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Win an avatar! (Closed)


May 14, 2013
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Enjoy :3 (copy and paste FTW)
One day, little Inuyasha got on the bus to go to school. Little Inuyasha heard two little girls in the back giggling up a storm, so little Inuyasha sat in the back to hear what they were talking about. He listened very hard and never heard what was so funny, so finally he just asked. One of the girls leaned over the seat and whispered in little Inuyasha's ear "Purple passion." Inuyasha laughed so he wouldn't look dumb, but had no idea what was so funny about the word purple passion. Finally he got so distraught about it that he got out of his seat to ask the bus driver. He walked up to the front of the bus and asked the bus driver "What's purple passion?" The moment he uttered the words, the bus driver slammed on the brakes and told little Inuyasha to get off of the bus and take his dirty mouth with him. So little Inuyasha had to walk the rest of the way to school.

When little Inuyasha finally got to school, he was already an hour late. He walked into his classroom and his teacher asked him why he was late for class. He told her that "Well, I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked them what word was so funny and they told me and I didn't get it so I asked the bus driver what it meant and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus." "Well that's terrible! What was the word?" the teacher asked. Little Inuyasha replied, "Purple passion." The teacher's jaw dropped and she began screaming at him and telling him how foul his cursed mouth was. She couldn't control herself, so she decided to send little Inuyasha to the principal's office for him to deal with it.

When little Inuyasha got to the principal's office, the principal was shocked to see him because little Inuyasha had always been a good little hanyou. He asked Inuyasha, "You had to do something really bad for your teacher to send you to me, little Inuyasha. What did you do?" So little Inuyasha explained, "Well, I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked them what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her, she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to you." So the principal asked, "Well, little Inuyasha, what was this word?" "Purple passion." The principal couldn't believe his ears! He had never heard such profanity from a litle hanyou before and had no choice but to expel him immediately. He did not even bother to call little Inuyasha's mother, but instead made him walk home and tell her himself.

When little Inuyasha got home, his mother was shocked to see him home so early because she knew that meat little Inuyasha had gotten in trouble and little Inuyasha had always been a good little hanyou. So little Inuyasha 's mom asked little Inuyasha why he was sent home so early. So little Inuyasha explained, "I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked them what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to the principal and when he asked why I had been sent to him I told him and he kicked me out of school. "Little Inuyasha's mom couldn't believe that little Inuyasha could have done anything that terrible, so she asked little Inuyasha what the word was that started it all. He replied, "Purple passion." Little Inuyasha's mom almost fainted. She couldn't believe her little Inuyasha could utter such a word. She knew she couldn't handle the situation so she told little Inuyasha to sit in little Inuyasha's dad's office and wait for him to get home.

When little Inuyasha's dad got home, his mother told him to go talk to little Inuyasha because little Inuyasha had gotten into a lot of trouble today. Little Inuyasha's dad went into the office and sat at his desk and asked little Johnny what he had done to cause so much trouble. So little Inuyasha explained, "I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word, so I asked what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to the principal and when he asked why I had been sent to him I told him and he kicked me out of school and I walked home and mom asked what I did that was so band and when I told her she got mad and told me to wait here for you." Little Inuyasha's dad knew he must have said something very terrible to cause all of that but he still asked what the word was. "Purple passion." Little Inuyasha's father exploded and started yelling at him and telling him how bad he was for saying that trash in his house and got so mad he made little Inuyasha pack a bag and move out of the house. So little Inuyasha went outside with his bag and started walking.

When a patrol officer in little Inuyasha's town saw little Inuyasha walking down the road, he picked him up in his cruiser and asked him why he was out on the street instead of at school. He knew little Inuyasha was a good little hanyou and had to do something bad to be out on the street, so he asked little Inuyasha why he was there. So little Inuyasha explained. "Well I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to the principal and when he asked why I had been sent to him I told him and he kicked me out of school and I walked home and my mom asked what I did that was so bad and I told her and she got mad and told me to wait for my dad to get home and when he asked what I did I told him and he kicked me out of the house." The patrol officer knew he must have said something pretty bad to cause all that trouble, so he asked what the word was. "Purple passion." The patrol officer couldn't believe that little Inuyasha would say such a thing. He got so mad that he decided to take little Inuyasha to the army base where they could straighten him out.

When little Inuyasha got to the base, an army general saw him. The general knew little Inuyasha's dad from the vietnam war and so he knew little Inuyasha and knew that little Inuyasha was a good little hanyou, so the general asked what little Inuyasha was doing so far away from home. So little Inuyasha explained, "I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to the principal and when he asked me why I had been sent to him I told him and he kicked me out of school and I walked home and my mom asked what I did that was so bad and when I told her she got mad and told me to wait for my dad to get home and when he asked me what I did I told him and he kicked me out of the house and then the patrol officer saw me and asked me why I was on the street and I told him and he took me here." The general knew that the word had to be pretty bad to cause that much of a mess, so he asked what the word was. "Purple passion." The general couldn't believe his ears! He had never even heard such vulgarness from his troops before. So the general put little Inuyasha on a helicopter headed to Mexico to be left on his own out there.

