and it messes with your clan battles sooooo much, that's too darn bad. You can go to the hive, or give it a break and go play checkers with a buddy.

Notice that the margin of people who like Raffle Voting according to the polls is actually going up every day. This system is growing on people. The masses like it. The reason it bugs so many people on the forums is because you are donors, and you are in clans. Because you are a donor you feel that you should get every little thing you want, but in fact you are not the only one that counts. When you go into a server with your clan and give Valleyside 40 votes, and the 2 votes for Ancient Japan wins, you are just really unlucky. That should only happen every 1 in 25 times anyway.

That's your minor inconvenience. The real inconvenience is when your 6v6 clan battle kicks 12 people from the server who have already been waiting a few minutes and the remaining people in the server have no idea what is going on. The remaining "randies" get slaughtered by a team of 6 with all the gear and have 0 chance of survival.

In all reality, the little "scrandy randies" and grass donors appreciate the fact that our little 1 vote always counts. You must realize that those of you with hundreds of wins are a true rarity in MCSG. About 2,500,000 people have played MCSG, but only 50,000 have ever won a game. That's 2% of us. Raffle Voting is about empowerment of every individual who votes, and that is what I truly think makes people happy. Stop being so selfish, and gain some perspective.
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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
What is bugging me is that people continue to say that this wasn't a problem in the first place, when in fact, overplayed maps have always been a problem. There used to be threads made every week that whined about how people only played Breeze and SG 4. People would go on those threads and rant that we needed maps with less tier twos, or that tier twos needed to have less armor. The developers felt similarly, and felt that we needed a new way of selecting maps.

I presented a solution, and people showed overwhelming support at first, and now that it has been added, people say they hate it. From my perspective, this community is just ungrateful. We always think the grass is greener on the other side. I say just quit whining about every little thing that is wrong with this game and just learn to be grateful for the miracle that it is. If you hate raffle voting so much and it messes with your clan battles sooooo much, that's too darn bad. You can go to the hive, or give it a break and go play checkers with a buddy.

Notice that the margin of people who like Raffle Voting according to the polls is actually going up every day. This system is growing on people. The masses like it. The reason it bugs so many people on the forums is because you are donors, and you are in clans. Because you are a donor you feel that you should get every little thing you want, but in fact you are not the only one that counts. When you go into a server with your clan and give Valleyside 40 votes, and the 2 votes for Ancient Japan wins, you are just really unlucky. That should only happen every 1 in 25 times anyway.

That's your minor inconvenience. The real inconvenience is when your 6v6 clan battle kicks 12 people from the server who have already been waiting a few minutes and the remaining people in the server have no idea what is going on. The remaining "randies" get slaughtered by a team of 6 with all the gear and have 0 chance of survival.

In all reality, the little "scrandy randies" and grass donors appreciate the fact that our little 1 vote always counts. You must realize that those of you with hundreds of wins are a true rarity in MCSG. About 2,500,000 people have played MCSG, but only 50,000 have ever won a game. That's 2% of us. Raffle Voting is about empowerment of every individual who votes, and that is what I truly think makes people happy. Stop being so selfish, and gain some perspective.

That was so well written and actually overall jaw-dropping that I have little to say to express how I feel about this.
I think you just won the internet.


Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
What is bugging me is that people continue to say that this wasn't a problem in the first place, when in fact, overplayed maps have always been a problem. There used to be threads made every week that whined about how people only played Breeze and SG 4. People would go on those threads and rant that we needed maps with less tier twos, or that tier twos needed to have less armor. The developers felt similarly, and felt that we needed a new way of selecting maps.

I presented a solution, and people showed overwhelming support at first, and now that it has been added, people say they hate it. From my perspective, this community is just ungrateful. We always think the grass is greener on the other side. I say just quit whining about every little thing that is wrong with this game and just learn to be grateful for the miracle that it is. If you hate raffle voting so much and it messes with your clan battles sooooo much, that's too darn bad. You can go to the hive, or give it a break and go play checkers with a buddy.

