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US Top 5 underrated players


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
But srsly, if I actually try and don't mess around (hard 4 me) i am a prophet of jesus
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Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
If you're good why do you have to win farm all your wins on high US servers? Seems kinda pathetic to me, lol.
you'd be surprised. its actually more difficult to win on high US servers than low. the low ones DO have better players but less teams, less clans, the updates happen earlier, and due to the high level of pvp the games are quicker. playing on higher ones since there are more randies, there are more teams, more campers, longer games, more of kids who use annoying overused strats to piss people off, etc. In addition, he doesn't farm on high US Servers. I've played with him on US high and low PLUS Ca on several occasions. I recommend you make sure your facts are accurate before calling someone out on it :p


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
you'd be surprised. its actually more difficult to win on high US servers than low. the low ones DO have better players but less teams, less clans, the updates happen earlier, and due to the high level of pvp the games are quicker. playing on higher ones since there are more randies, there are more teams, more campers, longer games, more of kids who use annoying overused strats to piss people off, etc. In addition, he doesn't farm on high US Servers. I've played with him on US high and low PLUS Ca on several occasions. I recommend you make sure your facts are accurate before calling someone out on it :p
Why do people say that other player are only good because they farm on higher servers? I'm not too sure about you, but I personally find it easer to take down a team than a good player. Although for your reasons as to why US higher servers are harder, may I point out that.

- More randoms

If you're attempting to get wins, random players are the easiest to kill

- More campers

If I'm aiming for wins or a better ratio, I'll find it much easier to take out someone in full leather than a geared player

- Longer Games

Self explanatory

- More Teams

Teams of bad players are easier than good players.

Also, I judged him by his last 50 games which the majority were on high servers which in my past experiences have been easier.


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Why do people say that other player are only good because they farm on higher servers? I'm not too sure about you, but I personally find it easer to take down a team than a good player. Although for your reasons as to why US higher servers are harder, may I point out that.

- More randoms

If you're attempting to get wins, random players are the easiest to kill

- More campers

If I'm aiming for wins or a better ratio, I'll find it much easier to take out someone in full leather than a geared player

- Longer Games

Self explanatory

- More Teams

Teams of bad players are easier than good players.

Also, I judged him by his last 50 games which the majority were on high servers which in my past experiences have been easier.
Well he wins almost every game he plays, low or high servers. one of his strengths are that he has routes on every single map including ones like hungry hills, destiny's shiver, rugged lands even. also, I for one, have a harder time killing teams when I get one low and he swaps then they swap again when that one gets low etc. etc. than a good player. honestly, "good" players aren't all that good all the time. there are rarely a good player even in a high server. what you assume as a good player is dia donor in general. here are some examples of why this shouldn't be stereotyped: semsisal7, liquid water, hugbabybear. yeah nuff said. even players that are high on the leaderboards. I've killed them all almost every time easily. Also, even with good players, we're all dumb enough to occasionally run into a firespam or get bowspammed :p that's all it takes for that little advantage needed for the win.


Aug 4, 2013
Reaction score
Why do people say that other player are only good because they farm on higher servers? I'm not too sure about you, but I personally find it easer to take down a team than a good player. Although for your reasons as to why US higher servers are harder, may I point out that.

- More randoms

If you're attempting to get wins, random players are the easiest to kill

- More campers

If I'm aiming for wins or a better ratio, I'll find it much easier to take out someone in full leather than a geared player

- Longer Games

Self explanatory

- More Teams

Teams of bad players are easier than good players.

Also, I judged him by his last 50 games which the majority were on high servers which in my past experiences have been easier.
Most of my past 50 games had to do with clan stuff and scrims etc. trust me I do play on low servers from 1-20 but usually when I get there I usually get targeted 24/7 and I tend to not have donor right now so it is very hard to get into those servers. I actually don't care if there is a good player in my game, I just play and most likely win most of the time.

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