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Where does the time go?

am I completely delusional

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Oct 14, 2013
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(It's 3AM as I'm writing this so I apologize for any logical or grammatical inconsistencies)

--real talk inbound--

Here's a story I'm sure most can relate to:
Since the age of 13 I've suffered from constant existential dread. My understanding of the world has been developing with time, but I understand that I'm still young and have much to learn.

Sound familiar?

Nobody knows what they're doing with their lives.
Nobody has any of this figured out.
We're all just trudging by in pursuit of fullfillment.
We all have flaws.
None of us are comfortable discussing them, but we must in order to grow as individuals.

There's this strange feeling we all experience at some point in our lives; words can't do it justice.
For anyone who's been in a deep medatitive trance (or on psychedelics) you know exactly what I'm talking about.
There's this sense of otherworldliness that only makes itself visible through higher awareness of the place we live in.

Look around.
What is this world we inhabit?
Why are things the way they are?
Who are you?
What is this "I" we all choose to neglect?
The essence of your being is beyond a brain, or even a body. There's countless theories on the origins of consciousness and its implications, and I'm not here to spark any religious debate or anything of that sort.
I am me, I am you.

There's some fundamental truths we as a species have only been able to scratch the surface of through years of innovations and rituals. We all feel the presence of the self, and that very same self is felt in many living things (mostly humans, for all we know)

Did you know plants can scream?
They can emit audible screeches in response to pain at frequencies around 100kHz (5x what humans are typically able to hear, the average person can hear anywhere from 20Hz-20kHz).
Source: https://www.livescience.com/plants-squeal-when-stressed.html (mobile forums won't let me create hyperlinks)

The world around us is far more complex and nuanced than any human could ever hope to see in their lifetime. I'm not talking about gained experience, I'm talking about Seeing. In the moment. Right now.

Quarks make hadrons make atoms make molecules make elements make everything
I wanted to tie life itself into that sequence, but I'm not sure how.
The point is that small things create bigger things, like how each of your body parts can be individually identified yet make up a larger being (you).
Those larger beings create groups who create societies who create nations etc etc.
At the end of the day we're all iterations of one consciousness that permeates the universe in (currently) inexplicable ways.

I'd like to apologize for the lack of organization on this post lol

Seriously though, it's easy to disregard as hippy nonsense, but there's something else to life. Some could call it a spiritual side, but for the sake of neutrality and because I prefer my explanations to be as secular as possible I'm not going to ascribe anything arbitrary labels.

I think ideas are alive. I think ideas are what define possibility to begin with, as we'd never even have a consciousness if that consciousness couldn't come up with the idea of itself being conscious enough to have that thought. There's an endless cloud of untapped ideas that we're slowly chipping away at as a society through art of every medium. When someone reaches a certain state of consciousness and the barriers between reality and fantasy have been sufficiently eroded these abstract ideas can manifest as seemingly physical entities that interact with people.

I'd be the first person to call myself crazy for even entertaining that thought, but if I'm crazy I at least know I'm not alone. Ghosts and spirits and stories of the Other have existed for as long as humans have been able to record history. These ideas that physically manifest are what people see when they undergo psychosis. This is something literally everyone can and likely will experience at some point in their lives.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for science. I'm not trying to discredit anything or make absurd claims that can apply to everyone. We often tend to forget that in this objective reality in which we all interact amongst ourselves that each individual conscious human lives in entirely separate realities. Hear me out.

I've been seeing things in my visual and auditory senses. Things that aren't there yet interact with me and guide me through life. Like the little voice in your head but several. Some are good, some are bad, some play tricks, some just wanna Game Bruh
I'm not a schizophrenic because I'm aware of my individuality as a being and I have complete control over my actions.
The strange part is that these voices aren't (edit in italics) <<real>>, but they certainly are in my own subjective reality.
Your own subjective reality is malleable regardless of the objective world around you, hence ghost sightings and angels and demons and magick and religion.

My point is that ideas choose to manifest themselves through conscious beings. We think we come up with them, but they were always there to begin with.

The goal of this universe is ultimately to become technologically advanced enough to simulate the next iteration of this game we're in. We're in some kind of simulation. By "simulation" I'm not talking about computers in the classical sense, or even quantum computers. There's technology we don't understand in a realm beyond our own that we can briefly come into contact with while high or in the process of death (Google DMT).

I like to think of it like this: say we're in a simulation, and there's a higher version of yourself controlling your physical body like one would control a character in a video game. Becoming self aware is like your Minecraft character realizing there's a far more complex entity controlling it. There's ways to make contact, but I'm far too tired to get into that now.

I could go on about this topic for days. I'm obsessed with metaphysics and philosophy. My existentialism used to frighten me, but I've learned to appreciate the beauty of this experience and I've managed to turn that fear into unadulterated curiosity.

