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I guess this is it... [Leaving Thread]



Well MCGamer, I guess this is it.

A few months ago I made a thread. A leaving thread. For around a month it worked. I stayed away from MCGamer. Minecraft. My computer entirely at some points.

Then, around 3 weeks ago, I decided to come back to see how MCGamer was doing. I called one of my best internet friends, Darby100, and we had a great time playing. Unfortunately, around 40 minutes after the call started, it ended because Darby unfortunately had to leave for something. But those 40 minutes were enough. They were enough for me to come back to MCGamer. I even started my YouTube up again the next week. Everything was great.

But then I realised that something wasn't quite right.

MCGamer had changed. Not the gametype itself, but the community. It was entirley different than the one I came into 20 months ago. The one that I loved. The one that I had fun. The one that just revolved around having fun, Skype calls, and doing a jefeperro. It wasn't the same.

Now MCGamer is a competition. Clan battles. Alternative accounts to make your ratio better (frankly I don't care a single bit about my ratio). The whole 'GG' thing. Almost everything that you can name was different to the V1 community.

Now here comes the bad part:

Last weekend I was recording a game. I had full iron armour. A Diamond Sword. The video was actually recording and I had something to talk about the whole way through the video. Everything was great.

Then, out of nowhere, I absolutely FLIPPED OUT. I started shouting, screaming, swearing (and this wasn't in game, this was real life). I was rolling around on the floor (no I wasn't having an extersential crisis), I was throwing books around my room. I had gone crazy. Finally, I calmed down and took a break. I had a shower and I didn't go anywhere near my computer for the rest of the day.

I have had to deal with an amount of stress ever since Term 1 started this year. On only the third day, I was to find out that a girl liked me (later to become my girlfriend). I have gotten a lot of homework, and MCGamer was a distraction. That was one of the reasons I wrote my first leaving thread.

Believe it or not, this idea of leaving wasn't just a spur on the moment. I have been thinking about this since January. I was lying on the bed of my beach house and started thinking about MCGamer. I started thinking that maybe it wasn't the best idea to stay here. I started thinking up a leaving thread, which was ultimately going to come to this.

Only this night, I played a bit on a PVP server and started to delete some of my Skype contacts. These people included the ones that I added for clans and stuff like that. I deleted all but three MCGamer friends. These are the best friends I have ever had on the internet and I hope for it to stay that way. I am sorry I have to do this, Darby100 duckluv321 Pixelatorx2.


Darby100: You are the closest friend I ever had on the internet. We had some great times in the #Devine days, were I first met you, and I'm glad I did. You taught me a whole lot of stuff with building the map in #Evolsion. Goodbye friend, and I wish you the best.
duckluv321 : What can I say about you duck? You are an amazing friend, amazing artist and possibly the amazing-est YouTuber! So sorry that I have to leave, but a guys gotta do what a guys gotta do right?
Thank you for everything, and I wish you the best!
Pixelatorx2: Although I didn't get to talk to you often (screw time zones xD), you are an awesome guy! Unfortunately we didn't end up doing the Hungry Games together but I don't care, you're a boss anyway! Wish you the best with your developing!

<3 you all!


Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
First. *edit; second ;-; seeya man. hopefully you have some fun times with your girlfriend <3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I know what you mean. I wonder myself about what happened to the community ;-;

The only things still tying me here is my few friends and the clan I had wanted to/want to get tnto.


I know what you mean. I wonder myself about what happened to the community ;-;

The only things still tying me here is my few friends and the clan I had wanted to/want to get tnto.
The only thing tying me here was YouTube and those friends :( I'll probably stay on the forums though :)


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
You can always take a screenshot and report those players in the "Report Abuse" section. Sad to see you go.


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
Sad to see you go... again :p

Well written, and I will definitely miss you! We had some great times, and I definitely understand what you mean when it comes to the community. Sure, I get competitive, and sometimes I just pause as I rage, or mid-game as I stab at slash at people and realise that I'm just not playing the game as it's meant to be; for fun.

I watched a youtube video weeks ago, might have been Tomahawk, and he mentioned that he just plays for fun nowadays. I decided that that's what I'll be doing from now on. Video games are designed to bring enjoyment to the player, and that's what I'll be doing from now.

Sure, I'll play to win, but I'll make sure I have fun doing it. I find the whole clan-battle thing a little ridiculous; people get so worked up, and I just can't stand it sometimes.

MCGamer is still a great server, and I think I'll have fun on it for some time still, but yes, the community has certainly changed.

Really sad to see you leave bud, will you still be active on forums/Skype?


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