What is bugging me is that people continue to say that this wasn't a problem in the first place, when in fact, overplayed maps have always been a problem. There used to be threads made every week that whined about how people only played Breeze and SG 4. People would go on those threads and rant that we needed maps with less tier twos, or that tier twos needed to have less armor. The developers felt similarly, and felt that we needed a new way of selecting maps.
I presented a solution, and people showed overwhelming support at first, and now that it has been added, people say they hate it. From my perspective, this community is just ungrateful. We always think the grass is greener on the other side. I say just quit whining about every little thing that is wrong with this game and just learn to be grateful for the miracle that it is. If you hate raffle voting so much and it messes with your clan battles sooooo much, that's too darn bad. You can go to the hive, or give it a break and go play checkers with a buddy.
Notice that the margin of people who like Raffle Voting according to the polls is actually going up every day. This system is growing on people. The masses like it. The reason it bugs so many people on the forums is because you are donors, and you are in clans. Because you are a donor you feel that you should get every little thing you want, but in fact you are not the only one that counts. When you go into a server with your clan and give Valleyside 40 votes, and the 2 votes for Ancient Japan wins, you are just really unlucky. That should only happen every 1 in 25 times anyway.
That's your minor inconvenience. The real inconvenience is when your 6v6 clan battle kicks 12 people from the server who have already been waiting a few minutes and the remaining people in the server have no idea what is going on. The remaining "randies" get slaughtered by a team of 6 with all the gear and have 0 chance of survival.
In all reality, the little "scrandy randies" and grass donors appreciate the fact that our little 1 vote always counts. You must realize that those of you with hundreds of wins are a true rarity in MCSG. About 2,500,000 people have played MCSG, but only 50,000 have ever won a game. That's 2% of us. Raffle Voting is about empowerment of every individual who votes, and that is what I truly think makes people happy. Stop being so selfish, and gain some perspective.