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What *I think* is one of the most important qualities of an MCSG pro


Sep 26, 2012
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Well, whether he knows it or not- he's mine


Dec 30, 2012
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Amidst all the "use this weapon" or "take this route" threats I'd like to get a little more basic. There is a certain skill, a certain quality that I'm not seeing enough when playing MCSG. If it wasn't for Deathmatch it would probably be THE most important skill, but now it's just liek weally impowtant and stuffs.

I'm talking, of course, about being aware of your surroundings. That probably sounds a lot less exciting than what you were hoping for, but it's just essential.

Now you're probably thinking "I can see the guy running somewhere in the distance, and I think I saw a guy near that three 15 seconds ago". Well that's not what I mean. It kinda is, but it's too simple. You should be aware all players within, depending on the map, a 30-100 block radius. At least.

I'm pretty sure that with at least half of my kills, I get one or two hits before they even turn around and notice "Hey, there's a guy poking me with a stick, what should I do now?". And I'm not talking about some poor noob somewhere at the border of the map putting on his hard-earned leather chestplate - I'm talking about full iron guys who just stand in the middle of a dense forest browsing through the loot of a kill, or pretty skilled players looting chests without checking the area.

It's really funny when I follow you over half the Hungry Hills map, only to find out that you didn't even notice me when you casually open a chest or check out a landmark.

As for myself, I try to be entirely aware of the people in my area of the map. I can safely say that I practically never get ambushed, simply because I notice people coming from far away.

This is not some unique gift that you can only be jealous of, this is a simple skill that you can and should learn.

So. How do you do it? Well, it's a little more complicated then "Do a 360 every X seconds". It kinda differs for every area. If you're in a dense forest like the ones in SG4, I'd recommend looking around a tad more often then when you're in the middle of a giant field. Try doing it this way: Look around, and estimate how far a player would have to be for him to go unnoticed for you. Estimate the time it would take them to travel towards you. Then look around again after approximately half of that time has passed.

Looking around basically means covering 360 degrees and checking for name tags or movement.

Alternatively, when travelling, double tap F5 to look behind you. Don't worry about the sides, if people charge you from the side they will either be visible when looking forward, or they will eventually end up behind you where you can see them.

More practically, I'd recommend turning up the Field of View. You can find this by clicking Options and then it's somewhere in the top left, called "FOV". This is the width of your 'camera' in degrees. It's set to 70 or something by default, but you should turn it up to 95 or something. Don't do it at once, just add 5 everyday, and you'll easily get used to it.

If you're looting a chest or drops, look around before even touching the stuff. If it's just a single chest, loot it, look around again and move on. If it's a lot of loot or the corn at refill, look around for every 5 items/chest you loot.

Again, it's kinda hard to give a specific list of tips on this subject, though I've tried making it a little more concrete with the last paragraphs.

You kinda have to sense when to look and where to look though. If you're in an enclosed enviroment with limited view, you'll understand you have to look around more often, but regardless of where you are, try to be aware of everyone around you, not just in front of you.

If you can manage to do this, you'll do a whole lot better.

Hope this wasn't too long by the way :p
yeah i do the fov thing too, mines at 1.9 which is 146, after 2.1 which is 154 it is just too high and almost impossible to play


Jun 26, 2012
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Well I've always been a paranoid person so this skill wasn't hard for me to learn. I played from the start of MCSG on Quake Pro. I'm used to it and I always see every momevement in front of me. I don't usually check my back unless for these 3 reasons: when being in small places like house,forest,etc. , when going into crafting benches or chest, when knowing that there are better people (Better stuff, teams) I just get paranoide and keep checking everywhere. And if course double F5 while running. I already 'had' this skill but still great tip :)


Nov 6, 2012
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Bluemoon, You are one of the most skilled MCSG players I ever saw! :D


Nov 16, 2012
Reaction score
100% agreed. The majority of my wins are more due to ambush and awareness thanks to people doing the exact opposite of the helpful tips you listed above. Stay aware, kids!
I wish I was as good at you, Your so purrrrfect :'3


Jul 7, 2012
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Pressing F5 every 4 Seconds... ^^

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