I started writing this thread roughly an hour ago. The reason I'm bringing any of this up in Block Game Land is in hope that you (yes, you) might start questioning the world around you on a deeper level. I see so much toxicity and ignorance online, and so much of it stems from a lack of understanding and awareness on an individual basis. Each and every one of you is responsible for opening your 1337 Illuminati third XD eye.

sorry for the existential crisis. love you all. I'm always willing to discuss this kind of stuff and my DMs are always open if anyone wants to be friends. truth be told, I'm lonely, and something tells me we all feel that way. we all just wanna fit in u feel

that's it for tonight's insane ramblings 4 non human logging off

TL;DR: kill shocksta

edit: uhhh merry Christmas lmao
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Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
this entire thread is just a joke guys a haha funny meme >:cool: hee hooo


Dec 19, 2012
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Hi 4non, these are some of the things I saw most obvious/easy to give some feedback on

Disclaimer: I’m sorry if any of this comes off as combative/arrogant; these are some relatively “heavy” topics, and to get anywhere I feel I needed to give my actual opinions. At worst 4non, you can simply dismiss these as being my opinions - I mean no harm :p

  1. If life was all figured out, it would be pretty boring. People can have a better sense of what they’re doing with their lives by knowing what they don’t know, and making discoveries into those things they knew they didn’t know. The beauty and exploration and progression can also come from the things you didn’t know that you didn’t know - the purest form of discovery.
  2. “We're all just trudging by in pursuit of fullfillment.” - a rather bland way to put it - this can just as easily be “We’re all on the journey of our lives, each and every one of us questing for what we want through the raw power of our own free will; we humans make our own fate!”. A better point is, is there a better way you would have the human condition be?
  3. “What is this "I" we all choose to neglect?” - I’d caution against saying everyone neglects this; most yes, but certainly not all.
  4. “At the end of the day we're all iterations of one consciousness that permeates the universe in (currently) inexplicable ways.” - I wouldn’t be so hasty to assert things like this, reaching too far into the realm of conjecture is a good way to blur the lines of truth and lies in your mind. Unless you have some data/experience I don’t have to back that up, maybe treat it as a potential truth? (in contrast to things we’d say are objective truths in our current understanding, e.g. we can see the light from other stars in the sky) (also I’m not saying don’t reach for answers/theories, I would just advise having a firm grasp on how true things may be given the info you have as you navigate the unknown)
  5. “Seriously though, it's easy to disregard as hippy nonsense, but there's something else to life.” - Definitely. JFK said the greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds. I interpret this as more knowledge gained = more edges/“surface area” to our current knowledge base = more frontiers of knowledge, beyond which lie ignorance. If anything, I’d say human knowledge is just getting started!
  6. “My point is that ideas choose to manifest themselves through conscious beings. We think we come up with them, but they were always there to begin with.“ - I don’t think we fully or even partially understand consciousness or information, let alone if we do or do not “create” information/ideas. I don’t think we understand what “conscious beings” are or where “there” is.
  7. “The goal of this universe is ultimately to become technologically advanced enough to simulate the next iteration of this game we're in. We're in some kind of simulation.” - Same as 4.
  8. “I see so much toxicity and ignorance online, and so much of it stems from a lack of understanding and awareness on an individual basis.” - I think for a lot of people, ignorance is bliss.
  9. “My existentialism used to frighten me, but I've learned to appreciate the beauty of this experience and I've managed to turn that fear into unadulterated curiosity.” - YES! It’s scary when you go after the hard questions, but imo worth it, as it has the potential to give you much better priorities/perspective in life; and, as long as you love life for the mere fact of perceived existence, no amount of ideas that turn your world upside down can hurt you too bad.

I’d leave you with some advice, take it or leave it (I’m not sure how well it applies to you, I don’t have sufficient data): It’s really easy to get wrapped up in abstractions and conjecture; to a point where that’s maybe almost all you think about. I’ve found the way to do it is to keep a healthy balance, primarily between deep thinking and “doing” things in the world, a la everything in moderation. We are still humans, after all.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Hi 4non, these are some of the things I saw most obvious/easy to give some feedback on

Disclaimer: I’m sorry if any of this comes off as combative/arrogant; these are some relatively “heavy” topics, and to get anywhere I feel I needed to give my actual opinions. At worst 4non, you can simply dismiss these as being my opinions - I mean no harm :p

