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Team Nitride - [Old Thread]

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Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Jacob
Minecraft name: XaSxLeech
Region: (EU, AU or US) EU
Points: i i bountied them :'(
Wins: 98 i think, but im a baws ;)
Streak: (amount of people you have killed in one life) about 12, leaderboards says 7...
Age: 14
Reason why you want to join the team: Im alright at pvp, ive spoken to you on teamspeak and stuff and im awesome :p
Something awesome you have done on MCSG: won with a diamond spade
Why should we accept you?: cause you lurvee me
Skype: (Yes or No? If accepted PM me) you have me on skype :)


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Jacob
Minecraft name: XaSxLeech
Region: (EU, AU or US) EU
Points: i i bountied them :'(
Wins: 98 i think, but im a baws ;)
Streak: (amount of people you have killed in one life) about 12, leaderboards says 7...
Age: 14
Reason why you want to join the team: Im alright at pvp, ive spoken to you on teamspeak and stuff and im awesome :p
Something awesome you have done on MCSG: won with a diamond spade
Why should we accept you?: cause you lurvee me
Skype: (Yes or No? If accepted PM me) you have me on skype :)


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Daniel
Minecraft name: champdude
Region: (EU, AU or US) EU
Streak: (amount of people you have killed in one life) 16
Age: 13
Reason why you want to join the team: Never been part of an offical team and tired of losing to them,cant beat em join em right?
Something awesome you have done on MCSG: all diamond armor exept leggings :D
Why should we accept you?: I'll try and be a great addition to the team, i play this alot so teaming should help :D
Skype: (Yes or No? If accepted PM me) yes
PM me on the forums your skype name and we will test you


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Slender
Minecraft name: Poppi11
Region: (EU, AU or US)EU
Points:eek:ver 900
Streak: (amount of people you have killed in one life) 8
Reason why you want to join the team: I like cookies
Something awesome you have done on MCSG: logged on
Why should we accept you?: because Apples!
Skype: (Yes or No? If accepted PM me) Si


Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Gabriel
Minecraft Name: hb01
Region: Europe
Points: 584, because I bounty them.
Wins: 40
Streak: 13
Age: 13

Why do I want to join the team?:
I want to have fun with you + a good team :)

Something Awesome I've done on MCSG:
I was in a small room in map 4. I had wooden axe, leather leggins and leather helmet. Then there came 2 guys (team). Both of them had: stonesword, leather tunic and leather helmet, more than 2000 points and one of them had chain boots.
I killed them with 1,5 hearts. Of course they thought I'm a hacker but I think that one of them hit the other one :)
And another thing I just want to tell ^^

I had 9 hearts, wooden sword, no armor and didn't regenerate but I was able to run which was necessary to escape from 'ThaLightOne'. I ran and saw a NavyK ( 546 points) with stonesword, chain chestplate, leather leggins and leather helmet . He did not see me so I thought I could kill from the rear.
Suddenly he turned to me and we fought. I survived with 0,5 hearts. (If you don't believe me the story? I recorded the second story)

Why should you accept me?
Because I think that I could help you in few fights because I killed a few pros like: iProGames, 4x iFrox, Mindahl, Stormphraxl, Plumpa, MultiKillNL, METII023, Eisenheim_, and otosz (I can proof it because I made screenshots)
The other reason is simple... I <3 cake
Skype?: Of course :D
Something you should know: My 2. account is gcb99 ( I can proof it ) who is the Top 3 in Europe but I don't want to join with gcb99 the team because if I died I lost every game like 315 points. --> I play 95% with hb01
The stats of gcb99:
Wins: 103
Bounty: 13600
Streak: 16

omg that was much but I want to be accepted ^^


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Real Name: Gabriel
Minecraft Name: hb01
Region: Europe
Points: 584, because I bounty them.
Wins: 40
Streak: 13
Age: 13

Why do I want to join the team?:
I want to have fun with you + a good team :)

Something Awesome I've done on MCSG:
I was in a small room in map 4. I had wooden axe, leather leggins and leather helmet. Then there came 2 guys (team). Both of them had: stonesword, leather tunic and leather helmet, more than 2000 points and one of them had chain boots.
I killed them with 1,5 hearts. Of course they thought I'm a hacker but I think that one of them hit the other one :)
And another thing I just want to tell ^^

I had 9 hearts, wooden sword, no armor and didn't regenerate but I was able to run which was necessary to escape from 'ThaLightOne'. I ran and saw a NavyK ( 546 points) with stonesword, chain chestplate, leather leggins and leather helmet . He did not see me so I thought I could kill from the rear.
Suddenly he turned to me and we fought. I survived with 0,5 hearts. (If you don't believe me the story? I recorded the second story)

Why should you accept me?
Because I think that I could help you in few fights because I killed a few pros like: iProGames, 4x iFrox, Mindahl, Stormphraxl, Plumpa, MultiKillNL, METII023, Eisenheim_, and otosz (I can proof it because I made screenshots)
The other reason is simple... I <3 cake
Skype?: Of course :D
Something you should know: My 2. account is gcb99 ( I can proof it ) who is the Top 3 in Europe but I don't want to join with gcb99 the team because if I died I lost every game like 315 points. --> I play 95% with hb01
The stats of gcb99:
Wins: 103
Bounty: 13600
Streak: 16

omg that was much but I want to be accepted ^^
Hellow there didnt you call me a hacker the last game?
EDIT:WTF is wrong with my picture :O ?
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