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Emperors EU

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Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
Ik the applications are closed, but sweq.

1. IGN : TomawhawkGoesChop

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : chole12342

3. Nickname/Name : Tomahawk, IRL Name: Neven

4. Age : 13, but I am really mature, as I am a moderator on Cove MC.

5. Where are you from : I am from Croatia.

6. Do you have donator : No :/

7. How many wins: 350+

8. How many games played : 1415+

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : I am really good at FnS'ing, I am also good at fishing roding and I do very well in close quarter fights.

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : Basically my only weakness is (sometimes) bowing.

11. What type of player would you say you are : In PvP, I would rate myself as a 8.5/10, I am not the best, but I am decent. I am also a very good teamplayer and really good at communicating.

12. What clans have you been in previously : #Allegiance, #Exotic, #Cursed

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : Yes, I played with cheezdoodles a few times. I also have 2 very good friends in the clan; Imperial_Wombat and mrmouldymango. Im pretty sure I played with some others aswell, but I dont really remember.

15. How much do you play? I play atleast 15 games a day. On weekends I play about 40 games.

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : I wish to join it, because I was looking for a decent clan, such as this one. I want to further develop my PvP'ing and teamwork skills.

Thankz u for reading my application. Have a good day! :D


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Ik the applications are closed, but sweq.

1. IGN : TomawhawkGoesChop

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : chole12342

3. Nickname/Name : Tomahawk, IRL Name: Neven

4. Age : 13, but I am really mature, as I am a moderator on Cove MC.

5. Where are you from : I am from Croatia.

6. Do you have donator : No :/

7. How many wins: 350+

8. How many games played : 1415+

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : I am really good at FnS'ing, I am also good at fishing roding and I do very well in close quarter fights.

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : Basically my only weakness is (sometimes) bowing.

11. What type of player would you say you are : In PvP, I would rate myself as a 8.5/10, I am not the best, but I am decent. I am also a very good teamplayer and really good at communicating.

12. What clans have you been in previously : #Allegiance, #Exotic, #Cursed

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : Yes, I played with cheezdoodles a few times. I also have 2 very good friends in the clan; Imperial_Wombat and mrmouldymango. Im pretty sure I played with some others aswell, but I dont really remember.

15. How much do you play? I play atleast 15 games a day. On weekends I play about 40 games.

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : I wish to join it, because I was looking for a decent clan, such as this one. I want to further develop my PvP'ing and teamwork skills.

Thankz u for reading my application. Have a good day! :D
Aplications are closed, I believe you will have to re-apply when they are open.


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
helo, cen i join, meib mescet wit nissn!?11!?!!?


Feb 16, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN : PrimeEffect more commonly known as Milo__ on the Hive.

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : You have me ;P

3. Nickname/Name : Milo

4. Age : 14

5. Where are you from : England bby.

6. Do you have donator : No but I get donor from you guys. i jk

7. How many wins: 19 on Milo__ and 500+ wins on different accounts on Hive.

8. How many games played : Like 80 or 90 on Milo__ (have no routes apart from SG4 and Breeze Island 2)

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : I am good with rod and sword combat. My strafing is also better than average because I used to never use my rod. Although I do now.

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : I'm bad with flint and steel and I never expect my opponent to use it either. My bow accuracy is also pretty bad :(

11. What type of player would you say you are : Offensive but defensive when I need to be. Also a good team player.

12. What clans have you been in previously : erm. No MCSG clans xD But a lot of clans on Hive.

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : The majority,

15. How much do you play? Everyday for at least 2 hours. Usually more.

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : Because I like everyone in it and it looks like a fun clan to be in as I've now moved to MCSG. Looks like a great first MCSG clan ;)


Feb 27, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN : PrimeEffect more commonly known as Milo__ on the Hive.

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : You have me ;P

3. Nickname/Name : Milo

4. Age : 14

5. Where are you from : England bby.

6. Do you have donator : No but I get donor from you guys. i jk

7. How many wins: 19 on Milo__ and 500+ wins on different accounts on Hive.

8. How many games played : Like 80 or 90 on Milo__ (have no routes apart from SG4 and Breeze Island 2)

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : I am good with rod and sword combat. My strafing is also better than average because I used to never use my rod. Although I do now.

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : I'm bad with flint and steel and I never expect my opponent to use it either. My bow accuracy is also pretty bad :(

11. What type of player would you say you are : Offensive but defensive when I need to be. Also a good team player.

12. What clans have you been in previously : erm. No MCSG clans xD But a lot of clans on Hive.

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : The majority,

15. How much do you play? Everyday for at least 2 hours. Usually more.

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : Because I like everyone in it and it looks like a fun clan to be in as I've now moved to MCSG. Looks like a great first MCSG clan ;)


District 13
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
1. IGN : PrimeEffect more commonly known as Milo__ on the Hive.

2. Skype name(If private PM us) : You have me ;P

3. Nickname/Name : Milo

4. Age : 14

5. Where are you from : England bby.

6. Do you have donator : No but I get donor from you guys. i jk

7. How many wins: 19 on Milo__ and 500+ wins on different accounts on Hive.

8. How many games played : Like 80 or 90 on Milo__ (have no routes apart from SG4 and Breeze Island 2)

9. PvP Strengths(Explain in detail) : I am good with rod and sword combat. My strafing is also better than average because I used to never use my rod. Although I do now.

10. PvP Weaknesses (Not teams, hackers, etc) : I'm bad with flint and steel and I never expect my opponent to use it either. My bow accuracy is also pretty bad :(

11. What type of player would you say you are : Offensive but defensive when I need to be. Also a good team player.

12. What clans have you been in previously : erm. No MCSG clans xD But a lot of clans on Hive.

14. Have you played with any members of the clan before : The majority,

15. How much do you play? Everyday for at least 2 hours. Usually more.

16. Why do you want to join Emperors : Because I like everyone in it and it looks like a fun clan to be in as I've now moved to MCSG. Looks like a great first MCSG clan ;)
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