IGN: Kippers
Skype Name: (Private message a leader if you don't want to say it publicly) Ill pm
Wins: 500
Games Played: 3k
Why do you want to join Eternity: becuase everyone here is as hot as the sun
here is a little factoid of the sun
The Sun does not have any scientific name like the names of plants and animals but among the billions of stars, it does fall in a particular category: Stars are classified based on their temperature and their size. Based on their temperature, they are classified into O, B, A, F, G, K and M stars with the O stars being the hottest with temperatures of about 50,000 K and the M stars being the coolest with temperatures of about 3000 K. Each group is subdivided into 10 classes (eg. O0, O1,..., O9, B0, B1,...).
Based on the size and luminosity, the stars are classified into classes Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, and V. Type I stars are supergiant stars, II means giant stars, etc. Finally class V are stars called main-sequence stars which are "normal" stars (that fuse hydrogen in their cores).
and btw even if i get denied
i know i have had a bad past and pissed people off but that changes 4 minutes ago my nameis kipper and im never gonna give up
Also here is a cute picutre for nick
RestInPeacePvP http://
Some more interesting factoids from kip
- Foods that taste great in a restaurant tastes totally different in an airplane at 35,000 feet in the air. At 35,000 feet your taste buds are dramatically decreased making food taste bland and dull.
- The automatic popup bread toaster was patented before the bread slicing machine. 1919 and 1928. That’s right, people sliced their own bread for the toaster for almost a decade before sliced bread was sold.
- Meteorites were very important to ancient Egyptians, they created jewelry from meteorites by hammering it into shape making beads and other designs. The jewelry was often buried with loved ones.
- After spending 17 years underground, 2013 is the year the Cicada bug is expected to emerge by the billions on the east coast of the United States. Some estimate trillions will arrive.
- The worlds largest yacht is 590 feet (approximately 197 yards) long and 94,000 horsepower.
- The restaurant ‘White Castle’ is Americas oldest and 1st hamburger chain.
- Whodunnit? Mystery solved! 9 cases with 12 bottles in each case of 100 year old historic whiskey was found in the walls of a mansion during a renovation with the whiskey bottles still full. The cases were stored in the living room but when later checked discovered 52 bottles appraised at over $102,000 were now empty. DNA from the mouth of the bottles pointed directly to the 62 year old caretaker who has denied the accusations.
- A Jet Blue flight was grounded and placed out of service after a woman spots a 4 inch scorpion between her legs. The scorpion reportedly crawled from between her legs to under the seat while the flight continued to it’s destination where it was then placed out of service.
- Vaejovis Brysoni is the name given to the latest species of scorpion discovered by biologists. The scorpion was named in part after the individual who originally found the specimen in February 2013 (Robert Bryson Jr.) The scorpion was found in the Santa Catalina mountains of Arizona.
- In January of 2013 security officials at O’Hare International airport in Chicago found 18 human heads still covered in skin. In 2010 an Arkansas airport found 60 human heads and pieces of heads. Both were in route to medical facilities but had errors in the paperwork. Weird!
- In February 2013 a komodo dragon said to be approximately 2 meters (6 – 6.5 feet) long wondered into an office and attacked two men with it’s razor sharp teeth leaving them injured with stitches and in the hospital.
- In 1938, Time Magazine chose Adolf Hitler for man of the year.
- Twelve people have walked on the moon but the last time was 1972 so it’s now been over 40 years since anyone has stepped foot on the moon.
- Other than the Earth, the moon is the only other known natural astrological object ever walked on.
- Scientists voiced concern in 2012 about how radiation may be affecting humans after a recent finding of mutant butterflies in Japan with abnormal legs, eyes, wings and other mutations were discovered. The mutations were caused by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident which was triggered by a major tsunami in March 2011. The tsunami was a direct effect of an earthquake.
- Humans and giraffes both have seven vertebrae bones in the neck. It’s not unusual for a mammal to have 7 vertebra bones in the neck but it’s interesting that the long neck of a full grown giraffe has the same amount.
- The active ingredient in most toothpastes is called sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride can be lethal, young children using regular toothpaste with this ingredient should be monitored. Even swallowing small amounts can cause stomach problems or worse.
- Over 3 million people globally every month search for something online with the words interesting facts in it according to the most popular search engine.
- There are no land snakes in New Zealand. It’s part of New Zealand’s bio security to keep all snakes out and if a person is aware of a snake, by law it must be reported.
- New Zealand is free of heart worm disease, most ticks and rabies.
- Buttermilk does not contain any butter. It’s usually a simple recipe containing lemon juice, white vinegar and milk.
- Did you know Disneyland does not sell chewing gum? Walt Disney did not want guests inconvenienced by stepping on gum purchased in the park.
- Each year Disneyland uses over 5,000 gallons of paint to maintain the clean appearance of the park.
- George Washington died on December 14, 1799 at age 67. He had rode his horse around his farm just the day before on a cold wintery wet day. He awoke the next morning very ill. His last words were “It is well”.
- Giraffes can go without water longer than a camel. That’s wild!
- The person reading this is intelligent, interesting and unique. Flattery is alright as long as we don’t inhale!
- January 30, 1933 was the day the words Hi yo silver! Away! were first heard as the lone ranger debuts on radio channel WXYZ of Detroit. It was the first show to air reruns.
- Many people who read the word yawn or yawning begin to feel the urge to yawn.
- The 2nd president of the United States (John Adams) and 3rd president of the United States (Thomas Jefferson) both died within just a few hours apart of each other on the same exact day of July 4th 1826. They are the only two presidents to die on the same day of the same year. It’s true!
- When the Titanic departed from port it was documented to have carried approximately 1000 loaves of bread, 86,000 pounds of meat, 40,000 eggs and 36,000 apples to feed the passengers and crew on the 7 day voyage. Now those are some interesting facts!
- Dogs can have a fatal reaction to eating chocolate. Chocolate contains a bitter alkaloid called Theobromine also known as Xantheose and that’s the active ingredient that’s bad for the dog. If you’ve read all the interesting facts to this point you’re awesome!
- For a butterfly to fly it must have a body temperature of no less than 86 degrees fahrenheit or 30 degrees celsius.
- The largest milk producing country by volume in the whole world is India.
- It is a fact that the first game of chess has been traced back to have originated in northern India. Like other 1,000+ year old games, it would have been played differently than todays rules. It’s thought that todays rules have been around since sometime in the 1400′s A.D.
- In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service has an employees handbook for the collections division unit. Here’s the interesting part, in it are instructions which guide employees on how to collect taxes after a nuclear war. Kinda scary!
- If you are severely scared of going to the dentist or having dental work, you may actually have a phobia called odontophobia.
- Almonds are members of the rose flower family or rosaceae family. The peach is also a member of the rose family.
- The tallest girl in the world ever recorded was 8 feet 2 inches tall and died at the young age of 17.
- The average human with a full head of hair contains between 85,000 to 150,000 hairs.
- Jupiter is the largest planet in the earths solar system. I should’ve known that one.
- Squirrels forget where about 50% of the nuts they’ve hidden are. Useless, Hahaha.
- Did you know the first bullet proof vest and windshield wiper blades were both invented by women? Cool!
- Cold weather makes fingernails grow faster. Weird!
- Only humans cry because of feelings. Awesome!