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The Forgotten [US Team]

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Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: NoobyGamingHD
Age: 13
Got A Mic: Yes, a blue snowball mic
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both
Skype Name: NoobyGamingHD
PvP Strengths: Sword(Strafing and mcrit-hitting), FnS, and long range bow shots
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights and hackers
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: I have Matt(CruelDefiance) on skype and we team a lot.
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: Well, I have many past experiance with clans but after all the ones ive been in I just cant find the right one for me, I thought for sure I was going to stay in Divine but something happened, I find this clan a fair, hardworking, fun and active clan that is very skilled, I think i could help this clan a lot, And make a lot of new friends, I have applied a long time ago but I didnt get accepted but im back now and have gotton a lot better, Ik my ratio sucks but I actually have a lot of PVP sklls, If I get accepted That would be great and Ill try my hardest in every practice/scrims/battle, If i dont get accepted I totally respect your desicion and I thank u for giving me the chance to apply, I know this mclan will one day be the best and I know youll do good no matter what.
Anything You Would Like To Add: Ummmm, Shhot, I put everything up on the one above lol, .............. Imn diamond donar? and i like pie?
soz you have been Denied


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: NoobyGamingHD
Age: 13
Got A Mic: Yes, a blue snowball mic
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both
Skype Name: NoobyGamingHD
PvP Strengths: Sword(Strafing and mcrit-hitting), FnS, and long range bow shots
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights and hackers
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: I have Matt(CruelDefiance) on skype and we team a lot.
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: Well, I have many past experiance with clans but after all the ones ive been in I just cant find the right one for me, I thought for sure I was going to stay in Divine but something happened, I find this clan a fair, hardworking, fun and active clan that is very skilled, I think i could help this clan a lot, And make a lot of new friends, I have applied a long time ago but I didnt get accepted but im back now and have gotton a lot better, Ik my ratio sucks but I actually have a lot of PVP sklls, If I get accepted That would be great and Ill try my hardest in every practice/scrims/battle, If i dont get accepted I totally respect your desicion and I thank u for giving me the chance to apply, I know this mclan will one day be the best and I know youll do good no matter what.
Anything You Would Like To Add: Ummmm, Shhot, I put everything up on the one above lol, .............. Imn diamond donar? and i like pie?
Not recommended. He messaged me on skype saying to tell to recommend when i don't even know him.


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
All of the people that recommended him he messaged on skype. I got two others guys that told me he messaged them to recommend him.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
All of the people that recommended him he messaged on skype. I got two others guys that told me he messaged them to recommend him.
We honestly don't take recommendations into consideration when thinking of accepting/denying an applicant. Its all about their personality on ts.


Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Dragonfossil
Age: 17
Got A Mic: Yes
Got Skype/TS: Yup both
Skype Name: thenightmare500
PvP Strengths: My strength is mainly with flint and steel, and the bow. I have taken on many 3 teams and won.
PvP Weaknesses: I am weak defending against fishing poles, but only way to defend against it, I do is place a flint and steel and just fishing rod them.
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: Not very often, but I have truced with LoveLights before and have not killed him.
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: I can benefit the team by communicating about strategies I use, and ways I can help contribute to the clan. I would love to learn how to get better in my skills in minecraft.
Anything You Would Like To Add: My quote i go by everytime I enter lobby is, "Stats don't matter to me, only skill is the key" Then of course i put on the pokemon orignal theme song :D.

~Thanks for Reading.
Last edited:


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: Dragonfossil
Age: 17
Got A Mic: Yes
Got Skype/TS: Yup both
Skype Name: thenightmare500
PvP Strengths: My strength is mainly with flint and steel, and the bow. I have taken on many 3 teams and won.
PvP Weaknesses: I am weak defending against fishing poles, but only way to defend against it, I do is place a flint and steel and just fishing rod them.
How Often Have You Teamed With Any Members: Not very often, but I have truced with LoveLights before and have not killed her.
Why Should We Choose You For The Forgotten: I can benefit the team by communicating about strategies I use, and ways I can help contribute to the clan. I would love to learn how to get better in my skills in minecraft.
Anything You Would Like To Add: My quote i go by everytime I enter lobby is, "Stats don't matter to me, only skill is the key" Then of course i put on the pokemon orignal theme song :D.

~Thanks for Reading.
Lovelights is a guy so he*
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