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I've been inactive.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Well, hello. And perhaps, goodbye.
I'll try to keep this short and sweet (Or at least not bitter), and maybe I'll edit it or make a new thread later with a story or something.
I'm.. quitting? I'm not sure if that's the right word, but basically I'm no longer an active MCSG forumer. I know you might look at the top posters list and see me at the very bottom, but I know that I won't maintain that position for long. Spam posters are rising quickly, and I hate it. I hate that it's so difficult to have a decent post rank without spam posting on forum games, clan threads, and making tiny posts like, "Bye", "No", "I don't like it", etc.... and quite frankly, I'm seeing that there's a lot less threads that are thought-provoking and that could use someone to write a giant post about the subject, which is part of what I was good at. I now realize that one thing that kept me at MCSG was the drama. The threads on dramatic subjects such as "Staff Corruption", "Better Sprint Mod in 1.7", and stuff like that. Now, tons of the threads are things like "SO MANY HACKRS ON MCSG ADMINS U SUCK AT UR JOB" and it..... oh, heck, I'll just say it: It pisses me off. WE GET THAT THERE ARE HACKERS ON MCSG, DON'T YOU READ THE OTHER THREADS?!?!? DEAL WITH IT.

I've also quit playing Survival Games. I'm not in a clan, I don't really like playing the same maps over and over, and there's nothing new about the regular MCSG that I've grown to love. I absolutely refuse to play Quarter Quell and Survival Games Classic anymore because... it's too different. It's a personal preference. I want something new, but at the same time I can't accept the new things like SGC and QQ. Odd, isn't it?

I'm playing League of Legends almost exclusively now, and only log onto Minecraft because I'm still the Technician (Permissions, plugins, and Administrator work combined) for a survival server owned by one of my old Minecraft friends. And also because Erisyuka, Zaex, Sarchikani, SilentNative, and some others *cough cough mathias* have a Factions server that I might log onto once in a while, if they're also on.
(Oh, also, if you want to add me on LoL, I play on NA - Mooclan. I'm currently rushing to get from level 26 to 30 so that I can play Ranked with some of the people listed above:))

Uh... I was going to write more but I forgot what.

Some people, not all, that made my time at MCSG enjoyable:
@Everyone except my enemies, and even some of those because of the lolz that I had trolling them
@EliteSquad for... everything. Seriously. If you read this thread and were a positive part of EliteSquad, you've changed my life. :)
Turnip Tulip, I know we don't talk at all anymore, and we almost never actually "Talked", but I just want you to know that I still admire you, and appreciate everything you've done for me.
Torchy I have way too much to say to you and many others, so here's just a few: Thank you for accepting me into EliteSquad, thank you for promoting me to Co-leader, thank you for the alt account (which btw if you ever want back just let me know, the password is still the same), thank you for being there for the short time I was in Rebels, thank you for being an Aviate trial member with me, thank you for being in The Fellowship with me for a little bit, thank you.. YOU GET WHAT I MEAN <333
CraftyKratonite can you just get on ts and msg me on skype or something srsly we need to talk ily
Denster91 You're my baby cow, and no one can deny it. I won't accept it. <3
MJM239 If I had an extra XBOX on hand, I would give it to you so you could chuck it :p Some day when I can drive I might come visit you during the summer or something.
TheRealAussie Welcome back to the forums, Mr. Average Swimmer. :p Singing songs with Aussie, or whatever it was called, was awesome :) Come play LoL with me again <3
Cowall I know you probably hate me for tagging you in so many threads, and Crafty too, but I have to. <3 I just found out that I still have your phone number.
EzSp You know you should (and have to) move to the US so you can get a girlfriend, finally. :p And of course play in the NA region with me.
Zaex I know we only met recently, but you've given me a lot of laughs recently :) Thank you, and I hope to join your Ranked team some time soon, perhaps :) Garen+Heimer=OP

This is obviously quite a lengthy list, so I can't think of everyone. If you wanted to be tagged, just tag me in a comment and I'll add you <3

I'm not active enough on the forums, and it's making me worry even though I don't need to. I'll most likely (almost definitely) log onto the forums at least once a day, probably even more. However, don't expect me to be nearly as active, or post as much. If you want, you can still tag me if you want me to post on something, but I probably won't actively search out threads to post on like I used to, because I find it too difficult to do now. In fact, I would greatly appreciate it if you did.

By the way, I will still be on the usual TeamSpeaks, Skype, and servers that I usually play. Just not the MCSG forums as much, because it's stressing me out to see something I used to love turn so much for the worse.

See you soon...!?!?! This isn't a permanent goodbye, I'm sure that I'll return completely sooner or later :)


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score

jk You are a really well known person in this community, and I hope know this. You have helped the forums grow, whether you realize it or not. It is a sad day to see one of the best posters on MCSG leave, and I'm sure many will feel the same way. There will be a major gap to fill, and some people will need to step up. *cough cough RC_4777 * But good luck wherever you go, and you will always have the MCSG spirit inside of you!
Your friend,


Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sad story. You were the one I could rely on to research a topic and reply using proper punctuation and grammar with relevant and helpful content. You have my best wished for your future endeavours. :D


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
;-; I'll miss you sooooo much!!! <333 ily

I have to say though, the forums have in fact become a boring thing, in my opinion. Most of the threads in the "What's New" section are only clan-related ones. I've tried to make a few threads to spice up the community, but it's just not enough.

Good luck in life!!! <3


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Bye. You were/are a highly respected former - hope to see you return some day.

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