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Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
I will be leaving the clan. Reasons: There really is only one reasons and that is SlainBot will not be in the clan for a month and the people he setup to lead this clan i dont think will do a good job and keep it up.

Mendoza510 Ill miss you buddy ill come on TS once in a while to talk to you.

SlainBotMc I really think you did a good job with this and i will miss you. P.S pm me as soon as you get back.

Afroninja609 Buddy i will miss you so much you were one of my best friends in this clan. Even though i havent talked to you in the past week i hope we can skype team sometime.

BacccaPlays You were my legit first friend on skype way back in the 1 arrows out of a chest and rotten flesh days lol xD. We were both the biggest noobs ever and im glad we still talk.

TheDreamDude Omg you dont now how much ill miss you dream you were so funny and could always make the clan laugh.

TreeShaker451 Omg all i have to say is ROHAN!

@Ohjayx (Idk your forums name) Dude ill miss you i was the first one to hear your sexy voice in this clan :)

Qyxr I will miss you and your beautiful paragraphs that you did that always made the clan stop the flame


Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
I will be leaving the clan. Reasons: There really is only one reasons and that is SlainBot will not be in the clan for a month and the people he setup to lead this clan i dont think will do a good job and keep it up.

Mendoza510 Ill miss you buddy ill come on TS once in a while to talk to you.

SlainBotMc I really think you did a good job with this and i will miss you. P.S pm me as soon as you get back.

Afroninja609 Buddy i will miss you so much you were one of my best friends in this clan. Even though i havent talked to you in the past week i hope we can skype team sometime.

BacccaPlays You were my legit first friend on skype way back in the 1 arrows out of a chest and rotten flesh days lol xD. We were both the biggest noobs ever and im glad we still talk.

TheDreamDude Omg you dont now how much ill miss you dream you were so funny and could always make the clan laugh.

TreeShaker451 Omg all i have to say is ROHAN!

@Ohjayx (Idk your forums name) Dude ill miss you i was the first one to hear your sexy voice in this clan :)

Qyxr I will miss you and your beautiful paragraphs that you did that always made the clan stop the flame
I cri I get in the clan and don't even get to talk to you


Jan 20, 2014
Reaction score
I'd like to apply to join this clan, so I hope you will take the time to consider me. I have been with mcsg for over a year and currently have 2,327 games and over 1 week of solid lifetime, I know that I only have 80+ wins, but that's because I've had a pretty crappy computer for most of my mcsg career but now I have a better computer and am getting more wins. I'm pretty skilled at straight PVP and can take out almost anyone in a no armor fistfight, and am pretty good with a bow as well. I'd make a great contribution to this clan as I am a pretty dedicated player and am usually on the server every day. Yes, I have Skype and Teamspeak with a working microphone and use both frequently. My friend TreeShaker451 is also in this clan and it would be much appreciated if you let me join so I could play with him, we make a great team. My ign is same as my username, Spencer99ad and I am a diamond donor.
good version.jpg



Jan 17, 2014
Reaction score
I'd like to apply to join this clan, so I hope you will take the time to consider me. I have been with mcsg for over a year and currently have 2,327 games and over 1 week of solid lifetime, I know that I only have 80+ wins, but that's because I've had a pretty crappy computer for most of my mcsg career but now I have a better computer and am getting more wins. I'm pretty skilled at straight PVP and can take out almost anyone in a no armor fistfight, and am pretty good with a bow as well. I'd make a great contribution to this clan as I am a pretty dedicated player and am usually on the server every day. Yes, I have Skype and Teamspeak with a working microphone and use both frequently. My friend TreeShaker451 is also in this clan and it would be much appreciated if you let me join so I could play with him, we make a great team. My ign is same as my username, Spencer99ad and I am a diamond donor.
View attachment 23254 View attachment 23255 View attachment 23256 View attachment 23257 View attachment 23259
I'm sorry, but your application was Denied, for these reasons:

• Improper application; you can apply again in a week, with the correct format on the first page, considering you meet the requirements.
• Does not meet the win requirement, or required ratio.
• No official invitation

Note: However, I did enjoy the fact that you put in the work to make a decent paragraph. Once you meet the requirements, and submit the application in the correct format, I'll be happy to accept you into the clan. Thanks for applying!
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