When little Inuyasha got to Mexico, the troops left him in a bad part of town. One local saw the troops drop off little Inuyasha and wanted to see what this little Inuyasha was doing so far from his home, so he went over to little Inuyasha and asked him why the army had sent him all the way to Mexico. So little Inuyasha explained, "I heard these girls giggling on the bus about this word so I asked what word was so funny and then I didn't get it, so I asked the bus driver and when I asked her she kicked me off the bus so I was late for school and when the teacher asked me why I was late for school I told her and she got mad and sent me to the principal and when he asked why I had been sent to him I told him and he kicked me out of school and I walked home and my mom asked what I did that was so bad and when I told her she got mad and told me to wait for my dad to get home and when he asked me what I did I told him and he kicked me out of the house and then the patrol officer saw me and asked me why I was on the street and I told him and he put me on a helicopter to Mexico and now I'm here." The man was very curious what little Inuyasha had said that caused so much trouble, so he asked. "Purple Passion." "Purple Passion!" replied the Old man, "I can't believe you even know the word Purple Passion! So I guess you want to know what Purple Passion is huh?" Little Inuyasha nodded yes and was very excited to finally get to find out what Purple Passion is. The old man continued, "OK Frijole, what you do is you go down this street for three buildings. Go third door on the right three times with your right hand. When a woman answers the door, she'll say "Three three three'. Then you say 'Right right right,' and she'll let you in and show you what Purple Passion is all right?" Little Inuyasha nodded yes and took off.

When little Inuyasha got to the third building on the right he went in and went down the third hall on the right and went up to the third door on the right and knocked three times with his right hand. when the lady came to the door and said, "Three three three" Little Inuyasha replied, "Right right right." The lady opened the door and closed it behind little Inuyasha and then showed him what Purple Passion is.

When little Inuyasha saw what Purple Passion was, he couldn't believe his eyes and ran out of the room and went out the hall and then outside the building and ran across the street. As he was halfway across the street, a semi truck hit him and killed him instantly.

The moral of the story is...
Look both ways before crossing the street.
I no longer like you.


Feb 9, 2013
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Why is it called Windows 8.1 instead of Windows 9?
Because 7 8 9.


Mar 19, 2013
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I asked god for a bike, I knew he would say no so I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

I got in touch with my inner self today, thats the last time I buy cheap toilet paper.

What do you call a spanish soccer player with no legs. Grassy-Ass


May 18, 2012
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What do you call really cool mind control?

What does a lady keep in her handbag?
That's purse-onal

What's a cow's favorite Sci-Fi show?
Doctor Moo

What joke competition is a fight to the death?
The Punger Games

How do you start up a tree?
You log on


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
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Here, i got the best joke ever. My mother always told me this one.

Wanna hear a dirty joke?

Three white horses fell in the mud.

*buh duh toosh*


Jan 16, 2013
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  • A pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says "Hey pirate, do you know you've got a steering wheel sticking out of your pants?" The pirate says "Arrrh, I know, it's drivin me nuts"

  • What's red and looks like a bucket?
    A red bucket.

  • What did the strawberry say on December 25th?
    Berry Christmas!

  • Why did the invisible man look in the mirror?
    To make sure he still wasn't there.

  • Two television sets got married. The wedding was boring, but the reception was beautiful.

    I know it's a lot, but they're all dumb so I don't think any will win xD

    This made me laugh though :p

  • A frog named Kermit Jagger goes to a bank to get a loan. He talks to a tellernamed Patty Mack. Patty asks the frog what he has for collateral. The frogpulls out a small figurine, but Patty says, "I'm sorry, that's just a cheapknick knack." The bank manager had been walking by at the time and overheardthe conversation. Looking over, he said, "This figurine is three hundredyears old -- it's priceless. That's no knick knack, Patty Mack, give thatfrog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
What do you call really cool mind control?

What does a lady keep in her handbag?
That's purse-onal

What's a cow's favorite Sci-Fi show?
Doctor Moo

What joke competition is a fight to the death?
The Punger Games

How do you start up a tree?
You log on
Winner right here. Why?
What's a cow's favorite Sci-Fi show?
Doctor Moo
:D You sir have earned respect.


Jul 21, 2013
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A kindergarten teacher is trying to explain to her class the definition of the word "definitely". To make sure the students have a good understanding of the word, she asks them to use it in a sentence. The first student raised his hand and said, "The sky is definitely blue". The teacher said, "Well, that isn't entirely correct, because sometimes it's grey and cloudy". Another student says, "Grass is definitely green." The teacher again replies "If grass doesn't get enough water it turns brown, so that isn't really correct either." Finally, Billy raises his hand and asks the teacher "Do farts have lumps?" The teacher looked at him and said "No...But that isn't really a question you want to ask in class discussion." So Billy replies, "Then I definitely just pooped my pants."


Jul 19, 2013
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Want to hear a joke about doorbell delivery?

Knock Knock

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