Notice that the margin of people who like Raffle Voting according to the polls is actually going up every day. This system is growing on people. The masses like it. The reason it bugs so many people on the forums is because you are donors, and you are in clans. Because you are a donor you feel that you should get every little thing you want, but in fact you are not the only one that counts. When you go into a server with your clan and give Valleyside 40 votes, and the 2 votes for Ancient Japan wins, you are just really unlucky. That should only happen every 1 in 25 times anyway.

That's your minor inconvenience. The real inconvenience is when your 6v6 clan battle kicks 12 people from the server who have already been waiting a few minutes and the remaining people in the server have no idea what is going on. The remaining "randies" get slaughtered by a team of 6 with all the gear and have 0 chance of survival.

In all reality, the little "scrandy randies" and grass donors appreciate the fact that our little 1 vote always counts. You must realize that those of you with hundreds of wins are a true rarity in MCSG. About 2,500,000 people have played MCSG, but only 50,000 have ever won a game. That's 2% of us. Raffle Voting is about empowerment of every individual who votes, and that is what I truly think makes people happy. Stop being so selfish, and gain some perspective.
Since you obviously know all my reasoning and what I think then you shouldn't have even posted on the thread. If you thought logically you would know that the reason I made this thread instead of going to the other server is because I prefer MCSG right now. The majority likes it by maybe %10 but the old system started to work when more maps became implemented and the small amount of people that didn't like the system was far less than what it is now. You're telling me that I am selfish because I'm a donor, I think everything should be my way, that I should "gain some perspective", that I am ungrateful and whining? That's not really constructive criticism, half your post was you whining about your perspective. The only counter arguements you made is that it helped the underplayed maps and non-donors. 1) Maps are overplayed because they are fast paced, generally built well, have good tiering, and or finish quickly.
2) Maps are underplayed because: a lot of people don't like the map, it is too big, bad tiering, bad for pvp, is ugly, people just generally don't like it, or it has unfair items/is glitched.
3) On your statement of you non-donors being empowered with your 1 vote would you rather us donors who payed our own money willingly, should spawn with swords or armour? Or have ingame buffs instead of extra votes. Or are you saying donating should get us nothing in return which would kill of the server which if the new mojang EULA does what it is saying it will, it might happen anyways. You're saying I'm ungrateful yet you can play all day on the server that you give nothing back to and costs them money while you go onto the forums and complain about peope bejng whiny and your votes being insignificant in the old system.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score

That was so well written and actually overall jaw-dropping that I have little to say to express how I feel about this.
I think you just won the internet.
Aww thanks. You're always so sweet whenever you say something. You really make me smile. :D
Ouch. That really hurt. I didn't mean to come off as telling people to leave, or telling donors that they are mean/selfish. Donors are awesome because they do contribute to the server a lot. It's just that I find that donors are typically the ones who complain about the voting system and things in general. I know I haven't donated, but I have no choice. My parents would never let me, and I can't use paypal or whatever MCSG uses for donor. A lot of people would like to donate but real life circumstances do not allow. Though I haven't contributed with money, I try to contribute to the forums, at least.

I do not argue that donors shouldn't have perks. In fact, they should have a lot of perks. It's just when it gets to their head and they start thinking they are all that, and that they are better than everyone else. Nobody has the right to tell the developers what to do, as they are volunteers, and very hard-working ones at that.

About people leaving, I didn't mean that people should leave or go to the Hive immediately if something goes wrong in MCSG. I mean that there are always other things to do in life. If things aren't going well, you can always go do some single player, or just turn off your computer all together and just go play sports, etc... If it bugs you that much, you don't have to play.

Honestly, the type of voting system really isn't that important, MCSG is a miracle as it is. I just argue that Raffle Voting is slightly better because it empowers everybody in the lobby and it prevents the overplaying of maps. It is better tailored to the masses of people who never have, and never will win a game. The people who will probably play a little, get bored, and move on, but have a slight chance of donating and becoming part of the community. The polls agree with that statement, as more and more people have begun liking raffle voting.

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