  1. If life was all figured out, it would be pretty boring. People can have a better sense of what they’re doing with their lives by knowing what they don’t know, and making discoveries into those things they knew they didn’t know. The beauty and exploration and progression can also come from the things you didn’t know that you didn’t know - the purest form of discovery.
  2. “We're all just trudging by in pursuit of fullfillment.” - a rather bland way to put it - this can just as easily be “We’re all on the journey of our lives, each and every one of us questing for what we want through the raw power of our own free will; we humans make our own fate!”. A better point is, is there a better way you would have the human condition be?
  3. “What is this "I" we all choose to neglect?” - I’d caution against saying everyone neglects this; most yes, but certainly not all.
  4. “At the end of the day we're all iterations of one consciousness that permeates the universe in (currently) inexplicable ways.” - I wouldn’t be so hasty to assert things like this, reaching too far into the realm of conjecture is a good way to blur the lines of truth and lies in your mind. Unless you have some data/experience I don’t have to back that up, maybe treat it as a potential truth? (in contrast to things we’d say are objective truths in our current understanding, e.g. we can see the light from other stars in the sky) (also I’m not saying don’t reach for answers/theories, I would just advise having a firm grasp on how true things may be given the info you have as you navigate the unknown)
  5. “Seriously though, it's easy to disregard as hippy nonsense, but there's something else to life.” - Definitely. JFK said the greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds. I interpret this as more knowledge gained = more edges/“surface area” to our current knowledge base = more frontiers of knowledge, beyond which lie ignorance. If anything, I’d say human knowledge is just getting started!
  6. “My point is that ideas choose to manifest themselves through conscious beings. We think we come up with them, but they were always there to begin with.“ - I don’t think we fully or even partially understand consciousness or information, let alone if we do or do not “create” information/ideas. I don’t think we understand what “conscious beings” are or where “there” is.
  7. “The goal of this universe is ultimately to become technologically advanced enough to simulate the next iteration of this game we're in. We're in some kind of simulation.” - Same as 4.
  8. “I see so much toxicity and ignorance online, and so much of it stems from a lack of understanding and awareness on an individual basis.” - I think for a lot of people, ignorance is bliss.
  9. “My existentialism used to frighten me, but I've learned to appreciate the beauty of this experience and I've managed to turn that fear into unadulterated curiosity.” - YES! It’s scary when you go after the hard questions, but imo worth it, as it has the potential to give you much better priorities/perspective in life; and, as long as you love life for the mere fact of perceived existence, no amount of ideas that turn your world upside down can hurt you too bad.

I’d leave you with some advice, take it or leave it (I’m not sure how well it applies to you, I don’t have sufficient data): It’s really easy to get wrapped up in abstractions and conjecture; to a point where that’s maybe almost all you think about. I’ve found the way to do it is to keep a healthy balance, primarily between deep thinking and “doing” things in the world, a la everything in moderation. We are still humans, after all.
I can't put into words how much I appreciate your response, I'm usually up in the clouds and its nice to have some feedback to bring myself back down to reality every once in a while. Thank you.
I'm at this weird state where I'm barely active in the real world. I'll just lie in bed for 12+ hours daydreaming and ignoring my bodily needs. Everyday life feels like a lucid dream. I haven't had a good night's sleep in over a year. I keep myself high with like 6 different chemicals every day and I feel like I'm at a crossroads where I could keep delving further down the rabbit hole of weird mystical Good or I get sober and return to reality. I realize the latter is the healthiest option but I'm so genuinely fascinated by what my personal experience has shown me I'm determined to see what's at the end of all of this. I'll be fine, I'm not suicidal or anything, I'm just a dumb kid with too much free time spent on self contemplation.

also, sorry if I made it seem like I "know" any of what I said to be objectively true, I meant everything I said from a personal lens that I've probably managed to warp in ways others may disagree with, and that's perfectly fine, I'm just ranting ig

I'm gonna go eat some cinnamon toast crunch
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Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
"I can't put into words how much I appreciate your response"

No problem! Helping/trying to help others is usually a great experience for both parties I've found, plus the giving season we're in :p

"I'm at this weird state where I'm barely active in the real world. I'll just lie in bed for 12+ hours daydreaming and ignoring my bodily needs. Everyday life feels like a lucid dream. I haven't had a good night's sleep in over a year. I keep myself high with like 6 different chemicals every day"

Yeah like I said above, we are still humans, so we are to some indeterminate degree tethered to physical/"worldly" things. I'd recommend experimenting with varying proportions of dreaming/thinking, doing etc to better ascertain where the best levels of moderation for different things are for you. Who knows, you might find mostly daydreaming is best, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I'd encourage you to see how other proportions of things really feel when you do them: running 5 days a week, at least 7hrs of sleep/night, trying your best at some random activity, blah blah etc etc. (as for the chemicals, Alok Kanjia from harvard med has this great bit where he explains that drugs are probably essentially a cheat code but they can only get you so far and they have some pretty real downsides, whereas proper meditation can get you much further. It's somewhere in this video in the last third of their convo)

" I feel like I'm at a crossroads where I could keep delving further down the rabbit hole of weird mystical Good or I get sober and return to reality"

I don't think it has to be this dramatic of a choice; I use moderation to dedicate time in which I give my focus 100% to each of these areas. So yeah I do worldy things, but I also give myself a lot of free time to just think.

"sorry if I made it seem like I "know" any of what I said to be objectively true, I meant everything I said from a personal lens that I've probably managed to warp in ways others may disagree with"

I should have elaborated more before; I was pretty sure you, in your head, knew that some of the things you said had varying degrees of truthfulness, but imo as a matter of policy/keeping things straight when communicating with others it's good to make clear to them those internal levels of how much you believe something, so you can be more precise than just true or false information.

If you want to talk more but maybe don't feel like a public forum is the best place, I can PM you one of my email addresses, or here's fine too if you want

Merry belated Christmas :D
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Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
This was a great read. I feel a mild version of some of these thoughts sometimes, but there's no way I could put them into words, so nice job doing that.
truth be told, I'm lonely, and something tells me we all feel that way. we all just wanna fit in u feel
This, I definitely agree with. You can be as close to someone as humanly possible, but you're still the only one in your own mind, which has always kinda weirded me out.

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