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Where are all the mods?!

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I'm EU so if you ever hav a problem ask me, :p
Unfortunately im not a mod so cant ban or kick but I can answer questions
Well I'm getting a bit tired of waiting for the hackers to get banned because I can record with no lag, but it's the fact that it sometimes takes so long, before the ''Report Abuse'' section became private I once saw a 4 page long list of hackers and spammers, I looked the next day and they still weren't all answered, but I don't know if this still is the case, I almost never post a report on there because I have Brandon who's always avaible and if he isn't, I'll get Frondome or anyone on TeamSpeak...


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Well I'm getting a bit tired of waiting for the hackers to get banned because I can record with no lag, but it's the fact that it sometimes takes so long, before the ''Report Abuse'' section became private I once saw a 4 page long list of hackers and spammers, I looked the next day and they still weren't all answered, but I don't know if this still is the case.
It is not the case anymore, since it went private it has looked like this almost every day. Sometimes mods need clarification of some things so some may go Un-answered for a couple days. If you cant record the fastest way to get help is to go onto the teamspeak and poke a mod. Now im closing this becuase everyone keeps posting the same thing over and over again no matter what response i give them.


May 7, 2012
Reaction score
Today i just ran in a hacker, and my friend eshan called at least 3 none of them answered, we left the server and went to another one, and ofcourse eu servers are full of hackers and there was 1 there,
he called again, none answered only lemon and fizz came ( i dont know their staff ranks but you know who i am talking about staff members) so they were watching and turns out that guy was flying in the water, he got a ban. the other one wasnt banned even though he had obvious hacks like aimbot and sprint hack... Heres a question: When will eu servers be cleaned from hackers? When will we get more mods? And when will the mods have the will to help us?
The answere to your last question, never. I'm Mr_Lemon_Venom, I try to be on as many servers as I can be, if I'm not busy, I always respond to pokes on TeamSpeak - that's probably the best way to reach me immediatly.

As much involved as most of our moderators are, there are not nearly enough to cover every server 24/7, that's when we need you guys to report the hackers.
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