First of all, I was thinking of this song a several times these past two weeks, and coincidentally I just thought of it again and started listening to it right before finding this thread.
(Bad Day - Daniel Powter)
And I have no idea what has or has not already been said because I didn't end up reading through all of the posts, but I'm sure they're all good because I skimmed. Anyways, to the point.
Would you rather live on Earth, or be dead and in Hell?
I don't know if you're religious, but if you are.. killing yourself still counts as killing a fellow human being in my book, and it's a sin. Basically, it's bad. Don't do it. I'm not too good at this emotional therapy stuff but you get what I mean.
I've been there. Four times, in fact. Suicide may seem like an easy way out, but it's not.
Think for a moment. Just
think. Sit down, grab a coffee from Starbucks, put on your favorite Uggs or something, and think. What do you have to live for? Ignore the bad parts. Don't count the bad parts, stick to the blessings in your life. You were popular, right? What got you popular? Was it your looks, your personality? You're not ugly, and I highly doubt you suddenly got as boring as a blank sheet of paper. (Believe me, I am the definition of both of those.) Do you think you might be able to request a school transfer? Maybe new classes?
Talk through it. At night, stare up at your ceiling and talk to yourself about what's been going on. You may cry about it, you may get sad. But keep digging... searching... and eventually you'll be able to come to terms with what's going on.
I don't know how sadistic you are, but some people take pleasure in bringing harm and/or misfortune to those that dislike.
If you're one of those people, try reporting your bullies. Take anonymous evidence and bring it to the authorities. They won't be able to punish you for recording or something if they can't prove it's you who did it, but you can get people in huuuuge trouble c;
If you ever get tempted to, erm, cut, use a substitute. Rubber bands on the wrist are a sure-fire way to inflict a safe but smarting type of pain. It also helps me keep awake if I'm falling asleep. (Or rather, did. I don't do it anymore.)
Also, cutting is not a solution. It's not going to help you, and it's not going to help anyone else. All you're doing is letting the bullies win. Do you want them to win! No!
okay im getting the evil eye from my mom ;( Gotta stop writing.