you guys probably or either happy or don't care, but I think I'm done with mc, not to mention the fact I've faded away from playing a lot lately, I suck at the game, and my computer has gone from constant 60 to a 41 FpS best, and the second my computer turns on it's as hot as on oven, currently I can't afford even the slightest bit of a new PC or even my parents, we don't even have a family computer I could use there are so many special people is love to thank but time isn't on my side so I'll name my oldest/bestest friends
Flipzyy what's there to say about this guy, correction this god, lol ily
Macy | Cat ily one my best friends forever you the best
TylerthePandaHD I'll never forget element thanks for a good time
Epic_Frog_Song thanks for letting me beat Sovy in clan wars ily good luck
LEGIT_XTBONE dude ily stay hot