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My SG Story


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, I know people may get mad at me for doing this, but I have decided to no longer leave or go on a break. I kind of just made this thread without thinking of other possible solutions. I have though of one and I will doing that instead of going away. I am sorry for doing this, and instead will turn this thread into my SG Story. I will be less active on the forums and in-game and won't use them as a procrastination tool any longer. I will still be pretty active, just no longer nearly as active on the forums.


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Ok, I know people may get mad at me for doing this, but I have decided to no longer leave or go on a break. I kind of just made this thread without thinking of other possible solutions. I have though of one and I will doing that instead of going away. I am sorry for doing this, and instead will turn this thread into my SG Story. I will be less active on the forums and in-game and won't use them as a procrastination tool any longer. I will still be pretty active, just no longer nearly as active on the forums.
Dangit! jkily


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
From this day forward I will no longer be active on these forums, or in-game. I will still post from time to time, and come on every once in a while. The reason for this being, these forums and this game have taken over my life. My grades have been dropping. I finish my homework extremely late. I don't turn in assignments on time, and procrastinate every single day. I am even doing it as this is being typed. I used to be a straight A student. Now I have terrible grades and just focus on MCSG every single day. I am going to start focusing on school again, and hopefully I can get my grades back up. If I do, maybe I will come back to this place I know I can call my home. Before I leave, I would like to thank some people who made my time here more fun than I ever thought it could be.

Hey Cole. I think you were actually going to come back soon, and I'm sorry to do this. I know that we will stay friends and keep in touch even though I may be leaving. You were one of my best friends here, and were such a nice guy. You made my days a lot better and were so chill and cool. Hope to talk to you soon.

Even though I just met you, you are probably one of my best friends here. You are a funny guy, and are really understanding. We would play Hive and everybody would get pissed off at us. Thanks for all of the memories, and hopefully we can continue to play Hive together.

Ah, good old Andy. My fellow Star Wars Nerd and COC buddy. You are a hilarious guy Andy. You were a cool guy, funny, and understanding. When CV was about to disband, I thought you were going to hate me. You didn't and I was glad. You are one of my best friends here, and for good reasons. Remember Andy, you know what they say, Wolves suck.

Hey there Mr. Wicked. You were the reason I was accepted into Volts. I was just accepted because I talked to you on the forums. You are a hilarious guy, and I am sorry that we all left you. Please don't quit, but stay here Lando. You don't need to leave yet.

Tito, I know we didn't talk much, but I felt the need to list you here. If you didn't restart the Volts, I would never have met any of these awesome people, and would not be where I am today. Thanks for bringing back Volts, because without it none of this could have ever happened.

Hey there buddy. I know we aren't the greatest of friends now, but before everything happened you were one of my best friends here. I'll always remember you and your apples and how you were a trial in Volts for 4 weeks. You were a really cool guy, and remember keep being a Inappropriate body part on a male, your pretty good at it xD

Hey there Nathan. I didn't talk to you as much as I did to most of the others on this list, but that doesn't mean you weren't an awesome guy. It was really fun to talk to you and you were an awesome person. I'll remember you... if you GOML

You were my first friend I had ever talked to on teamspeak. When I came back from my 3 month break I decided to download teamspeak. I saw you and joined the channel. We started to talk and you were very friendly and funny. We would stay up late playing mcsg on the MCSG TS. When we both joined Volts together I was so happy. Sadly you had to steal Jcaggs FNS and then you left. We stopped talking after I stopped going on the MCSG TS and then we never really talked any longer. You were a really cool guy, and I hope that you know this.

Crazy little Fenomous. I have known you for over half a year now, and you are a really cool guy. You always yell on the TS and act like a complete idiot xD I remember when I sucked at the game and you always gg12ed me. Now every time we fight I demolish you. (maybe)

Silly little Yello. You are a funny guy and I feel like I needed to mention you. You are so nice and calm, unlike most do the other people I know. I thank you so much for this, I really, really do. Thanks for being here and I hope we can still keep in touch. *slurps*

I met you through your YouTube. Funny. I watched all of your videos and then added you on Steam. We would talk a lot through there, and one day I told you about Volts, and you joined. You were one of my best friends, and are a really cool bounty hunter(HAHA LOL NO). Stay awesome cad. Hopefully we can play tf2 together sometime.

Thanks for being here Native. You are a cool guy, and a decent(<--lol) leader. I remember when you started Eternity, and I said I would join if anybody good joined. Look where that clan went. It was one of the best for a while, but then went down. I hope you have fun in Trivium, and good luck.

You are one cool guy. You own one of the best servers ever and because of you I can scrape everybody. My ping is so bad, nobody can hit me, but I can destroy them. A lot of Impalers hates you, but I love you <57

If I forgot you don't feel bad about it. I may have forgotten you, as I am trying to write this as quickly as possible and just be done with it. I truly love this community, and am grateful for everything it has done for me. Thanks for all the memories, and I hope to make many more.

Thanks for including me. I love you. Come back soon! Study hard! -Yeller


Dec 2, 2013
Reaction score
lol. I just can't seem to leave, and really didn't think through this decision. I realized that there is a much easier solution to this problem, and am therefore going to take that alternative instead. :)
W8 up m8. Pls explain. Skype: yello39mc

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