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Art Tips


May 21, 2012
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Art Tips and Tricks

Hello MCG and this is another thread from me (yes I know "Oh god!") but I like the idea of this. It is a helping thread where members can post their helpful tips and tricks when doing art or graphics. It could be something to note when you're drawing or creating renders.

The way it will work will be you post something then I will put it in its designated section (as you can see down there)
For example, "When you draw something make sure to check your lines are clean before colouring!"

Tips and Tricks:

Kennyrulez : When you draw, make sure you check your lines are clean before starting to colour. :)
Always draw a sketching layer before drawing an 'Inking' layer so you have a rough idea of how the finished product could look and you can identify any basic errors.
RC_4777 : Taking it a line or shape at a time will in the end lead to more accurate shapes.
When you're trying to make an accurate drawing of something complex, such as a person or fancy object, don't start off focusing on making your drawing look like your subject.
JokersMaze : If something doesn't look right, try erasing it completely and starting over. Fixing certain lines and working around it will seem like a good idea early on, but the end result won't be as satisfying. Never force yourself to finish something you don't like.
CyphirxusGraphics : Do a detailed sketch before you do any final lines. That way you can plan out what you want on your page, where to put shadows, and so you can see how your idea will come out when you start lineart.
Mamiamato24 | Azurdo : Don't use gradients. They're just flat out cheaty and give your art the impression that you actually put time into it but you just put a gradient that takes five seconds. Anything is better than gradients and also clean up lines that are peeking out and generally make it look clean.
Qwackey : Try getting out of your comfort zone and always be looking to try new things. Also make sure the colours you use work well together as that can completely change the beauty of the artwork.
Kennyrulez : When positioning a character on Cinema 4D take your time making it look natural.

Helpful Videos!

These are some videos I have used to learn how to draw and I believe they have really helped me develop my style and I would recommend looking at them if you want some quick improvement!
(Sorry if I wasn't allowed to link others videos, not completely sure if I'm allowed but I thought I may aswell because if theres a problem a mod can just notify me or change it :p)
Last edited:


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Does it have to be computer drawing/minecraft related? Because I have a general drawing tip for realistic drawings:

When you're trying to make an accurate drawing of something complex, such as a person or fancy object, don't start off focusing on making your drawing look like your subject. As odd as it sounds, you should try to focus on drawing shapes and lines you see, because thinking soley of the entire object can cause your brain to draw based off of preconceived "symbols" your mind associates with your subject that are often inaccurate. That's why little kids' drawings can look very wonky - since they aren't trained artists, they just draw what they think things look like in their minds. Taking it a line or shape at a time will in the end lead to more accurate shapes.

Professor Nub

Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
My kinaesthetic ability is much better than my artistic/creative ability in my brain, so unfortunately I'm terrible at art xP I know all of the concepts in art, including lino, painting, drawing, etc. but in practice I'm just terrible.

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